Demanding by Z05

It’s time to eat and a forever chirpy demands his food the only way he knows how (and no, his owner will not torture or kill him for that).

I have noticed that the quality of my last drawing was not very good, this time I am trying to improve my drawings, so the next ones I make will have a redesign of my fluffies


Ive never liked and downloaded a puc so fast. >_< I need that sweet seretonin


Love how you draw him squashed into his diaper and bib lol. Fluffies in baby bonnets, surprised we don’t see that more


I really like the redesign here! More attention on the fluff and build so as to resemble more of the toy/animal mix.

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That is one chunky boy


plot twist: the milk is laced with the strongest laxative known to man


I would love to see this thing tortured to death.


Torture is not always physical harm. There are many ways to psychologically torment a fluffy, especially a forever chirpy.


Kills it, not sure if it will be torture or not, but kills it, it needs to be free of its pain.

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There are quite a few things that can upset a forever chirpy, for example not having any visual or auditory stimulation can be torture for them.

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Or playing loud music or shaking his crib.

I just wanna kick him like a football :ahahaha:


put poison in the bottle

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i hear what youre saying but, you know :doom:

Aww, he’s so cute! And I’m glad he has a good owner. I always feel so protective of SBS and forever chirpies - they literally have no concept of what’s happening so I can’t even get the schadenfruede of seeing a brat get a disproportionate response.

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Put Ghost chili Hot sauce in the Bottle :hot_face: :smiling_imp: