Breeding Centre Blues: Composite Foal (by Newb_ronswek)

The second floor of the breeding centre had three main rooms; the office space where the centre accountant and management did whatever they did, the cafeteria where the centre workers ate, and the room with the caged breeders.

One of the caged breeding mares, a midnight blue pegasus with a flowing gray mane and aquamarine eyes, had been there longer than any of the other fluffies in the room. She’d been a pen breeder at one point, but that was before her behaviour changed. Back when she was called M-15.

CM-20 was what she’d been called ever since she told the workers about her “bestest babbeh”. The other foals she birthed were all taken away when they were weaned, but not her “bestest”, that was why she was the “bestest”.

Martha arrived with a bucket of “Bestest Mummah” kibble to feed the caged mares. The young woman conversed with CM-20 as she scooped food into the mares bowl. “Hello CM-20, how’s your “bestest babbeh”?” CM-20 turned to Martha with a spacey grin, “Hewwo Mawtha. Bestest babbeh am gud, Cee-emmtwenny am gud mummah, wub wingy-pointy babbehs.”

Martha grinned slyly, as she fed the other mares, “That’s nice, hey could tell me what colour your foal is?” The mare continued to dully grin, and replied, “Bestest babbeh am gween wit wong bwack spawkwie manie an’ yewwow see-pwaces.” at this, Martha suppressed a laugh.

The last time CM-20 had described her “bestest babbeh” to Martha, it had been a blue unicorn with red eyes. The time before, it had been a gray pegasus with blue eyes. The only consistent thing about CM-20’s description of the foal was that it had a long black sparkly mane.

M-52 had left an impression on her mother, it seemed.

Martha finished up feeding the mares, and reminded CM-20, “I know you love your “bestest babbeh”, but the foals growing inside you need love too. Why don’t sing to them?” the mare’s smile finally faltered, “Bestest babbeh am makin’ singies fo’ tummeh babbehs…” the mare said, pointing to an empty corner of her cage, “Mawtha nu heaw?”

“Oh right! Now I hear it.” Martha went to leave the room, “Bye CM-20, enjoy your composite foal!” with that, the young woman left.

CM-20 turned to the empty corner and smiled again.

“Mummah wubs ‘ou bestest babbeh…”




Poor thing so basically… she’s bit insane? Like theirs nobody in her cage but herself :fearful:


and her “bestest babbeh”