'Fluffmation', by Zetsumi

This reads like anime. lol ~ TiredSloth, 2023

A lone pink fluffy with massive eyes, so wide they almost encompassed her entire head, sprinted down the street, a half-eaten piece of toast clutched in her mouth, a school bag slung over her shoulder, trailing behind her as she ran.
“Sakuwa am gonna be wate fo’ skoow!” she exclaimed breathlessly, munching on the toast in her mouth as she ran. All of a sudden, there was an almost comical crashing noise.
The pink fluffy had run headlong into a handsome blue fluffy, also with dinner-plate sized eyes far out of proportion to the rest of his head, and the two now lay sprawled in a mess. Groggily, Sakura lifted her head, looking around, before suddenly realizing she was upside-down, her legs spread, and the blue fluffy was staring directly at her hindquarters.
“KIWAAAAA!” she screamed as if she’d just been slapped. “NO WOOK A’ SAKUWA SPECIAW PWACE!”
The male fluffy, however, had other concerns: He had just blasted off into the sky, propelled by a veritable geyser of blood pouring from his snout with enough force to thrust him into the air.

In a brightly lit saferoom, an orange mare sat on a big pillow, watching the events unfold on her TV screen with rapt attention, far more than she’d ever paid to ‘Ferals!’ or ‘Dancing!’.
Behind her, she heard the door to the saferoom creak open, announcing the arrival of her daddy, Jake.
“Ginger, time for nummi-” Jake muttered, before glancing up at the screen, where the pink and blue fluffies were stubbornly looking away from one another.
“It no’ wike Sakuwa wike ouh ow 'nefing, dummeh Sowa!” the pink mare declared, her cheeks glowing iridescently with embarrassment.
“Ginger, what the fuck are you watching?” Jake asked with a grimace. “This isn’t FluffTV.”
“Id Fwuff maw’shun daddeh!” Ginger said shortly as the credits began to roll, a female singer crooning in a language Jake neither recognized nor found all that pleasing. “Id nyu Fwuff Tee Bee channew!”
“Ginger, I didn’t say you could watch this.” Jake said, marveling that she’d managed to figure out how to work the remote without his assistance. It wasn’t all that long ago she couldn’t even figure out how to turn the TV on without him showing her how.
“Can Jin-jaw wawtch, daddeh?” she chirped happily. “Fwuff maw’shun id da bestest Tee Bee Jin-jaw ebah sees!”
“Not until I know what’s on it, I don’t want you getting any bad ideas.” Jake said. He’d been careful to control what Ginger was exposed to, and so far, his effort had been rewarded with a reasonably well-behaved fluffy, aside from the baby-obsession she’d been developing lately despite the fact he’d blocked out all FluffTV shows that had anything to do with mammas or foals. He wondered if this ‘Fluffmation’ was where it was coming from.
“Den daddeh can sit an’ wawtch wif Jin-jaw!” she suggested, scampering over to him for a pat on the head. “Den he sees wat on it!”
Jake glanced at his watch, then down at the hopeful fluffy’s face.
“I was going to-”
“Fine.” Jake rolled his eyes, sitting down on the floor cross-legged, eliciting the usual yelp of delight as Ginger all but threw herself into his lap. In truth, he didn’t really have any plans for the afternoon anyway. “What’s on next?”
“Id am Jin-jaw’s favewit!” she proclaimed, her eyes sparkling up at him. “FwuffyZ!”
“Fluffies?” Jake asked, confused.
“No dummeh daddy, FWUFFYZ!” she corrected, earning herself a sharp spank on the rear from Jake.
“What’d I tell you about calling me ‘Dummy’, huh?” he asked, but Ginger didn’t answer, instead turning her attention back to the screen as the intro started to roll. Jake couldn’t make heads or tails of it, there were flashes of fluffies flying, fluffies throwing hooves at one another, and a particularly long shot of a fluffy screaming as the title flashed into view: ‘FluffyZ’.
“Okay, seriously Ginger, what the fuck is this?”
“Jin-jaw wub Cawwit, he da stwonges, an he go supah-fwuffy, an supah-fwuffy two, bu’ he na’ a meanie ow’ smawty, he weawwy nice fwuffy, an’ he owange jus’ wike Jin-jaw, an…”
Ginger’s ranting continued, but Jake gradually tuned it out, turning his attention to the show as it started.
WAST TIME ON FWUFFYZ.” the narration began, as shots of fluffies screaming and firing energy beams flashed in rapid succession. “CAWWIT TWY GIB HUWTIES TO SMAWTY, BU’ DEN SMAWTY TWANSFORM INO’ SMAWTY FOWM TWO! CAN CAWWIT BEAWT SMAWTY?
“Nao ouh see, Cawwit.” A white fluffy appeared on screen, seemingly levitating in mid-air above an orange fluffy with a black mane. “Dis am Smawty wand, an dummeh fwuffy no can beat Smawty.”
“Cawwit no wet ouh win, Smawty.” the orange fluffy, clearly having taken a beating and struggling to stand, retorted. “Ouh gib Cawwit bestest bwudda foweba sweepies, dat mean Cawwit gonna gib ouh wowstest huwties.”
“An how Cawwit gonna do dat?” the white fluffy smirked.
“WIKE DIS! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” The orange fluffy let out a scream that didn’t seem to end, a fiery aura flaring into existance around him as the ground beneath his feet disintergrated. There was a flash, and he turned into a yellow fluffy, with a mane so big it eclipsed his entire body.

CAAAWWW-MAAAYYY-AWWWW-OW, HUWTIES!” Ginger stood up on her hind legs, pulled her hooves back in mimicry of what the fluffy on the TV was doing, and shouted the name of Carrot’s special technique alongside him, only to yelp with surprise when Jake pegged one of her blocks at the back of her head as hard as he could, bowling her over.
“Ginger, this is fucking garbage.” he said, face clouded with irritation. “It’s been ten minutes and all they’ve done is scream at each other, just throw a fucking punch.”
Ginger had long since grown acclimatized to Jake’s foul language, though it had taken more than a few months of her complaining about ‘Bad wordies!’ every time he opened his mouth. Fortunately while she was no longer distressed by it, she also hadn’t taken after her daddy.
“Id no’ gawbaj!” Ginger protested, her head popping up from behind the pillow where she’d fallen, a hurt look on her face, though more from what her daddy had just called her favourite show than from the block he’d pelted her in the head with. “It Jin-jaw favewit daddeh!”
Jake opened his mouth to respond, when the TV went dead quiet. Turning back to it, he saw it was sitting on a black screen, with big white block letters stretched across it: EPISODE 5.56: Ouh do (not) need huggies an wuv.
Jake folded his arms and glared at Ginger, who watched enraptured as for the next four and a half minutes, the TV displayed a detailed, unmoving shot of an empty Japanese street, and emitted the loud, obnoxious noise of crickets chirping.
“Ginger, this is-”
“Id no’ gawbaj!” she repeated. “Daddeh jus’ no unnerstan’ da symbawism, id am show abowd ‘wan die’!”
“Okay, that’s enough, Ginger.” Jake stood up, stamping his foot on the floor. “No more Fluffmation, it’s a bad influence.”
“Id no’ a bad infwuwence!” Ginger said. “Jus’ wawtch wun mowe, otay daddeh?”
“Fine, one more.” Jake growled. “But if it’s garbage, you’re going in the sorry box.”
“Jin-jaw no wowwied abowt sowwie box be’cos id NOWT GAWBAJ.” the excitable fluffy huffed, sitting down on her cushion as the next show came on.

A purple fluffy with a spikey mane stood, staring down a silver-haired fluffy.
“Do ouh weawwy fink ouh can stowp smawty fwom fiwing smawty’s missiwes, dummeh?” the silver-haired fluffy crowed, tilting his head back to let out an arrogant laugh. “De wowwd id smawty’s wand, and dewe nu-fink dummeh can do abowt it!”
“Fwuffy no wet ouh wanch dem missiwe, smawty.” the fluffy retorted, staring up at him with determination in his eyes. “Fwuffy gon’ stowp ouh no matter wah’ it take.”
“Okay, this ain’t half bad, Ginger.” Jake admitted, starting to see what she was talking about. “This one’s got stakes, dramatic tension, the animation’s pretty good…”
“See, Jin-jaw towd ouh!”
Onscreen, the purple fluffy broke into a run, charging towards the silver fluffy, who let out a battle-cry as his purple enemy approached.
“Smawty gon’ gib da whowe wowwd sowwie hoofies, Smawty gib foweba sweepies to anywun who stan’ in smawty’s way, eben ouh, bwudda!”
“Damn, the bad guy is the good guy’s brother?” Jake asked. He had to admit, this one had kind of drawn him in, and he wanted to see what happened next. He and Ginger both watched with bated breath as the purple fluffy reached the top of the stairs, squared off against his brother, both reached into their pockets, and…
…pulled out their decks of cards.
“SORRY BOX!” bellowed Jake at the top of his lungs, snatching the struggling and protesting Ginger and carrying her, kicking and screeing, over to the sorry box he kept in one corner of the saferoom. Ignoring her protests, he stuffed her into it, slamming the lid.
As he turned to walk away, he heard Ginger’s voice giggling in the box behind him.
"Nek’ time daddeh twy put Jin-jaw in sowwie box, Jin’jaw gonna use hew stawnd, 「On Top O’ Skettis 」.
“That’s it, no more Fluffmation OR sketti!” Jake shouted, giving the sorry box a swift kick and walking away as the heartbroken Ginger began to squeal and cry.


Forgot to put your name in the title


One can but empathize.

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