Fluffy eye transplant (by recreationalsadist)

“Thank you so much, Dr.- Guerra” the owner said, “-I am so glad my fluffy will see again!”

“Tank yu su muchies fow nyu see-pwaces Mummah and nice Doctow!”

Dr. Ricardo Mammon Guerra didn’t even bother faking sympathy.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. This’ll take a few hours and you’ll be billed for all of them.”

“No price is too high for my dear fluffy. I value her health more than that of my fellow humans.”

“Damn campaign’s got me too stressed to even appreciate how much money I’m making.”


Looker was a fluffy.

A beige and green unicorn fluffy.

He loved seeing, it was his favorite thing ever after playing and running and sketti.

Right now he was in what was called an “operating room.”

It was where less valuable fluffies had parts of their bodies taken to give to better fluffies.

Looker looked up when another fluffy was placed next to him. She was a very pretty mare!

He tried to move over to her, but he was tied down to the operating table.

“Hewwo, be nyu fwiend?”

“Yay! Nyu fwiend! Whewe am nyu fwiend?”

The other fluffy turned towards Looker and he gasped when he saw she had no see-pwaces.

He tried to back up and point a hoof accusingly at her, but he was tied down.

“Munstah nu-see-pwaces fwuffy twy tu twick Wookew! Yu am dummeh mawe, nu want tu be fwiends with yu! Gu way ow get wowstest sowwy-hoofies and bad enfies!”

Looker tried to move over to hit her, but he was tied down.

Dr. Ricky Guerra looked down at his watch and then put on surgical gloves.

“Okay, that’s 5 minutes for the surgery tops, an hour for it to set, and 3 hours to pad the bill.”

With the speed and skill of a trained professional he used a pair of chopsticks to rip Looker’s eyeballs out of the fluffy’s head and then shoved them into the mare’s empty eye sockets.

As Looker screamed about how he couldn’t see and demanded his see-places back Ricky grabbed the mare and shoved her in a soundproof box so she couldn’t hear what happened next.

Ricky picked up a scalpel.

“Alright, with the eyes out of the way it’s time to see what else of use I can get out of you.”


The owner of the mare was so happy!

Her wonderful fluffy could see again thanks to the efforts of Dr. Guerra. The man was a marvel!

He’d even given her fluffy a new toy to play with.

It looked like an actual fluffy with no legs, but it must just be a new type of toy since it didn’t have teeth, eyes, legs, a tail, or anything else that could distinguish it from being anything else than a fluffy lump of meat that kept making crying noises and begging for death that wouldn’t come.


Looker had a mouth and could scream, but nobody gave a shit about what he had to say.

The moral of the story is don’t be a fluffy.


Looker was an asshole and deserved it.


I liked the part where the fluffy suffered

