Bestest Babbehs Ch. 10 (by fluffysomething)

You are Butterscotch, and you are so saddies! Your other baby went forever sleepies because it had sickies, and your secret bestest baby is having biggest poopies! But, he’s not a filly.

“Wowstest tummie-huwties eba! Pwease hew-” Your bestest baby screams, releasing a torrent of little babies from its imploded stomach. Not fluffy babies, but-

“Dummeh Eff-vee-sumfing gib babbeh bad viwus huggies! 'Ou am bad mummah!” You gasp, hitting the oversized virus in its round face.

“Mom-mee say tu, an’ mom-mee neva wong! An’, bay-bee was bein’ bad bay-bee!” It argues, hitting you back with its not-hoof harshly.

“Huwties! Nu wan be nummies! Dummeh bad babbehs, wisten tu Smawty! Nu wan be nummies!” Your bestest baby screams, helplessly trying to pull baby Bestest Sickie Friends out of the hole in its stomach.

“Shuddup!” You and FV-3207 both shout, turning back to yell and hit each other.

You are the bestest baby ever! You don’t know why, but these stupid things are trying to make you nummies!

“Hewp smawty babbeh… Pwease… Am hab wowstest huwties…” You plead with your mummah, as she pushes you away and calls you a ‘bad bay-bee’.

“Nu am bad! Pwea- G-gjuck!” You start choking on one of the dummy babies as it crawls into your mouth.

“Bay-bees! Nee’ git bay-bees!” Your mummah squeals, picking up and holding all the dummy babies. You don’t want sisters and brothers! You’re the only good baby!

Then, you feel sick and your see-places show you weird things! Your world starts to darken as you go forever-sleepies from blood loss from the big hole in your stomach.

You are FV-3207, and you feel so bad! You only have one baby left! Thank whoever it’s your well-behaved baby, though.

“Mummah… Kaff! Kaff!” Your baby sniffles, visibly very sick and very close to forever-night-nights.

What could have gotten your baby sick? Not you, right?


I wonder if 3207 will blame themselves for the foals dying to try and save Butterscotch from punishment or even death. They are trying, even with the typical Fluffy attitude holding them back, so guilt might factor in once last babbeh goes