Fluffies being food???

In all my time being with the fluffy subreddit in that time I never seen fluffies and babbehs being food and I find it interesting and questionable and since I’ve been in the website since October I’ve seen my share of food fluffies and I wanna know the science or why they’re food for human consumption


Because chonky little pighorses are weak, and thus tender, and fat, so they render and cook well.

Also because it’s for the evlulz.


I believe it’s just from the fact that they look like they got a load of good meat on dem bones. Personally I’d at least try it once. Definitely as spaghetti for the irony though


An easily accessible animal, no legal trouble, no need to moderate killing, very cheap to get. Perfect for making a lot of food with very moderate expenses


in my personal opinion, it’s fucking gross. it’s like eating rats. no matter how much you cook it, it’s still a shitrat.
in other words, I am avoiding the “fluffies-as-food” tag


I think the people willing to eat fluffies are the same ones that would be willing to eat roadkill.


looks around That describes most of the South and West Virgina. Maybe Alaska too.


My headcanon is that due to their weird biology, fluffy meat is mildly toxic. Not harmful if you have a foalgarita once in a while, but if you ate fluffies all the time your body would gradually dry up and die.

This would also explain how fluffies thrive in cities so well. Rat poison works slowly, because if it killed quickly the other rats would smell the poison from dead rats mouths so they know what killed them. If the city rats killed themselves eating fluffies, they also left a perfect empty ecological niche for our new inner-city scavengers to fill.


It would kinda make sense with how they are regarded as “shitrats”. They literally replaced normal rats and became shittier rats


To be completely honest, humans will eat just about anything. Fluffies are animals (Even if manmade) and therefore edible, so no doubt someone would want to try it.

In my headcanon, fluffy meat on its own tastes like barbecued ribs. (Mostly because I love ribs) Therefore, it’s a popular dish to people who can’t afford more expensive meats.
(Made myself hungry typing that.)


Usually the fluffies as food was linked to the idea of feral fluffies decimating the economy and crops, Fluffies became a food of necessity, and like a lot of foods of necessity people practiced, experimented and found a way to make it into a delicacy.

Plus, it’s a good way to show the impersonal industrial level cruelty. Fluffies are programmed to expect certain things to happen to them, people to be nice to them, balls to play with, etc. The shear incomprehensibility of being raised like cattle and processed as food is prime psychological horror and abuse.


mmm foal ribs

but if you follow the fluffy has human dna
wouldn’t it be cannibalism



In some headcanons (coughminecough) fluffies have caused the nigh extinction of domestic cattle and livestock.

If you aren’t rich and don’t want to subsist on plants for your protein, you’ll probably succumb to eating fluffies. There’s still a taboo, so most people have taken to meat replacements, such as tofu (but there’s still some cognizant dissonance regarding the diary products people still consume :smiling_imp:).

Also, niche cuisine. Think fancy restaurants that serve a single foal foie gras style for like $50. Or like street markets for “authentic foreign cuisine” like you might eat fried crickets in Chinatown in Vegas or something (crunch, not as bad as I thought it’d be).


In my city there is a restaurant that used to be popular until it came to the light that they were using animals that had already died and didn’t even asked what they died of, just pickup, chopping, cleaning and into the food it goes, so roadkill and fluffies being breed for that purpose doesn’t sound that bad, not ferals of course those are just for smashing

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I saw a pig hamster and a russian walking in a wasteland the pig hamster was called Greg

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Greg was heavily mutated for a fluffy, if I recall.

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Well, bananas share 60% of their DNA with humans. It wasn’t cannibalism to eat them the last time I checked

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In my headcanon, fluffies are food because starving people ate them out of desperation and found them to be quite tasty. Eventually they become the number one source of animal protein for human consumption. The art and science of raising fluffies for food even has its own word (“fluffherding”). So in the timeline from which FAF is writing, a billion fluffies are slaughtered every week to meet human demand. I would argue that this makes the FAF timeline the most massively violent towards fluffies of any fluffy timelines.

Fluffies as food animals have many advantages. They’re relatively docile and sociable, breed like rabbits, grow quickly, and require very little overhead compared to most food animals. You can even raise them in space fairly easily - pegusi in particular thrive in zero gravity.

One trope of fluffies-as-food is that the meat spoils quickly and tastes like dung. The answer to this in my timeline is that this is a matter of most people not knowing how to properly slaughter and dress prey, and that urban fluffies often resort to eating literal garbage. Once fluffies are properly fed and slaughtered, the meat tastes like slightly gamey beef.

The big disadvantage is that they are intelligent enough so that they can become aware that they are food animals. That awareness can flood their system with stress hormones, which ends up saturating the muscle with lactic acid. A little bit of this can make the meat quite savory, but too much can make the meat impossibly sour. So the first rule of fluffherding is that fluffies must be kept unaware of their status as food animals. Some fluffies (about 10% - or 100 million per week) are tortured before they are slaughtered to make the meat savory, but most fluffies remain under the delusion that they are pets. For hundreds of millions, that means that they spend their final moments believing that they are going on a trip to Skettiland - an illusion that lasts right up to the point where they “play the knifey game” and their owners cut their throats.

You’ll see more (much more) about this as I republish the FAF back catalog.


I live in deep banjo territory. Roadkill is consumed here as long as it’s reasonably fresh. i’d probably eat a fluffy if offered the chance but roadkill is verboten for me. Which i find hysterical because I know for a fact one of my roadkill-consuming neighbors is a PETA member. Explain that logic.

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I’m from the part of the country that Squidbillies (NSFW) is based on.
I feel ya.