Pushka's Headcanon Masterpost

Main Timeline
The Great Fluffy Revamp
Default Name (BRIEF)
Biotoy Rights
Spaghetti Headcanon (BRIEF)
Alicorn Headcanon
Derped Fluffy Headcanon
Microfluffy Headcanon
Fluffy Subspecies Headcanons
Seafluffy Headcanon
Fishfluffy Idea
Non-Fluffy Biotoy Headcanons
Jellenheimer Headcanon
Flaws of The Fuzzy Pony (WIP)
Fluffspeak vs Fuzzspeak
Herd Hierarchy: Fluffies vs Fuzzies
Biotoy Hybrid Headcanon
Species Concept: Seekers (WIP)
Cannibal Fluffy Headcanon (BRIEF)
Miscellaneous Headcanons

Alternate Timeline
Overview (Somewhat Controversial)


Note: The main difference between my main timeline and my alternate timeline is the fate of Hasbio. Thus, some parts of my main timeline headcanons still apply there.


  • Alicorns are still just normal fluffies with two types of growths instead of one. Thus, they are just as worthless as all other fluffies.
  • Cannibal fluffies are still just the fluffy equivalent of cannibalistic human serial killers, and not some kind of weird breed/mutation. They are even rarer than in my main timeline.
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Bookmarking this cause i love reading people’s headcanons

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