Choose Your Own Adventure 1 - Little Sister's Fluffies - Part 04 - By Hornlarry (Booru ID 44088)

After the chocolate-poop-pocalypse that happened the previous weekend, your sister starts taking much better care of the fluffies. With help from your mom, she gets a book, designed for kids, on the proper care and treatment of fluffies. She doesn’t feed them anything bad, and makes sure they are safely locked in the saferoom each day before she goes to school. Your parents are very strict on that last rule, as wandering fluffies are well known for having messy, and sometimes fatal accidents.

Knowing that further “accidents” would be increasingly hard to pass off as your sister’s fault, you decide to change tactics. You realise that if you act as though you are a caring and responsible big brother, that you will be the last person they suspect when something horrible finally DOES happen to the fluffies. The plan seems like a good one, but is very hard to pull off.

A typical evening at home has you playing with Dora, who now struggles to keep up with Princess Holly and Barby, while your sister plays with the other two fluffies. Dora’s sadness has become entrenched for some reason. If she really goes for it, she can nearly keep up with her sisters, but having been used to being the bravest and most intrepid fluffy, the loss of one of her front legs hits her very hard indeed. Although she can still trot about, with difficulty, something inside her just seems to give up.

“Huu huu huu…” comes her usual evening tears, as Barby and Princess Holly play ball with your sister, “Dowa nu can wun an pway nu mowe… Am dummeh twee weggy fwuffy naow… Huu huu huu huu huu…”

As always, you comfort Dora, but in a way that undermines, rather than supporting her confidence and well-being.

“Its OK Dora,” you tell her, “I still love you, even though you can’t ever run or play, ever again. Its not so bad, being a dummy three legged fluffy. You can still watch TV, and have big brother huggies. I still love you, even if Candice and the other fluffies don’t.”

“Wha?” asks Dora, looking up at you with a look of misery and disbelief, “Sissies an mummah nu wub Dowa nu mowe?”

You look away for a moment, over at your sister and the other fluffies, who are now settling down to watch FluffTV, lost in their own bubble of happiness and oblivious to Dora’s suffering. When you look back at Dora, it is with a wistful look of feigned sincerity.

“I’m sorry Dora,” you explain to her, “Candice only likes happy and fun fluffies, who can run, and play, and give proper huggies. Dummy three legged fluffies can’t give proper huggies any more you see. And a fluffy that can’t give proper huggies is stupid and useless to Candice.”

“Huu huu huu…” Dora starts to wail, her cries obscured by happy fluffy songs, playing on the FluffTV, “Dowa am usewess Fwuffy. Can nu gib huggies nu mowe. Huggies is most pawtant fing in da wowld. Huu huu huu huu huu…”

Worried that you sister will hear Dora’s crying, you gently pick the fluffy up and carry it to your own room. You have done this before, and your sister and parents think it is kind of cute that you are making friends with Dora, and taking care of her after her injury.

“Why mummah nu gib huggies to Dowa? Huggies make fings betta 'gain. Make weggies come back?” Dora asks.

You sigh, “Its because…” you pause, for maximum impact, “I’m afraid its because Candice doesn’t love you anymore.”

“Huuu huu huu huu huu!”

“But I love you,” You lie, hugging the fluffy until it stops weeping. Then, you decide to up the ante.

“Dora, if I tell you a secret, do you promise not to tell anyone else?” you ask.

“Secwet?” Dora says, her ears perking up, “What am secwet?”

“You have to promise Dora,” you say sternly, “No telling Candice, or the other fluffies, or Mom or Dad.”

“Dowa pwomise! Nu teww anyfwuff!”

“Well, Candice used to have another fluffy.”

“Anudda fwuffy? Whewe am fwuffy naow?” Dora asks, looking puzzled and afraid.

“She got hurt, the fluffy that is. The vets had to take all her leggies.”

“Huu huu… Fwuffy nu wike dis stowy!” Dora says, starting to sniffle again.

“Neither did Sparklehorn. That was the fluffy’s name. Sparklehorn got really sad after she became a dummy no legged fluffy. All she did was cry. So one day…” You look away, as if reluctant to tell the story any further.

“Wha? Wha happen to Spawkew-Hown?” Dora asks, pressing her last front leg against your hand.

“Candice… Candice threw her in the trash.” you say, pretending to sound choked up, but in reality, stifling a laugh.

“Mummah-Candice thwow fwuffy in twashies!” Dora gasps, “Candice am bad mummah! Huu huu huu… Candice wiww thwow Dowa in twashies too… Wha happen to Spawkew-Hown?”

“I’m afraid she starved to death. It took days. Every day she would cry and beg to be let out of the trash bin, and she survived by eating yikky horrid things in the trash bin. But Candice just laughed and called her a dummy. Eventually she died of tummy owwies,” you tell her, deliberately adopting fluffy speak to make Dora understand your lies, “You know what died means? It means, forever sleepies.”

“Huu huu huu huu huu…” Dora wails, “Candice am mean mummah! Dowa nu wan live in twashies! Nu wan num yikky nummies! Nu wan fowevew sweepies! Huu huu huu huu huu…”

You smile to yourself, having managed to totally break the young fluffy.

“Don’t worry Dora,” you tell her, snuggling her close, “I will protect you, just remember, don’t tell ANYONE about Sparklehorn, or she’ll throw you in the trash for sure. If you keep it secret, Candice will probably just ignore you. You can be my fluffy instead if you like. How does that sound?”

Dora manages to calm down and stop her relentless huuing after a short while. “Fwuffy can, stay wid big bwuddah? Be nyu daddah? Weawy?” She asks, managing to sound adorably cute. The look of longing in her eyes as she looks up at you makes you want to smash her with a baseball bat.

Instead, you smile

“Yes, I’ll be your new daddy if you like, but I’ll be your secret daddy. Don’t say anything to Candice. Just keep quiet and she will probably ignore you. And DON’T mention Sparklehorn, or its the trash bin for you for sure.”

“Nu! Nu wiww say anyfing 'bout Spawkew-Hown!” Dora promises.

And so the next part of your plan comes to fruition.

Over the next week, you spend every evening with Dora, pretending to keep her safe from an evil Candice. Candice doesn’t mind at first, but then she becomes curious, and finally demands that you “give her fluffy back.”

Of course, then you respond by asking Dora what she wants.

“Umm…” Dora says, looking timidly at Candice, “It am otay mummah, Dowa wike stay wid big bwuddah…”

This makes Candice stomp off to your parents room, demanding that they return Dora to her, and that you have stolen her. Your parents disagree, saying that you have taken good care of Dora, and probably just feel bad about her losing her leg after she fed the fluffies chocolate. When Candice’s smarty demands are not met, she immediately starts with her huuing act, saying how it is not fair, that the fluffies are hers, and that you are a big meanie etc etc etc…

Your parents then start to tell her off. They say she has not been cleaning up after the fluffies, and that your father is sick and tired of cleaning up their poop. They tell her that she has to take better care of them, and clean up any bad poopies they make, or they just might reconsider letting her keep fluffies after all, and send them all to a shelter.

This makes Candice cry even harder. She promises to look after them better, and to clean up any accidents they might have (which is a lot, for Barby at least, being the most scared and timid fluffy imaginable). Eventually your dad apologies for losing his temper, and gives Candice a hug.

The evening ends with your parents deciding that she has not been playing with Dora since she lost her leg, and that two fluffier are enough for her anyway. They ask you if you like Dora enough to keep her, and you agree. You are now officially the owner of a blue fluffy named Dora.

“Nyu daddah? Weawy?” Dora cheers.

Even though Dora is perfectly capable of trotting, albeit with some difficulty, over time, your constant reminders that she “cannot run or play ever again” eventually convince her that she is a cripple now. Her sense of helplessness has caused her to give up even trying, and she resorts to having you carry her around everywhere, making her totally dependent on you.

Deciding that you need her on your side to torment the other fluffies, you come up with a cunning plan. For your next round of torment, you decide to mess with the other fluffies. First, you wait until your sister is at a friend’s house for a play date. Then, you find your radio controlled car. Using some card and a glue gun, you make a seat for Dora to sit on, and start to drive her around the room with it. Most fluffies would find this terrifying, but Dora seems to love it.

“Yay! Fwuffy am VWOOM MUNSTAH! Vwoooom! Vwoooom!” she cries, happy for the first time since she lost her leg ten days ago. “Wook out dummeh fwuffies! Dowa wiww num yu!”

You race up to the other fluffies. Barby is utterly terrified that her sister has grown wheels and is now a Vroom monster, and runs away in terror, and immediately starts crying, hiding back in her nest and shitting herself with fear.

“Mummah! Mummah!” Barby cries and wails for help, but Candice is no-where to be seen.

“Sissie-Dowa nu am munstah! Fwuffy nu wike dis game!” Princess Holly practically barks, “Stahp dis stoopid game naow!”

You respond by racing Dora straight into the retarded fluffy’s nose, bopping her with the bumper of your racing car.

“Owwwies! Huu huu huu… Meany sissie gib smeww pwace wowstest owwies! Huu huu huu!”

Princess Holly runs to the nest, and hides in there with her sister, crying, but managing not to crap herself with fear. You dad hear’s the commotion, and enters the room, asking what is going on.

“Barby has crapped herself dad. She’s practically retarded!”

“Don’t use that word Anon,” your father tells you.

“Huu huu! Meanie sissie an big bwuddah huwt fwuffies!” wails Princess Holly.

“No I didn’t!” you argue, “They’re just scared of the remote controlled car dad.”

“Yeah! Dummeh fwuffies am scawedy fwuffies!” squeaks Dora, defending her new daddy.

“Okay, take that car and your fluffy out of here. Its scaring the other fluffies.”

Your dad looks really angry, so you quickly leave the room. He doesn’t get like this very often, but when he does you have learned to make yourself scarce. From your bedroom next door, you listen with a mixture of fear and anticipation as your father utterly loses his shit with the quivering fluffies.


Dora shivers in your hands, and the other fluffies start wailing and chirping with fear. If your mom or Candice were here, he’d at least try to contain his anger, but it seems their absence is releasing something he has kept pent up for the last two weeks or so since they bought the fluffies for Candice.


“Bu-bu-but… fwuffy nu wan num poopies!” you hear Barby’s feeble begging.


Your eyes widen at the sound of a fluffy being beaten!


“Nuuu! Nu wan sowwy stick!” the fluffies wail and beg. To their further misfortune, you hear the sound of Princess Holly, crapping herself with fear.


The fluffies try to beg a little more, but the sounds of both of them receiving four or five blows with whatever your dad is using is enough to convince them that resistance is futile. Eventually their wails and scree’s are replaced with more pitiful weeping, and the sounds of them numming their own foul excrement.

“Huu huu… Nu wike num poopies… it nu taste gud!” cries Holly, a princess no more, at least for the moment.

“Good!” Your dad says, apparently calming down, “Now LICK IT CLEAN.”

“Nuu! Nu wan wicky-cweanies poopies!” she begs, quickly following by a whack, a scree, and a “Nu wan sowwy stick!”

Eventually, the fluffies cry and complain some more, but give their bed “wicky-cweanies” just like a mother fluffy does with her babies. A few moments later, your dad tells them never to poop on the floor again, and shuts the safe room door. A heartbeat later, and he is in your room, clutching a rolled up newspaper in one hand, and looking embarrassed.

“Er… I’m sorry I was shouting so much Anon,” he begins, sitting down at the foot of your bed. Dora buries her face in your hoody and tries to hide, squeaking about a “munstah”.

“Look. Don’t tell Mom and your sister OK Anon? They wouldn’t understand. I’m just sick and tired of cleaning up after those fluffies. Your sister needs to train them, like you have with Dora.”

“Yeah, I get it dad,” you agree with him, “I won’t tell.”

“Good. I’m proud of you son,” your dad tells you, patting you on the leg, before getting up and leaving your room.

Now you have something you can use against your dad if you ever need to.

What do next Anon?

What do?


Link to Index of Hornlarry Stories


This is the final part that was written for the Booru, so if you write ideas below, I’ll write another part of this story and post it tomorrow night. I’ll also look back over the last few chapters for ideas people wrote there.

Insane ideas like BARBEQUE ALL THE FLUFFIES NAOW! might feature in Anon’s head as a fantasy, but more realistic things he can get away with, and pass off as an accident, or blame on his sister (or his dad) are more likely to actually occur.

Last thing is, people on the Booru were a bit attached to Dora as becoming Anon’s partner in crime if I remember correctly. We can continue this, or he can continue to torment her.

I hope you’re enjoying it so far


I honestly would like if Anon started to actually enjoy spending time with Dora, maybe even having actual fun with her. Of course, she might end up enjoying the feeling of having a big and strong daddeh who makes her feel like a special fluffy again (of course, it was him who caused her misfortune and fueled the flames of her insecurity).

All in all, the father becoming the real “abuser”/punishment giver is something I like. It gives his characher depth.

Maybe have Anon realize that fluffies are more like people than he thinks. With proper guidance, Dora might grow on him and become an actual companion/accomplice for his raids on the spoiled fluffies of his bratty sister.


OK, I’ll take that as one vote for befriend Dora and “justified abuse” of the other fluffies


I think it’d be cool to see Anon turn Dora against her sisters. Maybe influence her to bully the others so Candace has to watch these fluffies she love fight it out.


More or less. As much as I’d want him to be a good guy, he is a kid who probably seeks to take his resentment towards his bratty sister out on her fluffies. I can get behind that, as long as he stays a 10 year old and not Jack the Ripper mixed with Sun Tzu.

This part in particular led me to think that.

Plus, maybe once he manages to get his sister in trouble, it would be funny to see him becoming the daddy for a trio of broken fluffies, but Dora will suffice if the other two have to go.


It sounds like absolutely nothing this kid did was at all necessary. If the dad gets that angry over fluffies shitting everywhere, that is bound to happen naturally.


Skip part 5 and go to part 6: An episode of Dr Phil about “My brother made my fluffies kill each other” or something equally grim related to the fate of the fluffies. And have the characters explain what happened in that format.


As in most parts of this story I apeal no I beg you to youse the mighty glue be it the Humble Elmer’s glue or the bringer of sticky fingers Super Glue, oh please mighty Hornlarry ibeg only of the to end or hurt Princess holy with glued of Asshole and maybe shredded intestine wia glitter.

For Barby is only the scare torture the true way to go dying true scare indused heart failure.

My opinions on Dora are mixed I would like for her being his accomplice who gets even love but also is gaslightet and abused by him and straight up abused by her Sisters which gets Candice in trouble who now starts bullying Dora to which makes Anon angry who realizes that the little crippling has become something important and special for him.


I also vote for partner in crime Dora! And for feasible torments…. Diatomaceous earth is a very irritating substance, sprinkling some in the carpet could cause some mysterious misery. Or just a stealthy application of itching powder. Even intentionally infesting the house with fleas. Add a little something to carpet powder to ‘help clean up the poop’ could cause chemical burns. Whoops, must be the fragrance in it. Beans and cabbage snacks to make them fart machines.


I’m all for Anon using Dora as both a partner-in-crime and as a tool to make his sister look bad by treating and training the fluffy well.

I doubt there would be very little Anon would love more than hearing “Why can you be more like Anon?” and “Where can you train your fluffies to behave like Anon did with Dora?”, all the while continuing to do things in secret to make Candice look bad and set her up to fail.

I’m motivation for wanting this is to cut some of the abuse with nice interactions which will then make the minor abuse parts really pop in comparison. That, and I like diverse and complex characters and would love to see Anon go from tolerating Dora to liking her…for a fluffy (as long as she continues to help move things in his direction, which might even include using her to lure in strays. Strays would allow for better stress relief without getting in trouble for Anon, his dad, and even possibly Dora).


Oh my, I love that. I can imagine that they continuously think they are making bad poopies because of it and keep breaking down crying about not wanting to num the poopies, only to look back and see nothing. Maybe they think the shit is running off and hiding or even crawling back into them. Lol

Only for them to actually shit and not notice later on.


Barby needs to be separated from the others. Anon needs to lure away and into some form of closet or wardrobe, somewhere where there’s little to no light.

Barby freaks the fuck out, shits all over everything - bonus points if it’s his parents clothes - then Anon can feign ignorance. “I had no idea she was here, we’ve been looking for her all day”


Little anon gaslights his parents into thinking the other fluffies are bullying Dora for only having three legs. Punishments ensue like taking away of toys or something like that. Meanwhile anon lavishes Dora with affection, making sure the other fluffies see it to breed further resentment between them.


Anon befriending Dora over time seems like a good plan. Anon also gaslighting his parents into thinking that Princess Holly and Barbie treat Dora poorly due to having three legs is a realistic idea. Even just having them see Dora’s siblings not noticing Dora’s struggles, or even getting Princess to complain about having to change play time for Dora could be proof enough.

Even though Candice has the book that covers how to be a good fluffy caretaker, it was never mentioned whether the book only focused on what foods not to feed fluffies or if it included foods to feed fluffies as well. Since Candice is young, she may still have a dislike for vegetables and could try to pretend to eat them while actually feeding Princess Holly and Barbie instead. Anon could get the two interested in vegetables via feeding Dora one and claiming the vegetables are very tasty treats. Candice could see this as a win win situation once her fluffies ask for lots of vegetables. However since she fed them too many instead of just one, it results in the fluffies having stomach pain, gas and extra smelly greenish poop. The smell, discomfort and stress from everything makes the largest and most putrid mess yet, making mom and dad pissed. Candice gets in trouble too for refusing to eat her vegetables and pretending to have eaten them.

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I think some time trying to ‘make up’ with the other fluffies, while gaslighting them with things like tricking them into telling Candice that Dora deserved to lose the leg, might be a good idea. It should at least be in his head now he’s seen how gullible Dora is.

Another option would be taking Dora on trips to the garden to play vroom vroom outside, mentioning afterwards each time to the other two how sad it is that Candice never takes them outside where the grass is fresh and fun to run in and nobody cares where you leave poop.


Have Anon offer to watch the fluffies whenever Candice is off doing… whatever. Put on FluffTV. The later at night stuff. Either the ones fluffy porn ones or the " scare them straight " type stuff.

Horny or traumatized fluffies ahoy!

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Thank you so much for reposting these! It’s wonderful to be able to read these again.

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Maybe he could trick Princess Holly into thinking she could take out his dad but make her think it’s her idea?
Give her artificial smarty syndrome through flattery and faking backing down when she demands things.

Please make at least a plan in anons head to turn her into a broken fluffy or a ‘monster’
Just so she is a true partner in crime, not loving her former family anymore and not caring when something happens to them, forever caring only about anon

Anyway as for real ideas, make anon actually like her, training her so she’s ‘amazing’ fluffy and anon is the ‘best owner ever’ and sister should be ‘more like her brother’

Also might i get descriptions of all fluffies and sister and anon please?

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