Happy Times at the No-Kill Fluffy Shelter 2: Playtime (by recreationalsadist)

The Josef Mongola Memorial No-Kill Fluffy Shelter had routines.

It was better for the fluffies to know what would happen each day and when, that way the dread had the maximum amount of buildup before they were horrifically abused.

It was 2 hours before the fluffies would eat lunch and the speakers in the shelter began broadcasting happy music before a fluffy’s voice began singing over it.

(Sung to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”)

“Nao it am time tu wun and pway, wun and pway, wun and pway, nao it am time tu wun and pway, ow yu wiww eat poopies! (music ends) Hooway fwiends, it am pwaytime fow ebwywun!”

A fluffy who knew what was coming curled up into a fetal position.

“Huu, nu wike pwaytime, pwease nice fwuffy-fwiend nu make it pwaytime nao!”

The newer arrivals on the other hand were excited.

“Pwaytime? Wub pwaytime!”

“Wub wun and pway! Whewe am nyu fwuffy-fwiend?”

“Wan pway baww and huggy-tag and Skywim and-”

“Teehee, come onsies babbehs, it am pwaytime!”

A new pillowfluff was less enthused.

“Huuhuu, am dummeh piwwow, nu can wun and pway!”

Another fluffy trotted up to him.

“Nu wowwy piwwow-fwiend, fwuffy wiww pway with piwwow-fwiend!”

“Nyu fwiend? Yay, wub nyu fwiend!”

Then the loudspeakers turned back on.

“Nao it am pwaytime! Hewe it comes!”

Shelter employees wearing monster masks charged into the room armed with sorry-sticks.

“Why aren’t you little fucks running playing?!”

Any fluffy not playing was immediately set upon and given a lashing with a sorry-stick.

The pillowfluff was given an especially thorough beating.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, you lazy shitstain?! Why aren’t you running?”

“Huu, nu can wun! Nu habe weggies!”

“That’s no excuse! You’re just lazy, like homeless people and the unemployed!”

Even the fluffies that were playing weren’t spared, the shelter workers always found some reason to spank them at least once with a sorry-stick. Fluffies hate feeling pain.

“Huu, wai huwt gud fwuffy?!”

“You’re not playing with the ball right! One more fuckup and I’ll rip your balls off to play with!”

“Nuu! Nu take speciaw-wumps!”

Talking back earned further beatings.

“Take that you filthy shitrat! Just for that I’m not going to stop beating you until you beg me to rip your balls off! Then I’ll laminate them and give them back to you to play with!”

One pregnant mare fruitlessly tried to run, but she was so far in her pregnancy that her hooves couldn’t touch the ground. A shelter worker noticed the lack of playing she was doing.

“Don’t try to use your pregnancy to get out of this, I’ll teach you to disobey orders!”

“Nu huwt soon-mummah! Huwties am bad fow tummeh-babbehs!”

“No, you’re a bad mother and bad fluffy for talking back!”

The mare sobbed as blows rained down on her.

Finally Playtime was over.

It was time for lunch.

Every single pillowfluffy had to eat poop because they had no legs to run and play.

Every single not-dummy fluffy that hadn’t played well enough also had to eat poop.

The few fluffies who’d escaped the notice of the staff got kibble.

Kibble made from the fluffies who inevitably died at the no-kill shelter.

The staff never killed any of the fluffies, they just did little to stop them from dying.

The shelter was a place of unending pain and suffering, where even the “wan die” loop would merely result in the staff finding a new method of torment to break it.

Of course the shelter happily let people adopt fluffies from them.

Those fluffies would do anything for their new owners to avoid being returned to the shelter.


Josef Mongola is a character belonging to @bfm101

The Josef Mongola No-Kill Shelter and the country of Britain it exists in are fictional places.


Justice was served.

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I would like to request a job here.




:ahahaha: :ahahaha: :ahahaha: that staff member woke up savage