Adopting a Good Toughie Friend 5 (by: Biorb_McBiorb ){aka me!}

Pedo was worried. His new Daddy was a meanie! He had hurt one of his back leggies! He needed those to run and play! He was scared of his new daddy but he was the Smarty! He was in charge! He was-!

Pedo’s thoughts were cut off as Clint had opened the door to the garage, placing Pedo on his Ex-Wife’s old Craft Table (a cheap plastic fold-able Table covered by a large sheet of metal), and looked down at the horrid mess he had brought into his home.

“Why did new daddeh dwop pedo, daddeh gabe pedo weggie huwties” Pedo ask with a very convincing “puppy-eyed” face, probably hoping to illicit some sort of love out of Clint.

“Because you are a horrible fluffy, you tried to to have sex with those poor foals, FOALS!” Clint exclaims, only to be met with a confused look spreading on the Smarty’s face.

“B-buh those babbeh’s wewe stoopi’ an’ poopie c-cowowed, dey nu desewbe wub, dont desewbe hewd, dont desewbe habin’ new dad-!” Pedo was cut off with a swift smack to the muzzle

“NO, not in this house, you monster, if you wanted to have sex then why not use Kahlua? Why go after specifically Babies?” Clint already knew this sick thing was going to get hurt for what he did, and what he tried to do again, but he wanted to know WHY Pedo decided it was ok to go after the kids, was it Hasbio’s fault? Was it messed up in the head? Or was it his own sick idea?

“W-weww… b-babbeh’s feew b-bettah!”

You idiot.

After a few seconds of silence, Clint grabbed a box labeled “Supplies”. Clint grabbed a roll of duct tape, pinning the Smarty down. He was met with cries and please, but Clint didn’t care now, he had a full on Fluffy predator, and he was sickened. after taping the Smarty down, he looked to a nearby wall that adorned with a Tool Rack, on the rack was a few things he was going to need, a Hack Saw, a Hammer, and an old shirt that had “Buff Daddy” across the Chest, it was a gift he never used and only used it as a gunk rag.

“Say Ahhhhhh…” Clint demanded.

“O-otay… b-Buh can 'ou w-wet Pedo’s weggies go? Wiewd no-mobe not-fwuff huw-” as if to answer Pedo’s Question, Clint jammed the balled up shirt into the Fluffy’s mouth. As Pedo tried to spit it out or ask for help, he was met with a swift hit from the hammer Clint had brought over from the rack, not to Pedo’s face, or his body, but to his other not broken let, right above the “knee” cap.

The Smarty tried to scream but not a sound left the lil bastard. In response to cry for help, Clint brought the hammer down on the two front legs, same as the last leg, just above the “knees”. Pedo was crying, and trying to make any noise, he had to! HIS herd would save him! HIS herd would give this Munster Daddeh forever sleepies!

But to Pedo’s Sadness, no one heard his cries, not even when his New Daddeh took his leggies! He needed those for playing and running! Why was his new daddeh doing this? Did this Munsta like those Poopie Fluffies, and those other Munsters? he was the best Smarty! What did he do to deserve this?

All these thoughts were stopped at the feeling of something cutting into his legs. Clint had begun to saw off the legs, but not before Popping the legs out of their sockets, all to Pedo’s horror. CLint had set his phone off to the side propped on the handle of the hammer. A tutorial was playing “D.I.Y Pillowing, Fluffy edition!” as Clint glanced over from Fluffy to Phone, he was humming, a tune he couln tremember the words to, but man did it feel right at the moment.

As each leg popped out of the socket, Clint gained a bit of satisfaction at the idea of taking all this hate out for once, he never had a REAL outlet, he just had to bottle it up and move one. But now? Ohohoh, he was able to rage, no matter how calmly, he was still taking all his anger out. Plus! It was justifiable! he was punishing a sicko! a real fucking monster. And he was going to enjoy this, hopefully not, Once in a lifetime enjoyment.

The only thing Pedo felt after his legs being cut off was a searing pain on his flesh, Clint was cauterizing the Open Wounds, with a heated paint scraper. Clint knew he didn’t do a great job, but he knew that, he was going to get the Fluffies there shots, and check ups, so he was just going to get the Vet to fix him up. But he was going to take some time to show this… Freak, that he was the boss here not this… Fluff-phile.

“You are lucky, you have such great colors, I was going to leave you out side after i finished this, but you’ll be useful” as Pedo’s new Munster Daddeh said this, he was fading to black, the pain was too much and he wanted his mummah, or anyone to help him.

"I plan on keeping you around, and maybe, with some better behavior, you’ll be able to be a father to those kids of yours."Clint was talking to a now passed out Pedo.

“Ah well, when you wake up you’ll be on the way to the ve-” Clint was interrupted by a shrill cry coming from inside the house. Clint left the now pillowed Fluffy on the cold metal covered table, running into the house, and darting to the Safe-room, only to see Crush and Cooler hitting Bubblegum. Chuck was Standing in-between the Brothers and his mate. Gwen was consoling one of Bubblegum’s babies. Cognac, he had been crushed. Kahlua came running over to Clint

“Daddeh! Daddeh! Meanie Bubbwegum g-gib sowwy hoofsies t-tu cowgnac an’-an’-an’ gabe babbeh f-foweba sweepies! huu-huu” Kahlua was distraught, and was trying to keep Bubblegums other Foals safe, even carrying Mambo along with Bailey on her back, Mambo was crying, and Bailey was hugging him and trying to keep him calm. But Mambo’s brother, Cognac, was dead. And Gwen was hugging him, as if Hugs were good enough to bring that poor lad back. Clint leaned down, and scratched Kahlua’s head, went over to Gwen, and tried to comfort her. “Gwen, let me see he poor thing…”

Gwen raised her head to respond but was cut off by Bubblegum trying to defend her reasoning. “STOOPI’ POOPIE MUNSTA BABBEH DESEWED IT! MUNSTA WAS STEAWIN’ MIWKIES FWOM BESTES’ SENSITIBE BABBEH”

“Crush, Cooler… that’s enough” Clint’s order fell on two pairs of confused Orange Fluffies “b-but she wowstes’ mummah ebew!” “Y-yeah! Meanie d-dummeh mummah!”

“I know boys, you did good keeping everyone safe from that BAD Mother” Cooler smiled, upon hearing the compliment, Crush was happy as well, but knew not to take his eyes off of Bubblegum.

Clint walks over to Bubblegum, who was bruised pretty badly. Looking up at Clint Bubblegum was about to plead and beg for help, but before a word could be spoken, Clint Grabbed Bubblegum by the Scruff of her neck moving her to the Garage. Then throwing her onto the metal topped table, right in front of her passed out Special Friend.

“Thats going to happen to you now, I am not going to let you hurt any more of your kids.” Clint told the pink mom, raising the hammer up in the air.


Gotta love justice!