Foal Slot - Concept development art for a potential story - Lothmar


There might even be 1-3 more Versions as im picturing this as a handyman project that just keeps getting more and more complicated. *Some things like Formula/food dispensers and detailed objects not pictured cause paint.

For those curious, the foal slot is not big enough for an adult fluffy or particularly big adolescents (about 1 month old limit, maybe 2 month limit if they’re malnourished etc).

Let me know if you have ideas :wink:
Also please no firecrackers through the foal slot. xD


Thinning foal chute made me think it was a place where a fat foal got stuck until it was slimmed down enough to pass through. :sweat_smile:


Reminds me of the brick sorters people would make for and out of lego.

I really like the idea, this would streamline the intake process for fluffy shelters.

The only thing I would change is to make the system mechanical rather than electronic but
a) There is really no reason to make the system more complex by making it electronic-free
b) im not even sure it would be possible

Now of course you could run into trouble with foals of the same size abusing each other but you cant weigh or measure behaviour/personality

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Maybe in the abuse version. o.~

Though the person living there will probably come home before that hopefully.

Though in that situation im picturing a fat bestest being saved first only to cause a pileup/spill over of all the secondary foals being ‘saved’. xD

Maybe that’ll be the real V2 and current V2 will be V3. ~chuckle~

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It reminded me of those schemes you sent me once you commissioned something xD
I like the bold lines.
The sensor is something interesting too

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Pretty much.

I was actually picturing it as very minimal but entirely mechanical. I’ll describe the idea better. The main downside I could see with how im envisioning V2 would be if foals got put in one after another quickly. Since several foals of the wrong size could get caught in a big foal pileup and sent to the wrong pen.

I imagine that was why V1 was changed to V2 because bigger foals had bullied or killed smaller ones. But i’ll go into those details when/if I write a story on this.

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Scheme talk is pm/discord talk~ geez. xD

Im guessing you meant schematics.

Yeah I tend to use paint due to nostalgia. I probably have way better art programs but something about paint reminds me of when I used to do sprite art edits in my teens. Wish i’d kept at it. :frowning:

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lol yeah I mean schematics


So, this is basically like a foal for Sketti but the mother gives the foal up hoping it gets a home?

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Pretty much.

The exterior door foal slot that’s shaped like a fluffy is basically there to make fluffies feel welcome. Compared to the unknown of knocking on random doors asking for a new home.

Foals probably aren’t dropped off 2/3rds of the year, but during leans times/winter would probably be the biggest foal abandonment times. Especially if you’re in an area with stuff like foals for sketties etc.


Well, maybe not abandoned and more a gamble on adoption/life. Depending on story.It’s being pedantic, I know, but I think motive is a big factor in what it is.

“Dummeh babbeh taking bestest babbeh miwkies” versus “No miwkies fow babbehs, please take babbehs.”

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Gotcha, hasty tag selection on my part.

I’ll add a few.

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foal slut
that was vulgar i apologize

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~Walks in and sighs as foals peep in the background~

“Junk mail, Junk mail, smarty baby~” Tosses into shredder by door.


Looks good

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If someone want to be mean they could pour a picture of water through the hole to try and drown the babies.

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At first I was like ‘Pour a picture?’ till I realized you probably meant ‘pitcher’. But the idea of putting a picture of water through the slot so they drown from the visual is also classic fluffy.

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So this would be a hugboxer solution to foals being shoved thru mail slots?

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Correct. Was gonna mention in the story how the homeowner
was inspired to make this when he found a foal with a snapped neck that had been pushed through the mail slot by a desperate mare.

So they replace their door and made the mail slot higher and added a lower access slot with a pen box so they cant wander the house.

Granted people might still try to shove a foal through the mail slot and ruin the box meant for letters but that slot isn’t particularly big enough so it’d be pretty squished.

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Mares do that a lot during winter when they can’t enter a house, last ditch option.

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