Cold and alone (partial story) (by Eidalac)

Note - This is an unfinished bit I found. Can’t recall where I was going with it, so I figured I’d post what I had.

You are a tiny fluffy. You have some red fluff, but it’s short and you lost some of it in the before time. The before time gives you head and heart hurtties, and you start to suck your hoof just thinking about it.

You don’t have a mamma or dadda. You have a stuffy friend but… giving it huggies makes you sad and you can’t think. You only hug it when you really want to stop thinking. You think alot. There are no friends or toys and it’s always so quiet.

The place you are in is cold, it’s always cold. The ground has lots and lots of small owies a bunch of tiny pointy bad owies and black sticky places that pull your fluff bad. You got trapped in the sticky places before and made bad poopies before the monster came and pulled you off to give you nasty hurties.

The monster is big and mean and loud, it says bad words and gives you hurities if you make poopies or peepies in the wrong place (the biggest pile of small owiews) or if you don’t drink all your milkies.

The milkies don’t smell pretty and give you heart hurties. They are cold like everything else. You don’t want to drink them, but the monster will put you in burny water if you leave any.

There are no bright times or dark times, so it’s hard to remember. The monster is also very quiet when it’s not making bad words. You always have to find the milkie place as soon as you wake from sleepies so you don’t forget.

You don’t want more hurties.

It’s hard, because you can only sleep with your stuffy and it makes you not think. You aren’t sure if it’s really a friend, but you don’t have anything else. That makes you cry. You do that alot.

The monster also moves the milkie place, so you have to find it and sometimes get a small or pointy owie on your hoofs. You don’t want to, but they don’t hurt as bad as the monster.

The monster doesn’t have a face, just big not-hoofs and a scary mouth with the worst words. If it’s mad it takes you to an even colder place and gives you burny hurties.

It did something worse in the before time, that you can never think about.

You look over and make sure the milkie place is empty, then crawl to your stuffy. You don’t want to think any more.

Some time later you wake up. There are no bright times here, but you think it’s been a few bright times since the monster last gave you owies, so you can sit on your back again while you wait to be able to think again.

You realized the monster is there, outside the place you are in.

You start to suck your hoof and sob.

The monster is putting a big thing in the outside place. You don’t know what it is, but it’s probably not good, so you keep watching. Eventually the monster comes out from behind the big thing and is looking at you.

You realized you haven’t been to the poopie place or drank milkies yet. That makes you scared and you clutch your tail and start to rock back and forth as the monster looks at you.

Its mouth moves like it’s talking but there are no word sounds. It does that alot, and only makes word sounds when it’s really angry and using bad words. You want to run away, but there isn’t any place to run and the monster is much much faster than you.

As it reaches down you start to peep and close your eyes.

Nothing happens.

After a forever you open your eyes slowly.

The monster has your stuffy friend. Your only friend.

Silently it pulls and your only friend is gone, it’s white insides fall down past the edge of the world.

You remember the before times. You had a daddy, but it was a monster. You were so happy, but daddy took away your fluff with burnies. It put you in bad burny water and put hurties in your no-no places.

Then it put hurties in your hearing places. You didn’t have see places yet, so all you could do was feel the burnies.

You wanted to die.

But then you were warm and your tummy felt really good. You had hurties all over and the worst heart owies but you didn’t want to die.

You are warm again. You feel sick, but you are warm in the first time in all the forevers. There is something covering you and you feel something you are hugging.

You don’t open your eyes and keep hugging it.

You know it’s another funny smelling stuffy, and you know the warm blanket will go away.

The monster will be back to give you the worst hurties.

But right now you don’t need to think so you don’t.

You can’t be scared or have heart hurties if you never think again.

You are cold again, the monster took away the blanket.

You have bad hurtties again, the monster gave you a sorry stick and burny water for not drinking mikies and making bad poopies.

It’s hard to walk to the milkie place and they taste really not pretty. You have to make sick water and barely make it to the poopie place in time. You are so weak you fall asleep in the poopie place.

As I recall, this fluffy is in a pen with gravel, push-pins and Velcro patches. The milk, stuffed toy and blanket are all laced with some sort of chemical to prevent the fluffy from getting real comfort from them.

I think i was going to have the human put up a TV showing happy fluffies for some further pointless torment, but that didn’t really fit with the idea of keeping it in such isolation so I think that’s where I petered out.

edit - fluffies don’t have thumbs, silly me.


seems as good a place as any to stop, tbh. Not a whole lot else to do that doesn’t change the tone.


Good abuse. Much wow. Approval seal.

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