a reveal false fluffy by Ms_Random

how it begin to reveal it self to a target, once it made it to the target home you can also tell how hungry an false fluffy is by the color they take one, the more colorful ones are left hungry while the bad colors one are more hungry, got to adapt to lure in food.

false fluffy aren’t very physically strong, they use the element of shock and surprise to kill their prey and some have paralyzing venom on their fangs. false fluffy don’t breed with each other, so their only a small amount, and they’re rather kill each other then mate. if they do choose to mate, they pick a mare fluffy mate and then leave to go hunt for food. leaving future kin fend for themselves, which they die a lot before reaching adult hood, other killed by wild animals, their mother, or nature itself.


What’s going on with the eyes?

Speaking as my character, I doubt I’d be shocked if one of these showed up in my outpost with everything I’ve already seen

But speaking as irl me? If be fucking terrified and would immediately grab the closest weapon to defend myself


the split is their real eyes, the other are fake, their like how butterflies trick predators to thinking their an owl or something

I love this !! Could I draw this fluffy ? :0

yes 100% just tag me in it, cause i love to see it