Bowlin Fluffies ( Gal-With-Pastels)

some more bowl fluffies for @Lothmar. I Decided to create the most rarest live specimen of the Inverted bowl fluffies, An inverted bowl mare found in the wild. being the first ever recorded female inverted bowl fluffy. i also wanted to make little colt called sand dollar in tribute to sandal.


Is Sand Dollar played by Kwis from Untertale?

oof. What a torment to be an inverted bow1 fera1, a desire to swim but not having the water repe11ant f1uff in the right p1ace. xD

Probab1y part of a herd he1ping out as a nummie/materia1 hau1er. Cou1d a1so be a water hau1er since their back is repe11ent.

i was thinking that she was abanonded by herd herd due to being an inverted fluffy , and perhaps being taken in by the people behind the inverted bowl product testing team

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Bowl fluffies are strange, but the inverted ones simultaneously more and less strange to me lol

Reverse bowl fluffies must be so fragile! With there being no padding on their backs to protect the vital spinal cord