Bestest Babbehs Ch. 8 (by fluffysomething)

You are Butterscotch, and ever since FV-3207 killed your baby, leaving three more left, you’ve been doing everything it asks you to do. And, it actually seems to be a good parent, if you ignore the fact it killed two babies and it made the rest sick.

“Pawentaw viwus wub bay-bees! Am gud pawent!” It squeals, picking up your babies one at a time and rocking them.

“Kaff! Kaff! Peep…” One of the babies chirps, visibly going limp in its arms.

“Bay-bee? Wakies! It am bwight-time, nu dawk-time!” FV-3207 giggles, slowly but surely realizing the truth.

“Bay-bee am fowevew-night-nights? Waaaaaaah! Bay-bee am fowevew-night-nights! Waaaaaaah! Am bad pawent!” It cries, hugging the other two babies along with the other one.

“Babbeh! Mummah, sabe babbeh!” You beg your human mummah, hugging her leg.

“That baby seems to be very sick, but it’s still alive. Butterscotch, you’re the mother, not me. Go fix it yourself.” Your mummah sighs, soon ignoring you and walking away.

“Huuu-huu… Babbehs am sickies… Mummah nu hewp… Am su saddies…” You sob, burying your face in your hooves.

You are FV-3207, and you are so sad! What could have gotten your baby sick? Not you, right?

“Bay-bees am su sickies… Wai this happen?” You sniffle, rocking your three babies and watching as one of them open their eyes.

“Mummah! Peep! Peep!” One of the babies says, looking up at you lovingly as it cuddles your arm.

“Bay-bee open see-pwaces? Am su pwoud!” You cheer, hugging the baby gently and singing.

“Mummah? Buh, Buttascotch am mummah, nu Eff-vee-sumfing!” Butterscotch gasps, hitting the ground with her hoof.

“Miwkie fwiend! Wan miwkies!” The foal giggles, coming towards Butterscotch’s teats.

“Hay-te dummeh Eff-vee-sumfing… Fink am mummah buh nu am mummah! Hab thinkie-pwace pwan tu gib dummeh Eff-vee-sumfing foweba-sweepies an’ git babbehs bac’!”


Butterscotch you ignorant slut

Stop planning shit, your plans are shit


Based BFM101