Homestead Fluffy Ch 5 (By Remarkable_Sue)

“Candace wan see da babbeh!” You said to Pamela. She picks you up and she takes you to where the metal tub was. You look down into the tub and you unfortunately can’t tell which baby chick was the one who imprinted to you. Pamela then sets you closer to the edge where a baby chick came over jumping up towards you. You smile and wave to the baby. You are set on the floor and Pamela leans into the tub.
You watch her take the baby chick and set the chick next to you. The chick chirped and flap their little wings. You do the same to your wings. The chick comes and laid under your stomach. You stay still, but you look at the chick. They stat down while laying under you. You look up to Pamela who laughs.
“This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” She proclaimed She picks you up along with the chick. She takes you and the chick outside to do the chores.

Today’s Chore was cleaning. The fluffies picked up leaves off a sidewalk and other places.

You had your baby chick with you on your back as you helped. The baby chick was content and warm and stayed very still as you worked.
You are done with this chore rather quickly. Joseph has a broom and starts sweeping after you and the others were done. Pamela takes everyone back inside for lunch. You are again on a table with your food, but your baby chick gets weird crumbly food.
“As cute as that was, the chick has to go back in their own safe room. They can rejoin you again tomorrow.” Pamela explained to you.
“Otay! Bye-Bye wittwe chicky! see 'ou watew!” You wave to the chick as Pamela takes them away.

Months pass…

You are a full grown adult, and your baby chick is a Rooster named Rocky. He still sits on your back as you work. Pamela didn’t sell him at all because he filled the roll of a baby. You didn’t ask for any as you thought the rooster was one. Which made Pamela glad as every single mare has asked to have some babies.
Dean and the other stallions were separated from the mares and put into another safe room of their own.

Pamela only sent out you and Buttercream to do the chores for this day. She was matchmaking the others since many of them wanted babbehs.

Clancy was a diva. She’s a very pretty colored Unicorn.

Coat, Baby Pink
Mane and Tail, Ruby Red and Red Crayola
Eyes, Polished Pine

So, Clancy being the ways she was, wanted to make sure she caused a stir when she wanted to choose her mate. Her eyes looked them over the stallions and she finds him. Dean. She trots to him and smiled.
“wan be speshaw fwiend?” She asked Dean happily coming close to him. He move shis head away from Clancy as he felt she was way too lose to his face.
“N…Nu tank ou. Am w…wookin’ fow Candace.” he claims nervously. Clancy huffed.
“Candace am not hewe! Be Cwancy’s speshaw fwiend!” Clancy whined while stomping her hooves angrily. Pamela sighs and came over to the whining Clancy. She heard everything.
“Sorry, Dean. Candace is too occupied with Rocky.” Pamela says to Dean. Clancy nods her head quickly and she tightly hugs Dean. He squirms and tries to get away from her. But, he looks at everyone. The other mares are taken. He wants a family, but with Candace and it seems like the only chance to have one was with Clancy.

Casper was left alone unfortunately. But was given hope by Pamela. She told him that her dad was out to buy another pretty mare just for him.
Lunch came and everyone in pairs was eating their bowls of spaghetti. All but Dean. He was still waiting to see you, but you never entered the kitchen. You were eating outside with Buttercream and Pamela. Rocky too, but he got chicken food.
“So girls… I was thinking of maybe getting special stallions to come over. For you two specifically.” Pamela says to the two alicorns. Buttercream giggled happily.
“Speshaw fwiends? Sounds fun!” Buttercream says. She looks to you to only see you uninterested while you gently pet Rocky. Pamela taps you back and you turn to her.
“Oh! Sowwy! What mummah say?” You asked. Pamela repeats what she said to Buttercream to you.

You can’t help but laugh at the thought of having more babies when your one baby hasn’t grown up yet.
“Siwwy mummah! Wocky am not owd enough yet! He nee’ speshaw fwiend too!” You said to Pamela. She sighs. She stands up and walks away. You and Buttercream both follow her with Rocky running right behind you. You watch Rocky go into the special area of all hens. You watch as he starts to mate with hens.
“See. Rocky is all grown up. He’s going to have his own family.” Pamela says. You sigh and nod your head.
“Otay. whewe am Deen?” You asked Pamela. She lets out a nervous laugh.
“Hah… You two really… well… He already has a special friend.” Pamela says to you. You are very surprised. He practically hated everyone but you and buttercream. You felt a little sad, but had to accept that Dean chose someone else.
“It will be alright! I can make this better! I have pictures of some stallions. You can choose who you want to be the father of your babies!” Pamela says. She leads you and Buttercream away and inside. You walk by the kitchen to see Dean has Chose Clancy. You feel sad.

You follow Pamela and Buttercream up stairs and then to Pamela’s room. She sits on the floor and you and Buttercream sit at her sides. She pulls up 6 pictures of stallions. You decided to actually choose one. Maybe having babies will distract you from Deans betrayal.

  1. Prince
    Coat, White
    Mane and Tail, Teal
    Eyes, Persian Pink
    Personality, Kind , Gentle , Shy
    Breed/s, Acri Cornu and Leggy

  2. Neal
    Coat, Platinum
    Mane and Tail, Tyrian Purple and Fandango Pink
    Eyes, Carolina Blue
    Personality, Protective and Confident
    Earthie born from Alicorn parents
    Breed/s, Curly mane and Curly Coat

  3. Ziggy
    Coat, Maximum Purple
    Mane and Tail, Ultra Red and Eggshell
    Eyes, Tea Green
    Personality, Kind , Generous , Honest
    Breed/s, Long Haired

  4. Keon
    Coat, Lavender Blush
    Mane and Tail, Antique Fuchsia
    Eyes, Rich Black (Rich Black)
    Personality, Calm , Agreeable , Helpful
    Breed/s, Royal

  5. Enzo
    Coat, Pink Lavender
    Mane and Tail, Purple Navy and Celadon Green
    Eyes, Mint Green and Majorelle Blue
    Personality, Patient , Charismatic , Cooperative
    Pegasus Alicorn father
    Breed/s, Puff Haired

  6. Roy
    Coat, Indigo
    Mane and Tail, Dark Purple(Dark Purple) and China Pink
    Eyes, Paradise Pink and Rhythm
    Personality, Caring , Friendly , patient
    Breed/s, Floppy Lop Ears, Puff, Puff Haired

“Candace, go ahead and choose a stallion.” Pamela says. You look them over and you chose…

//NOTE! I will be paying attention to the Likes of every comment from now on. Maybe that’ll help with some of my stories.


i say 2

Option 3. (Mossyfluff’s comment about kindness made me reconsider my choice, and gave me some other ideas depending on how the story goes).

Hopefully Dean can end up with another mate at some point since it seems like he doesn’t really want Clancy as a special friend. Too bad he can’t pull a Casper at this time.

  1. Kindness is a must
1 Like

I’d say .2, his colours will probably mix well with Cadance’s and he has a very nice personality.

Sad, i thought that maybe just maybe candance and buttercup would pair up since they looked cute together but eh, number 1 seems good enough

i say choose none of them. dean is simply too loyal to be thrown under the bus!


Maybe 6 because I think the colors would mix well.
