Chirpie foal in the Wild [ By Bing ]

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The True Ending

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POV: a very spoiled Fluffy gives you sorry-poopies despite doing what you wanted it to do, simply for the hell of it, and now must be sent to the Waiting Room of the Black Lodge


Hugboxer idea: take them home, come up with a not so clever name, and maybe find them a special friend to see what color babbehs they can make

Abuser idea: inject something in their balls/crotch tits on a regular basis until they explode


Sandwiches are always good :+1:

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But you know what’s even better? Cream cheese bagels, toasted! Much deliciousness achieved

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I like toasted bagels with peanut butter better

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I notice the red eyes, correctly diagnose rabies with my giant intellect what do you mean that’s not a real symptom I saw it in a cartoon it’s legit, keep my distance and warn others away.