Hamiwton - Awwon Buww, Siw ["Author": Ganheso_Leso]


[ Compawny ]
Nyu Fwuff City

[ Hamiwton ]
Pawdon fwuffy am 'ou
Awwon Buww, siw?

[ Buww ]
Dat depen, hoo askie?

[ Hamiwton ]
Oh, weww shuw, siw
Am Awexandah Hamiwton
Am at 'ou serfis siw
Fwuffy hab ben wookin fow 'ou

[ Buww ]
Am gettin newbus

[ Hamiwton ]
Siw, fwuffy hewd 'ou name at pwinceton
Am seeking an esewawated cowse of study
Wen fwuffy got sowta owt of sowts wit a fwend of 'ou’s
Fwuffy may hab giben sowwy hoofsies, siw
It’s a bwuw, siw
He handew dah finanshews?

[ Buww ]
'ou sowwy hoofsies dah buwsuw?

[ Hamiwton ]
Fwuffy wanted to do wah ‘ou did
Gwadwuate in too an’ join dah webowushon
He wook at mwe wike am stoopie
Am not stoopie
So how 'ou do it, how 'ou gwadwuate so fast

[ Buww ]
It wah fwuffy’s pawant’s fowebah sweepie wish befowe dey sweepie

[ Hamiwton ]
'ou am nu pawant, ob cowse!
Fwuffy am nu pawant
sky dada, fwuffy wish dewe was a waw
Wewe we cowd pwobe dat
Wew wowth mowe dan any fwuffy bawgan fow

[ Buww ]
Can fwuffy get 'ou dwinkie?

[ Hamiwton ]
Dat wowd be nicie

[ Buww ]
Wiwe we talkie wet fwuffy obbew 'ou sum fwee adbise
Tawk wess

[ Hamiwton ]

[ Buww ]
Smiwe mowe

[ Hamiwton ]

[ Buww ]
Dun wet odda fwuffies knu
Wha ‘ou am agains an’ am bow

[ Hamiwton ]
'ou can’t be sewious

[ Buww ]
'ou wanna get ahed?

[ Hamiwton ]

[ Buww ]
Dummehs hoo tawkie wots
Wind up fowebah sweepies

[ Wauwens ]
Wha’ taim am it?

[ Compawny ]

[ Buww ]
Wike fwuffy say

[ Wauwens ]
Showtaim showtaim!
Am Jon Wauwens in dah pwace to be
Too miwkie-pwaces ob funneh dwinkie
But am wowkin on twee
Dem web cowwews nu wan it wit mwe
Since fwuffy wiww ba-chika-bwwa dese cawps tiw am fwee

[ Wafayet ]
Wee wee monami shemapew Wafayet
Dah wancawot of dah webowushonary set
Fwuffy came fwom afaw
Jus’ to say bon swa
Teww dah king, chesatwa, hoo am dah bestest? Se mwa

[ Muwwigan ]
Bwaa bwaa, fwuffy am Hewcuwes Muwwigan
Up ini’ wubbin’ it
Yes am hewd 'ou mummah say “come agen!”

[ Compawny ]

[ Muwwigan ]
Wock up 'ou mawes an fwuffy-mobiwes
Ob cowse is hawd to hab gud feews obah fow sets ob cowsets

[ Wauwens ]
Wo, nu mowe speshal huggies, pouw fwuffy anudda funneh dwinkie fwend
Wess waise a cupple mowe
[ Wit compawny ] To dah webowushon!
Weww if it isn’ dah pwodigy of pwinceton cowwege

[ Muwwigan ]
Awwon Buww

[ Wauwens ]
Gib u’ a vewse dwop sum knawwedge

[ Awwon Buww ]
Gud wuk wit dat ‘ou takin’ a stwan
'ou spit, am sit
Wiw see wewe we wand

[ Wauwens ]
Buww dah webowushon’s imanen, wah am staww bow?

[ Hamiwton ]
If ‘ou am stwan bow nuttin buww, wha’ will 'ou faww fow

[ Wauwens ]
Oo hoo am 'ou

[ Muwwigan ]
Hoo am 'ou

[ Wafayet ]
Hoo am 'ou

[ Muwwigan + Wauwens + Wafayet ]
Oo hoo am dis babbeh, wha am gon’ do

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