Babbehs Bound to Happen Ch.3 [By Biorb_McBiorb]

Your name is Mambo…

You sat in the corner of the Sorry box he was tricked in, he didn’t see his Father reaching down to pick him up, he only felt scared and confused… What had he done to deserve this? Was he a bad Fluffy? Did he do something wrong? You looked up at your father, now swaddling you in his arms, you loved Daddeh, you loved that he took care of you, that he was just so nice to you.

Was he going to hate you now? You knew how he felt, but it wasn’t your fault! It was Baileys! She did made you give huggies to her! You didn’t want to! You really didn’t! He just had to believe you! “D-…d-daddeh… Peep! Peep!” Was all you could muster out of your small muzzle before crying into Daddeh’s Not-Fluff. You wanted to say more, but tears and sadness were all you felt and you just needed something to love and care for you, something that would protect you from meanies like Bailey.

She was your friend… Why did she do this?

Daddeh Clint didn’t say anything to you, but he did give you a great big hug, and took you out of the safe-room. If your see-places were open you would have seen Dadddeh setting you down next to a sink that was filling up with water. When it seemed to go up to your legs, he gently set you in the sink, covering you in nice warm water. He cleaned you off and you coo’d and hugged his hands as they came across your fluff. He used something to make bubbles and they smelled so pretty!

Daddeh was quiet the entire time he cleaned you. After washing out the bubbles, he dried you off with a nice warm blankie. You didn’t want to go back to the safe-room. “D-Daddeh?” You asked looking up at Clint.

It took a second before he answered. “Yes Mambo?”

“C… Can Mambo stay wiff Daddeh? Nu wan’ be neaw meanie Baiwey… Peep.”

again after a few seconds of thinking, your Daddeh finally responded. “Sure Buddy, you can sleep with me tonight.”

“Peep! S-siwwy Daddeh! Chiwp! Mambo namsie nu Buddy, is Mambo! Tee-hee! Peep!” Your Daddeh was silly, but he was such a nice Daddeh, he would keep you away from meanie Bailey! “Your right Mambo… My bad, Come on, I’ll set up a place for you to sleep in.”

“Besides… Kahlua will take care of Meanie Bailey so she wont bother you any more… Okay?”

“W… weawwy?”


Your name is Bailey, and things are not going to plan.

Instead of Daddeh being happy about your new Tummy Babies, he took away Mambo! Now you lost your “Attacker” so you needed to go with a different route. Daddeh Clint left you with Your mother and father looking at you.

“Mummah! Daddeh! Baiwey feew tummy babbehs! baiwey gon’ be soon-mu-” Was all you could say as your mother struck you across the face. “SCREEE-w… Why gib huwties tu Baiwey? Am gud Fwuffie!”

“Nu! Kahwua cant bewiebe ‘ou do such bad thin’ to Mambo! Mambo gud fwuffie! Mambo wisten tu Daddeh! Baiwey nu wisten to Daddeh! Eben aftew Mummah and Daddeh TEWW ou’ “Nu Babbehs!” Ou’ too widdwe!”

There it was again, you had to wait? WHY? You were a good Fluffy! You LET Mambo give you Special Hugs! “B-buh Baiwey am gud mummah! Ou’ said su!”

Kahlua shook er her head and glared at you. “Nu. Mummah Kahwua said ou’ BE gud mummah… WHEN BAIWEY GWOW UP!”

“NU! Baiwey AM aww gwowd up! Baiwey WAN’ Babbehs! Nu maddah wha’ kind ob babbeh, poopie, munsta, BAIWEY WUB AWW BABBEHS!” Why couldn’t Mummah see that you were a good fluffy! You just wanted babies!

“… Daddeh towd ou’ to wait, Mummah towd ou’ tu wait, EBEN Daddeh Cwint towd ou’ tu wait! Buh nu, ou’ nu waited, su Daddeh towd Kahwua tu gibe you choosie.” a choice? GASP was Daddeh going to get rid of your babbehs? “Baiwey get to hab choosie, Keep Babbehs, but hab to… hab to weabe famiwy… ow… wose babbehs an stay.”

“WHA’ NU NUUUUUUU, BAIWEY NU WAN MAKE MEANIE CHOOSIE! NU WAN, NU WAN!” This wasn’t fair! You had to either give up you babbehs or you family? Why would Daddeh Clint make you choose?

“Dummeh Baiwey…” This time it was your new Daddeh Crush. “Ou’ Mummah nu say oddah choosie… oddah choosie is dis, ou’ keep babbehs, ou keep famiwy, buh ou get wowstest huwties fwom daddeh…” with that turned away and left to cam down… He was obviously very mad, but babbehs were supposed to make things better? Why were things getting worse?!

“Baiwey… Mummah Kahwua nu wan’ tu teww ou’ dat choosie b’cus Mummah nu wan ou’ tu get huwties… Buh now Baiwey nee’ make choosie…” You wanted to cry… This was the worst…

What lied before you were three choices… and none of them were good…

The First - Keep your Babies, but leave your Family.

The Second - Keep your Family, but lose your Babies.

The Third - Keep your Babies, your Family, but you need to get hurt for them.

Maybe you should have waited like Mummah said…

Your name is Oingo. And you were beginning to feel angry

And you saw daddeh take your bestes’ friend out of the safe room. you saw that Bailey had did something to him, and that made you so mad.

You wanted to hurt her. But she was a friend, well, she WAS a friend, you hated her now.

You hoped she enjoyed her babbehs… Because now she was poopie list. The list was for the worst of the worst, a mental check list you made for all the bad Fuffies who hurt or did bad things to your friends and family

Pedo was on it.

Bubblegum was on it.

Lucky was on it.

Napoleon and Bun were on it.

And now? Bailey was on it.

She had better be a good mother to her babbehs. Or else you were gong to change her from a “Is on your list”

To a “was on your list.”

Your Bailey again…

“Baiwey choosies… B-Baiwey choosies to get huwties…” As if on queue, Your Daddeh Clint had walked in with Mambo, looking like he just got a bath.

“Well… Im glad you decided to stay with your Family Bailey.” Daddeh said. If he was trying to seem happy, he was doing a very bad job. His face was very, VERY red.

You feel like that was the wrong choice.


Ok first off, Bailey called Mambo an “attacker”, was her plan to cry Wolf and blame Mambo or am I reading that wrong.

Although Mambo being young and mentally behind, he might not even know Bailey is pregnant with his foals, perhaps ignorance is better for him right now

Secondly, I am also happy with her choice because she deserves to have a face to put to her pain, to see the hatred in Clint’s face and know this is her fault.

I want her dead, but I want her to feel the shame before she dies

  1. yes you read that right.
  2. agreed.

I wonder what that 3 option that dipshit choose stay with babies and family but get hurt…is she gonna loose some “weggies?”


Huzzah she chose suffering! Time to take her weggies and sew her mouth shut and set her in a sorry stand until the babies are born, so she can never in any way interact with them but see them and her family all being happy for the rest of her miserable life.

Kind of surprised they’re letting her keep the babies but I think the combo of a too-young mummah and whatever Mambo’s particular genetics are probably won’t last too long anyway.


I would let her have the babies BUT as soon as they’re born and cleaned (let her bond slightly with them) take them away and raise them in an incubator. And then spay the bitch, telling her she will never have babies ever again and all because she couldn’t wait and raped her friend.

Or - sell her to a mill so all she does is have babies that are taken away from her.


Physical pain only last for so long. Heart and head hurties last for a long time. Shunning is a good start. Have everyone ignore her, pretend she doesnt exist. Cut out her ration of food. Only attention she gets is to kick her out of the fluffpile and make sleep alone.


Oh boy, here comes the good stuff.