Better Babies Ch. 2 (by fluffysomething)

You are Princess, and you are so upset! What if those two sickie-friends’ babies are better than your babies? You haven’t even told your special-friend how you’re feeling, because the last time you did, he just gave you lickie-kisses and said that your babies would be good! You don’t want just good, you want your babies to be the bestest babies!

“Speshew-fwend? Am speshew-fwend oh-tay? Wook maddies.” Purple asks, laying beside you and tapping you with his hoof.

“Nu… Am fine…” You mutter, as he smiles at you and gets back up.

“Hmm… Oh-tay! Wub speshew-fwend!” He coos, as you sigh and roll your eyes. You love your special-friend, but he needs to understand that your babies aren’t just good, they’re going to be the bestest babies ever!

“Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks gon hav bestest bay-bees! Soon-pawentaw-viwus wuv bay-bees!” You hear one of the sickie-friends start to sing loudly from their safe-room, as you angrily toddle to the room and walk in.

“NU! Nu, nu, nu! Pwincess babbehs gon be bestesh, nu wittwe dummeh tummeh-sickie-babbehs! Pwincess gon hab bestesh babbehs eba, nu sickie-dummeh!” You yell, finally fed up with them implying that their babies are going to be better than yours.

“Buh, we am fwiends… We supposed be fwiends, wemembew? ‘Ou am soon-pawentaw-fwuffy, an’ Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks am soon-pawentaw-viwus! It maek sense fo’ us tu be fwiends! Wai Pwincess be meanie?” They start to sob, holding their already slightly bloated midsection and singing softly to their quasi-tummy-babies.

“Nu! Dah onwy weason Eff-vee-sumfing am soon-sickie-mummah am dat daddeh du dummeh eck-piw-ee-mint tu mak’ Eff-vee-sumfing soon-sickie-mummah! If daddeh nu du dat, 'ou nu eben be soon-sickie-mummah!” You shout, causing them to gasp and start crying louder.

“Waaaaaaaaahhhh! Wai be su meen tu Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks…? Jus wan wha bestest fo’ soon-baybees…” They sob, looking down at the floor from the bed they’re in.

You have a idea! If you give their tummy-babies forever-sleepies, their babies won’t ever be better than yours!

“Git tummeh-hoofsies!” You yell, as they pause as you knock them out of the rolling bed.

“Owwies! Wai huwt inside-pwace? This am bad fo’ inside-baybees!” They cry out, as you only sorry-hood them harder in their midsection.

“HEWP! NU WAN INSIDE-BAYBEES TU GU FOWEVEW-NIGHT-NIGHTS!” They scream, your daddeh rushing in from all the noise being made.

“Princess, what are you doing to FV-0446!? Are you trying to hurt their… ‘tummy-babies’? Get away from them!” Your daddeh yells, bringing yout downstairs and sitting you in the sorry-box.

“You’re staying in here for thirty minutes, alright? We’ll talk about this when you get out.” Your daddeh says, walking away and going upstairs.

You are FV-0446, and you have owwies! Princess tried to hurt your inside-babies! You’re back in your special bed, and your special-friend is currently giving you toys to play with to hopefully take your mind off of that.

“Speshew-fwiend okay? Am su sowwy that Eff-ay-zewo-seven nu hewp 'ou…” Your special-friend sighs, getting in your bed and hugging you.

“It okay… Wuv speshew-fwiend…!” You smile, as your daddy walks in with a notepad.

“Wai dad-dee hav book? Am doin’ eck-piw-wee-mint?” You ask, as he nods and writes something down.

You are Dr. Clarke Fields, and you are currently taking notes.

Day 2, post-operation

Both subjects seem well. Subject 1 appears to act like the quasi-pregnancy is going well, and I will be doing some exams to confirm this. Only complaint: a fluffy not included in this study has caused harm to Subject 1’s ‘inside-babies’. Is this a cause for conflict between the two?*