Blinky Eyes (Laete)

A show in a streaming platform lived rent free in my head for a few days because I love horses. My intent was to draw the whole gang as fluffies because I couldn’t stop thinking how cute they would look, but I stopped at one to see if you guys would like my style/help me improve/tell me what add or remove. (aside adding expression)

I decided to give some discreet streaks in the mane because this one is based off an existing character who has even more streaks than this one. The pose came from a sticker from MLP G1 and was thoroughly deformed to be fluffy like.



so cute and chonky <3

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Her eyes are adorable!

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Cute! I like her eyes and how soft she looks.


Oooh she is wonderful!!

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Those fluffy ones are the ones I would like to have


Now if fluffies looked exactly like this you wouldn’t really get that cute aggression. You’d want to braid its mane and comb it all day long. Unfortunately most of the fluffies on this site don’t look like this, and inevitably it starts talking at one point.


huge fan of this style of fluffy! i love when artists take inspiration from specific gens of mlp and incorporate them into their designs of fluffies. the hair looks phenomenal!

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So, if the activists didn’t invaded Hasbio before the product was done, fluffies would be somewhat like this?

(Time to pug-fy them a little.)

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So cute! <3

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