Helping a Friend Out Ch. 7 (end) (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-0446, and your mommy’s back! After you gave her a big hug, she told you and your hopefully-special-friend to go upstairs so she can talk with the nice mister! You wonder what they’re talking about?

“So, would you like to explain what you’ve been doing with FV-0446?” You hear your mommy ask the nice mister. She doesn’t sound too happy… Did you do something bad?

“I was helping them get to the ‘Bestest Sickie Friend baseline’ again, or whatever you call it! What, what happened?” He questions, as she groans loudly.

“I was helping another group of researchers do PCR testing on some of those fluffies who appear to be infected with something new, and about of the samples that were sequenced looked similar to FV-0446’s genomic baseline. I’m not blaming you, but I am questioning you. You’re the only one, other than me, who’s had your hands on them long enough to weaponize them.” Your mommy explains, as you run downstairs to see what’s going on.

“You’re right, but you know how I feel about… fluffies in general.” The nice mister answers, both of them not noticing you were downstairs.

That conversation went on until they both sounded really not-happy. Maybe you can ask what’s wrong?

“Mom-mee? Mistah Joesep? Wai sound angwy? Am angwy at Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks?” You question, as your mommy picks you up.

“We’re leaving until this is settled.” Your mommy walks out of the nice mister’s house, getting in her vroom-vroom thingie and sitting you down in the back seat before he can speak.

“Speshew-fwiend? Bay-bees? We can nu weave them! Pwease wet Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks see bay-bees and speshew-fwiend 'gain!” You cry out, as she drives home and starts to speak.

“Mommy doesn’t want you to speak to him for a while. Alright?” Your mommy gets out of the vroom-vroom thingie, picking you up and walking inside.

“Mom-mee nu undastan… Wan bay-bees bak su bad…” You whine, starting to cry as she wipes your tears.

“I know, but you said you have a special-friend, right? They can take care of the babies until mommy is ready to forgive Mister Josef.” Your mommy sighs, patting your not-head and bringing you to your safe-room.

“Oh-tay, buh Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks hav que-ion. Wha’ happen when Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks was wittwe bay-bee? Whewe Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks pawentaw viwus? Am they oh-tay?” You question, as she pauses and looks like she’s trying to think of something.

You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and you are very worried. It’s been a good while since Operation: ‘Wowstest Sickies’, and FV-0446 still remembers their ‘pawentaw viwus’. You incinerated the last sample of it about a year ago, and you’re not sure it survived that. What are you supposed to do now?

AN: The next series I do will need some reading of my other stories (specifically Worstest Sickies and Bestest Sickies). These aren’t as good as my current stories, but they will give you some background on the next series.


Poor FV-0446. They remember their parental virus… But don’t know what happened to them. Truly heartbreaking.

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Ah poor 0446, denied the chance to be a parent again. They won’t ever see their offspring wreck havoc on the Fluffy world.

Providing Josef doesn’t incinerate the whole project because his ego can’t take being called out like that.