Filling the Space Pt. 25 [By MuffinMantis]

Part Twenty-Four

“Pwease, mummah! Victow onwy wan one mowe chance! Wiww be bestest fwuffy ebah!”

“No. You had your chance, and look what you did with it. Get in the box.”

“Bu’ Victow nee’ wumps fow hab babbehs!”

“I’m well aware of that. That’s why they have to go.”

“Huu huu huu! Victow nu wan be dummeh nu-wumps fwuffy!”

Sam paused for a moment. Obviously, some fluffies called fluffies with disabilities “dummehs,” but Sam had never heard it used in this context before. Surely Victor was aware that missing a leg would already make such-inclined fluffies call him that anyway.

“LIsten. This is just something that I have to do. Begging isn’t going to make a difference. BUT,” Sam placed additional emphasis to try to get her point across. “This doesn’t make you a dummeh or somehow inferior to other fluffies.”

“Bu’ if Victow nu can hab babbehs, nu am weal stawwion!”

Where was he hearing this shit? His parents probably didn’t even understand the concept of infertility, so it couldn’t have been them, and Smokey had been very careful about sharing potentially dangerous information since the incident with Aqua. Outside of that, they didn’t interact with other fluffies much. Sam felt a twinge of guilt about that, since they needed to have social interaction besides her and each other, but everything had been too chaotic and she’d never gotten around to bringing the topic up.

“Who said that to you?”

Victor flinched. “Nu wan tawk 'bout it.”

Victor…” Sam’s tone was warning.

“Owd famiwy! Wen munstah mistuh gib forebah-sweepies, took 'way bwudda’s wumps! Sae it maek him nu-weal-stawwion!”

Figured. “Listen, you shouldn’t believe anything he told you.”

“Bu’ Victow nu wan wose wumps!”

Aaaand they were back to square one again. “Victor, that’s not going to change. I just want you to understand why I have to do this.”

“Victow nee’ hab babbehs!”

“No, you don’t. That kind of thinking is what got you into this mess in the first place.”

“Nuuuuhuuhuu! Victow onwy wan babbehs an’ speciaw-fwiend! Nu wan mowe!”

“I want you to think for a second. Where did this conversation go the last time we had it?”

Victor’s protests died, and he went into the carrying box. He sniffled and cried, but he didn’t try to argue anymore. He knew what could happen if he kept it up, and he knew it wasn’t worth it.

Victor shook in terror as he sat on the operating table. He wanted to run, to fight off the meanie doctor and run! He would live on his own, he didn’t need his meanie mummah! But he knew it was just fantasy when he looked off the edge of the table and froze from the thought of falling.

“Are you sure you want to watch? Sure, we’ve moved past the red-hot scissors days, but it’s still not a pleasant thing to see.”

“I’m sure.”

“Do you want to save some sperm in case you decide you want him to have foals after?”

Victor’s heart soared for a moment. Was such a thing possible? Could he lose his lumps but still have babbehs? He looked pleadingly to his mummah, who met his gaze.

“No. He had his chance.”


“I haven’t even…oh, I get it. Little guy really wanted foals, huh?”

“Yeah, which is why he won’t have any. He got another one of my fluffies pregnant without permission, even though he knew the consequences.”

“I see. Well, might as well get this over with.”


“Am Victow otay, mummah?”

“Victow hab wowstest huwties. Nu hab wumps nu mowe. Nee’ huggies!”

Victow nu hab wumps? Wai?”

“Because those are the rules. He gave Sunbeam tummeh-babbehs, so he lost his lumps.”

“Bu’ nee’ wumps fow hab babbehs. If Sunbeam nu can hab babbehs, den Victow nu ebah be daddeh.”

Victor burst into renewed sobbing. Sam wasn’t quite sure if Smokey was being genuine or was just rubbing salt in the wounds. He hadn’t taken to well to being punished along with the rest. Well, it’s not like it was unjustified, so Sam would let it go this time.

“Bu’ if Victow nu hab wumps, den nu can gib Sunbeam mowe tummeh-babbehs wen mummah sae it am otay…”

“That’s right.”

“Bu’ hao am Sunbeam gon’ hab babbehs den?”

“You aren’t. If Aqua and Smokey decide to have babbehs when I say they can, then they’ll have babbehs. But because you and Victor had babbehs before I said you could, after they’re gone you’ll never have babbehs again.

“Huuhuuhuu! Victow nu am ebah gon’ be daddeh! Nee’ huggies fow wowstest heawt-huwties!”

“Bu’…bu’…bu’ Sunbeam nee’ hab babbehs!”

As the pair clung to each other and sobbed, Hope tried to comfort them, only for Knight to intervene. “Nu. Nu gib huggies. Victow an’ Sunbeam am bad fwuffies. Nu wisten to mummah, nu wisten to Knight ow Hope. Wet dem hab heawt-huwties fow be bad fwuffies.”

Knight, be nice. They’re really upset, and I understand why. I’m not going to get angry because of it.”

“Mummah nu am angwy, bu’ Knight am. Sunbeam an’ Victow nu am wistenin’, nu am cawin’ 'bout wut mummah sae. Knight nu wan dem be bad fwuffies 'gain, nu wiww wet dem be bad fwuffies. Knight nu wiww fowgit wut mummah du fow fwuffies 'gain!”

Sunbeam began to sing a mummah-song, apparently mostly to comfort herself. “Mummah wub tummeh-babbehs, tummeh-babbehs wub mummah, nu weabe tummeh su mummah nu wose babbehs!”

Knight walked over and lightly kicked her, eliciting a squeal of surprise. “DUMMEH! Nu wan babbehs nu weabe tummeh! Babbehs nee’ gwow up, be stwong fwuffies! Nu desewbe be in tummeh forebah!”

“Bu’ dese am onwy babbehs Sunbeam ebah hab! Nu wan wose onwy babbehs! Nu wan! Wan hab babbehs forebah!”

Sunbeam am bad fwuffy! Nu cawe 'bout babbehs, onwy cawe 'bout be mummah! Onwy cawe ‘bout sewf! Knight am gwad babbehs am goin’ way! Sunbeam nu woud be gud mummah!”

Knight am dummeh! Nu undastan’! Nu ebah wose babbehs, nu nyo wut heawt-huwties am wike!”

SUNBEAM! Nu be meanie tu Knight! Knight wose owd speciaw-fwiend an’ babbehs befowe nyo Hope! Knight nyo wut heawt-huwties am wike! Twy to pwotect babbehs fwom heawt-huwties, bu’ onwy maek babbehs bad!”

“Enough. Stop bickering. Just let them mourn in peace. Knight, Hope, I understand that you don’t want them to behave the way they were before, but they need your support right now.”



“Victow am sowwy. Victow nyo Victow am bad fwuffy, nyo Victow desewbe wose wumps.”

If the next words out of him are begging to keep the foals…

“Su Victow undastan’ wai nu can hab babbehs. Tank 'ou fow nu giv Victow tu meanie mistuh.”

Looks like he can learn.

Victor, I want you to know I love all of you. I hate having to hurt you, even for your own good. I wish I could let you keep the foals, but I can’t.”

“Victow undastan’. Wub 'ou tuu, mummah.”

Well, that was one part of the problem dealt with. Now if only Sunbeam could understand, maybe the fluffies could get back to their normal loving selves. This whole foal business had almost ruined them, but maybe this would be resolved soon. She didn’t expect the issue to be over until after the foals were gone, but she still held out hope.

Sunbeam. Do you understand why you can’t keep the foals?”

“Nu can hab babbehs ‘cuz mummah nu can fin’ nuff nummies.”

“Do you understand why you can’t have more foals later?”

“'Cuz Victow wose wumps?”


“'Cuz Sunbeam am bad fwuffy?”


“'Cuz Sunbeam nu wait fow babbehs? Nu tink ‘bout wut babbehs nee’? Onwy tink 'bout wut Sunbeam wan?”

“That’s right.”

“Sunbeam am sowwy.”

“Good. I’m happy that you understand. Now, how about you all give Victor huggies? He’s hurting and sad, so I think it’d be the nice thing to do.”

As the fluffies gathered around to comfort Victor, Sam let a quiet sigh of relief. It seemed they’d finally got the message. Honestly, she’d gotten way too close to just tossing the pair on the cutting board and showing them what real suffering was like. Honestly, raising fluffies took the patience of a saint. Still, progress was progress. She was going to be so relieved when this all blew over.

“Sunbeam wub Victow. Am happy tu jus’ hab famiwy, jus’ hab mummah. Sunbeam onwy hope babbehs hab gud famiwy tuu.”


I’ve been enjoying this. Thank you.


Finally sunbeam and victor get it!

Seems calming down for Sam and let the fluffies process to know what they done wrong.

Good for Sam, now its the babies left to be solved.


“'Cuz Sunbeam nu wait fow babbehs? Nu tink ‘bout wut babbehs nee’? Onwy tink 'bout wut Sunbeam wan?”

( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)

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That will so backfire again, when smokey and Aqua or knight and Hope are allowed to have Babies Sam will have two nearly depressed Fluffys and in Victor’s case I can see him going in the Wan die loop then Wumps and Baby’s are just to important for the two.


The time with the smarty she’d been slipped a drug that amplified aggressive feelings. Is there any of that drug still in her system?

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I can’t wait for Aqua and Smoky to mess up by not waiting as well.

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No, it’s more along the lines of excessive stress, coupled with knowing how cathartic taking that stress out on others can be.

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Good to know.

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Good job did not cure anything but good job

Where is more? I’d love to see Sunbeam be a horrid mother.

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There’s a related story that I need to get caught up for the timeline to work, so that’s the focus for right now.

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