Fluffy Size Variants(FluffThrowaway)

Micro: Smallest breed, adults are only a few inches long, they live in ant farm-like tanks made of an edible gel substance, while able to survive off this gel alone, it’s recommended to give them normal feed at least once a week. Specialty Micro Kibble is sold at select retailers, but a single piece of green such as lettuce or cabbage works in a pinch, spaghetti is not recommended for Micros as their digestive system can’t handle it.

Pygmy: Half the size of standard Fluffies, Pygmies are a good option for lower income households due to them only needing a little under half the nutrition of standard Fluffies to survive, be warned as male Pygmies are more susceptible to Smarty Syndrome than normal males

Standard: We all know Standard Fluffies, no need to elaborate

Big: The size of medium dogs, Big Fluffs require more food to sustain their bodies, they can be aggressive if not trained at a young age, but make excellent pets to those who can afford them. Big Fluffs prefer a more meat based diet than normal Fluffies, the extra protein in their diet is what helped them gain their larger size

Goliath: An absurdly large breed kept only by the wealthy, as they require exorbitant amounts of feed to fuel their bodies. They are aggressive if not hand raised from birth, and suffer drastically shortened lives, Goliath Fluffies are lucky to see past their 5th birthday. Worth noting that most store bought Fluffy Meat is from Goliaths raised on farms, the flavor of this meat is said to be similar to beef, with hints of pork/chicken depending on what breed the Goliath was

These Sizes Also Apply To Aqua Fluffies


Pretty good. Straightforward like a TED talk. Question: Are all the subgroupings represented across all the breeds? Like could one find pegasus micros or Alicorn goliaths?

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Yeah, it’s directly implied in the Goliath entry, you can pretty obviously guess the meat with hints of poultry is Pegasus

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I did not really catch that. Clever though.So headcanon wise you could do the whole MasterBlaster or Spike and Chester (dog duo from Looney Tunes). The pygmy is small, smart (ish), bossy, and orders the enormous, slow witted, hulk of a Goliath fluffy around?

I’m not sure about that but I do have an idea for a Pygmy and Big story

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Oh man! Do it! I’ll hop in line to read right away.

Brings to mind @Ms_Random enlarge fluffs - liked the detail with the leg braces.

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