Daisy's herd part 1 (Vee_and_mochi)

Ive decided to mix @BloodyBoots idea with @LegendGW. @SqueakyFriend i like your idea aswell so ill try to incorporate it!!

Daisy wakes up as always at 4:59 am. She turns her alarm off before it annoys her again. While heading to the kitchen she looks out to her now empty fields. 'I need new animals.' She says hello to her little bearded dragon Henry. She makes a nutritional salad with wax worms and meal worms for him them makes her own breakfast.

6 am
She just got her hair all dried when she hears a… knock? How can that be, she lives in the middle of nowhere! She was pulled out of her thoughts when she hears it again. She opena the door and… nothing?
“Down hewe dummeh hommin!”
Its a god damn fluffy. She looks down to see a small herd of 7 fluffies and what looks to be 5 foals.
“Gibe bestest smawty, bestest babbeh, and beatest special-fwiend sketties and warm housey! And wet herd wive in big field!! NAO!!!”
Yeah no, not happening. Daisy looks at the entire herd before deciding what to do.
Smarty: Blue unicorn stallion. Severe case of smarty syndrome
Smartys mate: Yellow Pegasus, looks to be upset about something, personally not known.
“Bestesh babbeh”: blue unicorn colt, seeming to stay in between you and something he is determined to not let you see
Toughie 1: Green earthie male, looking at a small purple foal withq disgusting look
Toughie 2: Black earthie male, protecting a soon mammah and a mothering mare.
Soom mummah: gray unicorn, looks to be a day away from become immobile.
Mother mare: Purple Pegasus. Has three babies but looks to favor a black one.
“Poopie fluffy”: Brown allicorn mare. Badly hiding a horn but seems to have none of the herd notice. Caked in shit.
Purple baby: Filly, walkie talkie. Needs to be feed more
Black baby: colt, walkie talkie. Needs a fucking diet
Blue baby: colt, walkie talkie. Sleeping
Brown baby: hiding behind the bestest baby. Filly. Runt and chirpy, close to talking. It can walk, kind of.

After taking a good look at the herd Daisy decided to use the sheds again.
“Alright fluffies, follow me to your new homes.”
They all look happy and start to follow her. She puts them in the first shed and gives them a few rules.

  1. Dont demand
  2. No raping
  3. Feed ALL babies
  4. Dont kill a baby, leave it for her
  5. Be hood and you may move up, be a little shit stain and youll wish you had “forever sleepies”
  6. Refer to her as “Nice wady” unless stated otherwise
  7. Baths are Tuesday, sketties Friday.

She believes these are normal rules and start directing fluffies to the house for a bath. She picks up the little runt much to the bestest babbehs discomfort. She firat baths the allicorn. There is the normal “Wawa bad fo fwuffy… huu huuu… no wike wawa” but otherwise it went well. She decided to name the allicorn “Frisky”
“Fwiskeh wuv namies!”
Next the toughies. The black one trie to give her “sowwy poopies” which severely pissed her off. She named him dipshit.
“Dat bad namies! Wan gud namies!!” She put dipshit into a bow that was originally used for pig organs when she was done. The other toughie tried to hide from the water. She named that one “Rudy”
“Wudy wike namies! Tank ou!”
Next was the mother and her three babies. The blue baby did very well and slashed around. The purple baby was afraid but slowly joined her blue brother. The black one was freaking out and shitting on his mother and siblings, much to thier discomfort. The mother was trying to protect her black baby… qnd only hed black baby.
Daisy makes sure to srub her and her little “Bestesh babbeh” rougher then the other two foals. She decided to name the blue one “cloudy” the purple foal “lilac” the black one “david” after her horrible ex bf who cheated on her with her god damn sister, and the motner “Karen” because it suited her.
“Wi…Wiwac wuv nu namies!”
“Cwoudeh wuv cwoudehs and sissie wiwac namies!”
“Davvid wike bestesh namies.”
“Kawen wike nu namies!”
Daisy decided to put lilac and cloudy in a spare smaller tub so they can continue playing while she bathes the smarties bestesh babbeh and the little runt. The little colt was demanding to kniw where his sister was which mad daisy a bit angry because she just explained the fucking rules, but she gave him a stren warning before putting the runt in the bath. The little colt instantly ran to his sister to check on her.
“Swissie otay? Any owwies?”
The runt chirped to her brother, letting him know shes okay.
“Das gud, bestesh babbeh pwomise to pwotect bestesh sissie!”
Small happy coos from from the runt. Daisy was surprised to hear the the bestesh babbeh was friendly, hell brotherly to the runt. She quickly washed them qnd named the colt “Jasper” and the filly “Poppy”
“Jaspper wuv sissie poppehs namie! Wuv nu namie tu!”
Daisy dried them both off before putting them jn the basket she carried the runt in, she made sure to watch them both like a hawk just in case. Finally the smarty and his mate. The mare did normal and got named “Deedee” to which she liked. While the smarty was a whole other story. Contasnt bicthing, shitting, pissing, and he even tried biting. She named him “Shit eater”
Daisy left him in the bath, took the fluffies and foals to the shed, then went to the store with poppy and jasper to gather needed information, food, toys, beds, etc.


Good job! :sunglasses::beer::two_hearts:

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Thank you!

Love the protective bestest! Now there’s someone who knows the world is against his sis and is not having it.

Also, slight typo in the rules, unless “be hood” means she’s encouraging them to act gangsta.


Nope just a typo because i did this on my phone, sorry bout that lol

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Hey, I write on my phone too! Lol

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Hooray! I am tryjng to get a new computer soon though. I think i am mostly going to write on my phone still

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I have a nice computer but for some reason I love just laying back on my couch and writing on my phone. The auto complete plus audio text often makes it just as fast as typing on a PC. I’m just weird lol

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I type faster and nore correctly on computer, plus there i can see the story im writing better then on my phone

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