Fluffy Breeder WDYD 01 (by Booperino)

Heh, in my headcanon colour isn’t genetic at all, though colour patterns are. When working with smaller numbers well trained gets better prices than colour anyway in most headcanons.


Give them a choice, stop their genetic line or come live with me.


Offer them a meal/snack as a peace offering, then be honest with them. You will take good care of them and let them have babies. One or more from each litter get to stay (to add to the number of breeding families) and the rest will go to happy families.

As long as they behave, they get a relatively easy, happy, comfortable life.


I’m pro abuse, it’s my stress reliever.

I’m in the business of hurtbox.to thine own self be true


Most people’s plan so far:

Offer food, reassure them you aren’t hostile
Ask them if they want to live with you, and be honest about what’ll happen to their foals
If they say yes, take them, if no, look for more fluffies.

Plan B:

Voodoo, for some reason


Wild fluffies are aggressive and their colors are horrible. I would leave these one be and head for the shelter.

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Take out a voodoo stick and put a spell on them for mind control. You can Doo anything with VooDoo


I can’t recall if I put it in a story yet, but I wrote a piece about color having an effect where every few generations a gene expresses or doesn’t combined with another gene that’s shut off by the presence of a certain mutation that occurs sometimes.

I recall de novo mutations being part of it.

I just wanted breeders to seem like a joke, so the most complicated part of Fluffy genetics is color, and trying to judge by cost or recognize a pattern is less effective than rolling dice. But just like dog breeders the community insists that their traditions are absolute fact, and they reference shit that was disproven decades or even a century ago as objective truth.

I did sort of refer to it in my Gardenfluffy story, and I think I referenced it on the annoying youtube couple story.


You can even use this to set up the spell.


What’s our situation for growing plants? Access to a decent window outside the bedroom?

With zucchini we can promise sketties eventually and honestly. Buying it at first, growing it later.


Who do voodo?


Hmm, would fluffies like things like basil? It’s pretty easy to grow, tastes good, and is found in every other shop
In the previous post, there was a window in the saferoom, but if they have skylights it sorts itself out.


“You come get da voodoo.”


My headcanon has the same ‘breeder practices are a joke’ effect, making the constant searching for colour combinations and stating browns are useless pointless. My headcanon on colour patterns is that they’re all cutiemark genes gone wild, but trying to match close patterns is more likely to make a noxious mess than a good pattern or an original cutie mark, and that breeding mutant cutiemark genes to try and get an uncorrupted cutiemark pattern is like playing the lottery for the chances involved.


Its the babe, with the power of voodoo.


I’ve seen more stories use the joke that Fluffies cannot tell the difference between hard ramen noodles with a few drops of red food dye and handcrafted noodles and grandmother’s spices in Italy. Sometimes because their programming just says “BEST THING EVER” in their brain, so they never actually taste the taste.

But that may not be this canon. Depends how robot, animal, or sapient they are.

I’m not even sure how much animals prefer certain subtle flavors to others. I know my childhood dog loved ketchup and disliked barbecue sauce, I have no clue if he would have noticed a sprig of rosemary or sprinkling of peppercorn.



I thought you were going to finish the lyrics of “Magic Dance”!



You get it!!!:heart:


What makes me curious is that the mom’s crying… Was she crying before we arrived, or did something bad happen? If so, they may just be traumatized from recent events, in which case assuring them we won’t hurt them is a high priority. Trying to threaten them definitely isn’t going to work out, and the babies are too small to steal unless we want to try hand-rearing them, which I’m not confident we can do.

The dad and earth chirpie are good colors, and the stallion would be helpful in ensuring babies aren’t killed just for being bad colors. (I’m not sure why people think they’re alicorn-friendly though, there’s no alicorns here.) So there’s a 50% good-color ratio here, but also acceptance for bad-colors, and all colors are important at the start.

So, I say… Let’s offer them a job. They get to help raise babies and protect any brownies we get, and we pay them in food and safety. (We can convince them to give up one or both their chirpies for sale later, if they agree, playing up the love they’ll receive from their new owners.) If they say no, then alright, let’s look elsewhere.


Its one of my favorite movies from the 80s, lmao. Surprised there is no King Jareth in Fluffies.