AAA (Alicorn Asshole Arney) Re-upload (Menn019)

A re-upload of the pilot of Asshole Alicorn Arney, the last upload was just a photo, but i found a scanner in my storageroom.
An abuse oriented pilot.

“How to get your fluffy housebroken in 1 easy step! Results guaranteed!”


Bitch learned a lesson about jokes xd

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Most alicorns are normally smarter as this… But yeah if he has a derped brain… Anyway the shitrat learn it on the hard way I guess and if he didn’t learn his lesson. Well more pain and punishments will wait for him.

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Yup, this alicorn is meant as a derped one, purely abuse for the sake of abuse; an alicorn has more to decapitate, like horns AND wings.
I wanna tone down on the abuse to steer towards neutralbox.
But for Arney i make an exception :sweat_smile:

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Never understood why Alicorns were supposed to be smarter than other kinds of Fluffies


I can’t answer that, that’s something the community decides for some reason.

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I personally like to think that there no difference in intelligence between breeds, but there are personality traits that are consistent: earthies are more laid back, pegasus are more “flighty”, unicorns are more aggressive, and alicorns are more reserved (so people like to think theyre smarter, because theyre not at all risk takers).


Me neither, and that’s why I don’t like or use that headcanon.

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Not everyone. It depends on headcanon. I personally don’t use it in mine.


Nice, sure depending on the artist it happens, how smart/dump they wanna make their fluffies.

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lmao awesome