Bestest Babbehs Ch. 11 (end) (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-3207, and you have the worstest saddies! Your last baby went forever-night-nights last night! You feel so bad!

“Waaaaaaaaaahhh! Bay-bee gu fowevew-night-nights! Am bad pawent! Waaaaaaaahhhh!” You sob, sniffling in the corner of the safe-room.

“Wastest babbeh! Wai wastest babbeh gu foweba-sweepies? It aww 'ou fauwt!” Butterscotch walks over, pointing her hoof at you and crying loudly.

“Butterscotch, you do remember what we talked about, right? If all your babies go forever sleepies, you go forever sleepies.” Your mommy warns, picking up Butterscotch and starting to walk away.

“NU! NU TAY-KE BUTTASCOTCH! It nu hew fauwt! It aww Eff-vee-twee-tuu-zewo-seven fauwt!” You try to shout, your voice trembling out of fear and sadness.

“Oh? Your fault? But, Butterscotch is the mother. You had one job, which is to love the babies. How could it be your fault?” Your mommy questions, kneeling down to face you and putting down a crying Butterscotch.

“Eff-vee-twee-tuu-zewo-seven git bay-bees sickies, an’ Eff-vee-twee-tuu-zewo-seven nu can make miwkies fo’ bay-bees wike housie-fwi- fwuffies can, an’-” You get cut off by you mommy who’s nodding and looking slightly concerned.

“Alright, you’ve convinced me. Butterscotch just won’t be able to have any more babies when I’m done with her, and she won’t be able to talk or have leggies. Got it?” Your mommy speaks, picking up Butterscotch again, much to your dismay.

“Buh, wha ‘bout Eff-vee-twee-tuu-zewo-seven? It am Eff-vee-twee-tuu-zewo-seven fauwt bay-bees git sickies an’ gu fowevew-night-nights!” You cry more, looking up at your mommy and pleading her to do something.

“Fine, you’re getting the sorry-stick for it being your fault.” Your mommy sighs, getting a small stick and hitting you with it.

“Fank 'ou… It stiww aww Eff-vee-twee-tuu-zewo-seven fauwt…” You groan, rubbing the spots where she hit you and walking over to go mewl quietly.

“Look, I’ll be back with Butterscotch.” Your mommy says quietly, walking downstairs and into a weird room.

You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and you had to change your plan of killing Butterscotch to just pillowing and spaying her. Not that it won’t be fun to do.

“Mummah? Nu wike! Nu wike nu-wawkies boawd!” Butterscotch complains, trying to wiggle her legs in the immobilization board.

“I know that.” You say, taking the large blade and slicing off Butterscotch’s legs.

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEE! WOWSTEST HUWTIES!” Butterscotch shrieks, moving her stumps that you couldn’t cut off wildly.

“Now, it’s time you didn’t talk so much. Or at all. I prefer the latter.” You laugh, starting to sew up Butterscotch’s mouth.

“Mmmm! Mmmm!” Butterscotch tried to scream, the stitching letting out only muffled sound.

“Now, no babies. Ever again.” You warn, holding up a pair of scissors.

You are FV-3207, and Butterscotch is back! But, she looks sad. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t have leggies anymore?

“Fwiend?” You ask, carefully coming towards Butterscotch and hugging her.

“Mmmmmm! Mmmm…” Butterscotch sobs, tears coming down her puffy face.

“Am su sowwy weggies weave 'ou… It am aww Eff-vee-twee-tuu-zewo-seven fauwt… Wan gu fowevew-night-nights…” You sigh, crying as well and hiding your small face in Butterscotch’s fluff.

“Mmm-mmm.” Butterscotch muffledly says, patting your not-head and sniffling.

You are Butterscotch, and you feel the worstest saddies you’ve ever felt. It’s so bad, you want to go forever-sleepies!

“Mmm-mmm.” You mewl, laying down in your own tears on the floor. If your mummah won’t come over here and give you forever sleepies, you’ll do it yourself.

About 30 minutes later

After bumping your head on the hard floor, you’ve done it. You went forever sleepies!

“Fwiend? Fwiend? Wakies, pwease.” Your old friemd said, tapping your crushed head. Not that you could hear it anyways.

You just wanted to say one thing to your friend: it wasn’t completely their fault the babbehs died. In fact, it could have been yours.

AN: What do I do for a new series? Comment!


The doctor gets sued into oblivion for making biological weapons.

I’d like that.


I’d say 3207 starts “rebelling” against Harriet. At first it’s small things that can chalked up to feeling depressed about Butterscotch and the foals. Stuff like not immediately following orders, not wanting to give replication Huggies.

But eventually 3207 starts actively acting up, blaming Harriet for not saving the foals, and refusing to do as they’re told because they don’t love “dummeh meanie mummah” anymore


Two of the virus breed and the offspring mutate creating something that the docter cannot control. Like real viruses do.


Ohhh this would be cool.

Maybe it becomes dangerous for humans too and the doctor tries to patch things up as the law gets closer and closer to her.


The doctor catches on of her own viruses and gets incurably sick, spending the rest of her life in horrible pain.