Adora-Foal! Ch.2 [By Biorb_McBiorb] {Not a one shot i guess, lol}

Dylan stopped at his front door, The Warehouse lifestyle wasn’t for him but it was the best paying job with the best kinda benefits he could land. Before opening the door to his home, he checked his phone.

‘05:53 a.m.’

Yep, that looks about right.

Dylan unlocked his door, not hearing the normal sounds of Otis, pawing at it. Instead, Dylan came into his home now strangely silent. “Otis?” Dylan called out to the darkened living room. From Dylan’s Bedroom, Otis mewled and groaned from being woken up. “Buddy?” Dylan asked as he walked into the darkness of his room. Switching the lights on, Dylan was met with a confusing sight.

Otis had gotten over from the Bed to the Desk, and was sleeping with the four foals in their nest. Stryker was curled up on top of Otis, Empress and Ranger were snuggled into his tummy, and Skyla was resting by Otis’s back. Dylan made sure to get a photo to share with his mom, knowing shed love seeing Otis being a dad.

Trying not to wake up the foals, Dylan turned the lights back low, and changed into some pajamas. Dylan finally plopped down onto the bed he missed all eleven hours of work. “Goodnight Otis, goodnight babies.”

A quiet gruff came from Otis, lying back down with the foals. Dylan was close to dozing off as a strange noise came knocking on his door. Stirring Dylan back awake from his groggy stupor, not really caring what he looked like went back to the front door, and peered out the peephole.


With a shrug, Dylan made his way back towards his room.

‘Knock, Knock, Knock’

Dylan a little more angry now, came back to the door, looking out the peephole he saw the vacant hallway. Dylan, a bit more confusedly opened the door to hear something he wasn’t expecting.

“Pwease! Pwease be nyu daddeh!”

Dylan looked down to see a Earthie Fluffy. She was sporting a black collar with a small tag on base of her neck. Her Coat was Pastel Blue, and her mane was a Maze Yellow. “Pwease! P-pwease! Owd daddeh wiww gib owwies tu Staw-heawt’s babbehs! Pwease! Fwuffy nu wan’ fwuffy’s babbehs to get huwties!” Dylan felt his heart twinge in pain at the thought of Foals being hurt. Dylan looked and sure enough, there were two Foals on her back. One, a Capri Blue coated Pegasus. the Second, was a Golden Coated Earthie. Dylan looked past the begging mother, looking down both ways of the hallway.


Dylan was tired, to exhausted to think about the idea of adopting a full family. But in his weakness he relented. “Okay, but you have to be quiet, okay?” It was obvious she was another tenets Fluffy, Dylan wasn’t adopting her, but instead, he was just taking care of her. “Weawwy?! Nyu Daddeh?! Fank 'ou nice mistah! Fank 'ou su much!”

“So… Starheart, your uh… You owner’s know you have babies?” Dylan asked. “Nu… Buh Staw heawt nu wan’ babbehs! Buh meanie fwuffy come and give bad enfies… Daddeh gib owwies tu Staw-heawt’s owd babbehs when daddeh fiwst got fwuffy, 'cos dey nu pwetty… Buh aww babbehs am pwetty!” She cried. Dylan realized something at this moment. He was pretty much taking someone’s property at this point, Starhear could be chipped, her owner could already be around the corner. “Starheart, I cant be you new daddy. I’m sorry. But Ican make a promise to you.”

The initial knowledge of Dylan not being Starhearts new daddy started some waterworks, but the promise made her curious. “W-… Wuh’ dad-… n-nice mistah mean?” Dylan bent down to pick Starheart up, carrying her with both arms under her as to not knock off her two foals. "Since your owner seems like he wants to hurt you foals, I can-… If you want, I can promise to take care of them, but i cant take care of you as well, your Daddy will find you, and will probably find you and you babies."Dylan brought over Star heart to his bedroom, and showed her the Nest. “P-pwetty Babbehs!” She said excitedly. not even caring about Otis.

“If you want. To keep your babies safe, I can take care of them, give them a nice home. I don’t want you to think I don’t wanna take you in, but I cant promise you’d be safe, but these two babies? I can at least protect them.” Dylan said, feeling a hole in his heart star to develop. “Buh… Buh babies nee’ Mummah!” Starheart tried to argue. Gently hugging the Mare, Dylan set her down. "You seem like good Mummah, and I don’t want to take your babbehs away. But you trusted me enough to take care of you before. Can you trust me enough to take care of your foals?’

Starheart looked down at the rug for a little bit, closing her eyes, she herself relented to the truth of the situation. Dylan heard a loud knocking at the door. “HELLO?! STARHEART?! ARE YOU THERE?” The poor mare nearly shat herself at the loud thundering noises the stranger was making on Dylan’s door. “'Ou pwomise to wub Staw-heawt’s babbehs? to take cawe of dem?” The mare asked, tears begining to well up in her eyes.

“I promise.”

Starheart let Dylan take her foals off from her back, setting them next to Otis and his own four foals, Starheart was now in the upsie-pose, tears now matting the fluff around her muzzle. As Dylan picked up the mare Dylan asked if the two foals had names. "Nu, nu habe names… " Dylan pondered as he walked over to the loud knocking. “Don’t worry, ill make sure they have names, toys, and they’ll even have loving siblings, I promise.” Dylan reassured the Mare, now standing at the door.

“Otay, Staw-heawt twust nice mistah.”

With that Dylan opened the front door to see a man, roughly in his late Thirties, sorry stick in hand. “Starheart! You- oh… Uh… Hi I’m-” the man started. “I know, Starheart here mentioned you, don’t worry shes fine, she was a little shooken up about losing something, crying and saying something about babies? You are here to take her back?” The mans look turned to anger as he heard the lie. Starheart looked away, knowing this is what’s best for her babbehs.

“Yes! seriously, she was my uh- my Daughters Fluffy, she would be heartbroken without her, ya’know?” the mans fist tightening around the Stick in his hands. Dylan didn’t realize, but he too tightened his grip around the Mare. Looking down at her, Dylan gave a light hug, and handed the Mare over to the man.

“thank you man, this mean a lot!” Was all the man said as he turned away from Dylan. with the man holding onto the mare ‘lovingly’ as he left, Starheart looked back at Dylan as the owner and mare made there way down the hall. Dylan caught a glimpse of Starheart looking back at him.

She waved as they turned the corner.

Dylan closed his door, locking it, and made his way to bed. Dylan Looked over the two new additions to the growing mass of Fluffies, the Golden Earthie and the Capri Blue Pegasus and thought to himself.

“Midas and Eros… Your mother loved you… I’ll love you.” Dylan groggily said as plopped back into bed, just hoping for a normal night’s sleep.

Dylan woke up to the sound of Chirping, as Otis had left the nest, and moved over to sleep with Dylan. The now Six foals were hugging, welcoming Midas and Eros with a large fluff pile, as Otis was absent from the nest.

Dylan looked over the foals, and realized something. “I need more Fluffy stuff.” Making a mental note to hit FluffyMart later today, Dylan went about petting with the foals. as Dylan did, he looked out his window, it was always above his desk, so he was able to get a good look at… Not much, mostly the alleyway and the skyline up above.

Normally Dylan would sit down and stare up at the sky, getting lost in thought as he tried to write or to draw.

Today was different however. Dylan played with his four, and he two additions, Midas and Eros. He ‘played’ by just letting them hug his hand, to the Foals, they felt overjoyed to feel something loving and kind.

Dylan was to distracted at the sight before him. Staring down at the alley he noticed something familiar. a Clear plastic bag. Patel Blue contents. Stained by a sickening amount of Dark Red liquid.

Dylan closed the curtains of the window, and set on making the foals and Otis breakfast.

Dylan was not very hungry that morning.


Poor starheart :cry: her remaining foals safe from the owner. May she be happy in skettiland.

But I pray thats the last Dylan gonna adopt,the man needs a limit he can fit in his safe room. 6 foals needs care glad otis is there.


I hope your Midas grows up to be nicer than my Midas haha


For once. This is a Hugbox/sadbox-ish story. He m9st likley will bro bro


Can’t wait for the next part :smiley:


You thought it was a one shot, but it was me~ A SERIES!