Fluff War Two - Part 4 (DreamMLP)

Now that the war is here, thank God

For merciful close perspective, blocking out

Facades of peace which otherwise would dwarf

These stunted sandbag virtues by which we live-

For men must live by virtues, even when

Bombing the helpless innocents; even hearts

Pruned to the stump sprout virtues or else die!

In this diminished world we must acquire-

Although our small hearts ache, thin sinews crack-

Unplumbable courage, numb endurance,

Blind sacrifice, high skill in homicide.

God help us, peering close in Lilliput

At giants of seven inches, still to see

Only their pigmy splendor, their mouse magnificence.

-R. N. Currey

They called it the Horny-Herd Promise. The Horny Reich and the Many Sharing Herds Together promised they wouldn’t fight each other, and instead turn their strength to the land between them.

Neighboring the Reich, in the direction of the rising sun, Poopland. Fuhrer Fluffdolf Hitler and Secretary Jofluff Stalin came to an agreement. They would fight one side, the Sharing Herds would fight the other. And so it was.

“Du it.” The Fuhrer told Brauchitsch as the morning sunlight began to peek over the forest.

The message was relayed to the Reich’s great army of tuffies. To Donitz’s army of Water-Tuffies occupying the creek that ran through the forest, and to Goring’s army of Tree-Tuffies, who scrambled through the branches above.

The Fuhrer turned to Himmler, sitting next to him. “Gu wit dem, ‘ou am in chawge ob gibing foeba sweepies tu’ aww poopie fwuffies in Poopiewand!”

Himmler stuck his hoof up. “Yes, Fuhwew!” and went off.

The Fuhrer turned to Goebbels, sitting on the other side. “Caww aww dah odah fwuffies ob dah Weich! Hitwah am gonna mak’ big tawkies!”

In Poopieland, life came to a halt. That patch of the forest was filled with all the poopie fluffies that had either run off during the creation of the Horny Reich, or simply needed a place where they weren’t kicked around. But the kicking came.

In the direction the sun set, unicorns came charging up.

“Fo’ dah Fuhwew!” They yelled, lowering their heads and ramming their horns into Poopieland’s strongest defenders. They were no match.

As the tuffies of Poopieland were being given the worst hurties of their lives, more came from the stream, and others dropped small rocks and acorns from the trees above.

Far away, Fluffdolf Hitler stepped onto his tree-stump pedestal.

“Gud howny fwuffies ob dah Weich! Fuhwew Hitwah hab big saddies tu tell ‘ou dat dah meanies ob Poopiewand hab giben us huwties!”

The crowd looked up to him, saddened by the news.

“Su Hitwah say dat’ dah Howny Weich gib huwties bacc! Aww dah weich’s tuffies awe der’ nao! Gibing dah bad poopie fwuffies dah wowstest ob huwties! Dah Weich nu wiww be stoppies! SEIG HAIW!”

He lifted his hoof up, the others followed. All shouting “SEIG HAIW!” To their Smarty-Fuhrer.

All the best of Poopieland’s tuffies were broken in the first hours of the fight. Mares, their foals, and the others who couldn’t fight hid where they could, hoping they would be spared.

When the tuffies of the Sharing Herds invaded from the other direction, they knew it was all over. All they could do was watch as the blue-coated, red-maned unicorn arrived. The one they called Himmler.

“Wisten tu Himmwah aww fwuffies!” He yelled, “Dis side ob’ Poopiewand bewong tu dah Weich nao! Dah odah side bewong tu dah Many Shawing Fwuffies!”

He looked around to the scattered nests and dead and dying tuffies that littered the grass. “Bwing aww dah poopie fwuffies hewe! Ib dey nu com, den gib huwties ow foweba sweepies!”

The Horny Tuffies did as told, grabbing all the hiding poopie-fluffies they could find. Those that didn’t want to go were given sorry-hoofsies until they did.

In front of Himmler now was a large collection of scared brown fluffies. Stallions, mares, foals, all walks of fluffy life. He knew what he had to do, the Fuhrer willed it.

“Fuhwew teww us dat aww poopie fwuffies am bad!” He said, “An’ Fuhwew nebah wong! Fuhwew say dat aww poopie-fwuffies desewbe foweba sweepies!”

Himmler stepped forward to a crying mare and her foals. He picked up one of her foals with his teeth, swinging him away. Himmler went to it.

“Chirp… chirp…”

Himmler growled, and brought his hoof down.


Himmler smashed at the foal until its chirps couldn’t be herd. The mare ran to it, her remaining foals trailing behind.


Himmler gave her a sorry-hoof to the face. “’Ou dummeh poopies! Awways steawing nummies an’ gibing huwties!”

He whacked her down more as the other tuffies watched. With rage in his eyes, he turned to the other foals, smashing them down in quick succession as the mare screamed.


The tuffies obeyed.

By midday, the Fuhrer smiled, he’d won. Poopieland had been invaded and divided. Soon all of the poopies would be gone and the horny-race could reign supreme.

“Fuhwew Hitwah!” Ribbentrop sped towards him screaming.

“Wat!?” The Fuhrer said, “Am twying tu be happy cuz Hitwah won!”

“Dah… dah Awwiance! Dey say dat da Weich nu can hab Poopiewand!”

“Pfft.” The Fuhrer said, “Nu cawe wat dah awwiance tinks. Dey can twy tu stop dah Howny Weich.”

“Buh Fuhwew…” Ribbentrop was shaking. “Dey say ib u nu get tuffies out ob Poopiewand, den dah awwiance gon’ stawt big fite wif da Poopie Weich!”

The Fuhrer thought for a minute.

“Nu odah fwuffies teww dah Weich wat tu do! Weich wiww fite!”

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