Fluffy revenge (Pinkyfluffy)

@SillyFilly One thing I should point out about Dokuto is that, from what I’ve seen of him, seems to be one of the hardcore abusers. So a lot of the canon that he might ascribes to would not have fluffies as companion animals or service animals. I could be wrong, but enough interaction with the dude on discord has led me to believe that he as a particular view and approach on fluffies, and doesn’t really follow on some other canons.

This is not to say you don’t have a point. You have many valid points, and I myself share similar beliefs and approaches regarding fluffies. I’m just pointing out that Dokuta here might not.

That said, I do agree that, even if fluffy were vermin, the level of abuse depicted has been ludicrous, supposedly for comical effect, but sometimes less comical and more edgy, which has contributed to some of the decline of the fandom imho. Which leads me to my next point.

@DokutaSuton I sometimes feel that your problem is that you take some abuser headcanons way too seriously. Its something that some abuser commentators and even creatives did in the past, to the extent that they demanded people adopt or create content in the manner. For what its worth, sterilizing spaghetti was a norm in the pest control stories (Meh’s NISC comes to mind), and the machines did not really come about until the time of Abuse-Sir, who was known for pushing a really negative headcanon of fluffies, as well as harassing people like Santanon.

Also, not every canon adopts those machines, so keep that in mind. If anything, I think that Pinkyfluffy is criticizing said machines (of course, whether it is effective criticism or not is a different matter, but I doubt these machines are a part of his canon)


I’m sorry if… That did come off as whiny… I’m not demanding they change their styles like a butthurt hugboxer… I was at first trying to pay a compliment on the revolutionary concept of fluffies fighting back and what it could mean for their situation… But I felt the comment that followed was a personal attack on my views… And as evolution dictates… I must defend myself…

I have a right to feel as I do too… I’m not taking the fandom to seriously… But if y’all gonna resort to personal attacks… We’re gonna lose this site like we lost the booru and like we’re about to lose Reddit…

Just like how I express hate for Grim’s green hair character but don’t want him to change… He’s a guy I love to hate… So well developed… Cause we all know someone like that…

I won’t insult or complain or try to change others… I just like highlighting what I like AND hate… Point out why it’s brilliant…

Sorry again if it came off as trying to change… You can’t convey tone in a text… And serious comes off as sarcastic… Compliments sound like insults…

I’m bummed out now… I hope none of my other posts came off this way…


Goddamn, did I miss the ‘foals for nummies’ machine.


Man the amount of people who get angry seeing something happen to a dumbass human is funny, like come on man its funnt


Some people treat fictional humans and fluffies like they’re football teams to root for and if something bad happens to a fictional human, then it’s like you’re dissing their home team

Me, I’m going to enjoy fictional karma whether it’s aimed at a cartoon horse or not.



A weapon to surpass metal gear


Some abusers will happily rape a newborn foal, tear it to bits, make the mother eat it then eat her own shit, but start crying and shitting themselves at the mere mention, much less actual image, of a human stubbing their toe.

It’s kind of pathetic, tbh.


Wouldn’t the foal die from impact and if not it surely would of broken some bone or maybe insane luck I dont know and I dont really care I’m just curious




I’m not into hugbox vs abusebox war. We should just live together, teasing each other about our different believes and kick the extreme folks out, or at least mute them for a period.

Why feed them attention?


Can’t we just agree that all life including humans is stupid, pointless and should be destroyed?


The canonically carry just as much disease as rats and we do in fact have traps/poisons/ect for killing rats. Unlike rats Fluffys will actively harass you on the street to take them in, which breeds way more resentment.


The tables have turned!!


There is no definite headcanon

I am going to stress this. At most there is a hivecanon, and yes, a lot of people have depicted fluffiies as vermine. But not all do, and Pinkyfluffy doesn’t. I am going to stress this because it is very possible that Pinkyfluffy may have done this image as a criticism/satire of such headcanon/lore. In Pinkyfluffy’s canon, fluffies function in his society and aren’t mentally-deficient unlike in other canons.

Also, the depiction of resentment also depends on headcanon, because a lot of what I’ve seen in abuse headcanon assumes naturally assumes humans to have minimal to no patience.


Forgive me for being unfamiliar with Pinkfluffy’s canon. I only joined the community recently. That said if this is a canon where fluffys aren’t a a mentally deficient pest, than why would there be a foal to sketty machine in the first place?


Like I said - Pinkyfluffy may have drawn this as a criticism of such abuser headcanons. He’s been known to have done this in the past.

Pinkyfluffy is a hugboxer, and the majority of his work revolves around fluffies being smart, and functioning well within Italian society. Its important to keep that in mind, especially since Pinkyfluffy doesn’t draw these machine sin his other comcsc. He most likely drew it for the sake of ribbing at a well-known abuser headcanon/idea, that being the sketti machine.

dont 4get the guy who attempted 2 dart a fluffy who magicly turned his dick in2 silicon

I don’t acknowledge this. I have a different opinion and you have to accept that.
I still like you tho’.


That’s pretty fucking metal


Misfortune, humanities few predators.