Fluffy Breeder CYOA [8] (Britfluff)

Holding the giggling, peeping foals in your hand, a sense of warmth seems to wash over you. Unlike the other fluffies you have, these little goobers are going to actually regard you as their adoptive mother in a literal sense. Not like how a fluffy would regard their owner as “mummah”, but as an adoptive, literal parent.

You decided on the 11 day old crimson unicorn, the 15 day old indigo earthie, the 21 day old lime unicorn with a grey tail and the 23 day old pegasus with a yellow tail. You know that the crimson and indigo ones are a few days away from opening their eyes for the first time, and are barely capable of speech. The lime one, though, is managing to churn out more than three words and the black one almost sounds like a regular fluffy. You’re gonna have to name these goobers.

That’s for later, though. First of all you’ve got to actually get them home, and that means departing from Breads little village.

“It’s been nice being here, Bread, but I have to go home and get these little ones cleaned up. I’ll be back if I need any more fluffies, alright?”

“Otay, miss Wose! Bwead wub ‘ou! Hab safes’ twip!”

“You stay safe too.”

“O! Wun mowe fing!”

You stop for a second, as Bread then trots into the box marked as a sort of “bank”. After a few seconds he comes out carrying a metallic bottlecap, three sprite bottle wrappers and a $5 Amazon giftcard.

“Bwead gib ‘ou munies! Hewd find pwenty of bestest munies! Gon’ save up to buy bestest awwey! Buh Miss Wose am nicest hooman to hewd dat Bwead wan’ gib giftie!”

You gently place the foals into your zipped hoodie pocket, before carefully kneeling down and petting Bread’s fluff. He giggles slightly, nuzzling your hand. You note that his fluff is awfully clean for a feral, which you attribute to him getting licked clean.

“Thank you very much, Bread.” You respond, not wanting to fracture what little innocence he has left. “This’ll help me get everyone in my home nummies.”

Just to make sure that it hasn’t got any bird shit or whatever, you decide to inspect the wrappers and bottle lid…

Rolling d20...
Landed on 12

Damn, the bottle cap is actually something of a collectors item. Your dad had the unusual hobby of collecting bottle lids from limited edition drinks, which landed you a keen eye on that sort of thing. By which, you mean he’s talked about them so many times you’ve memorised a few prices. For example, the one you’re holding? You know that it’s roughly worth around $30. Plus, the gift card might actually still be useable.

“Holy sh-” No swearing in front of the fluffies, “crap, yeah, thanks a lot Bread! Keep up the good work.”


“It’s ok, the water’s fi-”


As you place the lime-fluffed foal down in the warm, soapy water, it screams in sheer terror, despite your shushing and reassurance. It isn’t even that deep. The deepest the water goes it up to it’s chin. Regardless, it scampers in circles around the washing up bowl, somehow not defecating over the entire thing until it suddenly comes to a stop, dead quiet as it listens to the . Curiously, it then lifts a hoof and taps the water again, a bit of it splashing up into the air. A giggle comes from the foal, as it taps the water harder, sending more into the air until it eventually sits on it’s flank like a dog and starts drumming against the water.

“Hehehe! Spwashy! Wawa Spwashy! Pway!”

“See? You’re perfectly fine.”

“Wub mummah! Wub spwashy pway!”

A small smile appears on your face, as you churn to the other foals. They’re all bundled up in tissue paper, drying and chirping contently after having been fed your milk. As in the formula. Not your, ahem, well, you know.

As you let the lime foal splash, you take that opportunity to gently massage heavily watered down shampoo into it’s fur, as it coos at the sensation. Grabbing a cup, you scoop up some of it’s bathwater, before pouring it over it’s fluff, washing off all the filth and soap. After it’s fully clean, you scoop up the little feller, as it immediately starts to chirp.

“Wawa! Wan Wawa!”

“No baby, You’ll catch a cold.”

“Nu am cowdies! Am warmies!”

“I meant sickies. If you stay wet for too long you’ll turn into a prune!”

“Nuuuu! Nu wan be pwunesie!”

“Then let’s get you dried up, little one.”

You then grab some tissue paper, gently wiping the little one dry before you grab a fresh sheet, bundle it up and grab the bottle, before feeding the lime one it’s fill, just before the black foal turns to you.

“Fank yu, mummah. Babbeh nu hab miwkies dat gud in wongest foweba an’ neba been dis cweanies.”

“It’s fine, you little goober. I’m your mummah now, so I have to do my best to protect you. Now, you know those big fluffies over there?” You ask, pointing towards the others. Currently, Yellow is cooing over her babies as Royal snuggles beside her. Tater’s also stacking blocks, currently trying to figure out how to stack them diagonally whilst Yolk’s taking a hearty nap. The foals all nod, confirming that they do.

“They’re all good fluffies. Do you know why?” They all shake their heads. “Well, it’s because they all follow my rules. Good fluffies follow them. Bad fluffies don’t.”

All of them are turned towards you, listening intently as if you were the messaiah himself and they were his humble disciples.

“Rule number one. Good poopies go in the litterbox. Good babies make good poopies.
Rule number two. No being mean or hitting eachother. The only time you can hurt another fluffy is if they are hurting you.
Rule number three. Go to bed either when I tell you to or when I go to bed.
And finally, rule number four. Bad fluffies get the sorry stick or the sorry shower. Are we clear?”

They all answer you, nodding and chirping before your tone softens at you smile at them again.

“If you need to use the litterbox, ask one of the big fluffies. They should be able to help you. Now, it’s time for you all to meet them.”

One by one, you pick up a foal, unwrap them, and place them into the safe area. They all waddle over immediately to the block, looking up at Tater as his focus breaks for a second to focus on them.

“Hewwo wittle babbehs? Yu wost?”

“No, they’re mine. I’m just letting them get to know you all. Be careful around them, alright?”

“Otay! Widdle babbehs wan pway bwockies?”

The black foal reaches out, grabbing hugging a block as it starts to coo. “Babbeh wub bwockies!”

“Siwwy babbeh! Bwockies are nu fow huggies! Am fow pwaysies!.. And maybe a widdle huggies. Buh bwockies tu big for babbehs! Baww am safe, gu pway dewe!”

The four, currently seeming inseperable, all cheer and waddle towards the inflatable ball, currently the size of a marble, before starting to pass it between eachother. This sorta reminds you of gym class, back in grade school when you’d do this. The older foals, you notice, are letting the two who still haven’t opened their eyes take their time with passing the ball. You even notice the lime one getting up, going over to a missed one, rolling it back over and pretending like the blind foal passed it on their first try! The scene warms your heart, with almost ten minutes passing before your phone vibrates.

sunTan: sup

Ah, just a text from Paige.

RoseWine: Hey! Howve you been?
sunTan: oh ive been fuckin great
sunTan: i got promoted to manager of the store after the last one got fired
sunTan: fucker lost it and snapped a foals neck
sunTan: normally i wouldnt mind too much but it did sorta make its owner cry
RoseWine: Oh, Jesus.
sunTan: eh after having to pillow the tenth happy little foal you sorta grow numb to this shit
sunTan: anyway
sunTan: i got a huge bonus from it and remembered your sorta vulnerable af rn
sunTan: so i got a proposition for ya
sunTan: i want you to hold ur breath for 6 seconds
sunTan: make sure to record it
sunTan: if u do, i'll send u half of it
sunTan: got it?

Before Paige’s last message even comes through, you’re already 3 seconds into the recording. As quick as a flash, you send it to her, alongside you paypal.

RoseWine: Here! Thank you so much!
sunTan: no prob, just lookin out for a buddy
sunTan: just call me round when u wanna hang out or smthn

Your phone vibrates, as you check how much you recieve for your agonizing efforts. Holy shit, it’s about $200! You immediately tuck that away into your rent fund, that’ll keep half the cost covered for now, but for the rest you better hope your fluffy husbandry keeps you covered. Failing all else, though, looking for a job wouldn’t hurt.

NAME: Rose Abernathy
AGE: 22
CURRENT HOUSING: Studio Apartment
FLUFFY BREEDING LOCATION: Studio apartment; a corner in the living room.
SKILLS: Engineering, Architecture, Can drink 9 1.5oz servings of 1910 Rye Whiskey and remain coherent.
AVALIABLE SPACE: Enough for 4 adults and 2 broods of foals.


NAME: Yellow
AGE: 60+ Days
GENDER: Female
FLUFF COLOUR: Dark Goldenrod
TYPE: Earthie
MATE: Royal
NOTES: Mother of four.
NAME: Royal
AGE: 60+ Days
MANE COLOUR: Dark Olive Green
TYPE: Unicorn
MATE: Yellow
NOTES: Used to be the herd’s second in command.
NAME: Yolk
AGE: 60+ Days
GENDER: Female
FLUFF COLOUR: Antique White
MANE COLOUR: Golden rod
TYPE: Earthie
MATE: Tater
NOTES: Used to be a fairly polite tuffie.
NAME: Tater
AGE: 61 Days
MANE COLOUR: Spruce Brown
TYPE: Earthie
MATE: Yolk
NOTES: Has rare white spots! Very boisterous, and loves to impress.

~Yellow’s Foals:~
Ages: 6 Days (Nu-see Nu-tawkie Nu-Wawkie Babbehs)

  1. Dandelion, Dark Goldenrod Unicorn [$0.95]
  2. Whitney, Goldenrod Unicorn [$1]
  3. Luna, Royal Blue Earthie [$0.50]
  4. Zephyr, Sea Green Pegasus [$0.80]

~Yolk’s Foals:~
How Long Until Birth: 1/14 Days

  1. Unknown
  2. Unknown
  3. Unknown
  4. Unknown
  5. Unknown
  6. Unknown

~Your Foals:~

  1. Crimson Unicorn | Colt | 11 days old [Talkie] | [$1.03]
  2. Indigo Earthie | Filly | 15 days old [Talkie] | [$1.34]
  3. Lime Unicorn | Colt | 21 days old [Talkie] Grey Tail | [$2.13]
  4. Black Pegasus | Colt | 23 days old [Talkie] | Yellow Tail | [$5.33]


NAME: Bread
AGE: 60+ Days
RACE: Fluffy (Alleyway, Pegasus)
SKILLS: Can count to twenty, is able to read small words.
METHOD OF ASSISTANCE: Getting other ferals to join his herd, which you can choose from.

NAME: Paige Tan
AGE: 23
RACE: Human (Biracial; Malaysian + American)
SKILLS: Rolling a good fat one, pricing, fluffy raising.
METHOD OF ASSISTANCE: Helping you out with selling your fluffies, along with giving you 10% of the profits she gets from Brick’s foals.


  • Fluffmart Kibble™ [28 Days worth]
  • Fluffmart Formula™ [28 Days worth]
  • Siwwy Sawwy Wawa Bottle!™ [1]
  • Farmer Joanne Kibble Trough™ [1]
  • Safety First! Inflataball™ [1]
  • Fluffmart Individual Wooden Blockies [3]
  • Ahuuser Inc. Sorry Stick Lite™ [1]
  • Soft&Snug Budget Nestie™ [1]
  • Fluffmart Litterbox™ [1]
  • Fluffmart Paper Litter™ [28 Days worth]
  • Safest Zone Divider™ [1]

Thank yall for being so patient! For this entry, you have two ways to participate. You can decide what to do in the next part, and you can submit names for each foal! I’ll run a poll with all names submitted for each foal, and the winner of each will be what Rose calls them.

Feel free to tell me what you think of the story so far too uwu


Btw, the wonderful image was drawn by @Somethingcheeky


yess!! ive been waiting for this!! that lime foal seems like an absolute sweetheart ^^


Aaaa askdhjksdkgfh tyty! I’m happy you like him :smiley:


If Rose has a couple hours free she could put together a site to help sell her fluffies. Maybe call Paige over and have a fun night of fluffies, pizza and site design. Then plan a bit of shopping and job hunting for tomorrow.

*Food and essential shopping.


Foal Name Ideas:

Crimson Unicorn Colt - Blitz
Indigo Earthie Filly - Kana
Lime Unicorn Colt - Percy
Black Pegasus Colt - Knight

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I agree with Jaro. Rose has been running around for awhile and now has a good healthy stock and some cash. It would be good to sit down with Paige, get more info, connect, and go from there.

Crimson: Scout
Indigo: Merry
Lime: Wake
Black: Stacks

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So is this the last one?

I may return to it. I lost interest after college swamped my life lmao