Hunting Wabbits Ch. 5 [By BFM101]

“He threatened you?”

It was the next day, Josef and Jonathan had scared off Alpha and his toughies before they could hurt Herman even more, however the Fluffies had scampered off into the wheat fields before the brothers could do anything and Josef refused to leave Herman without helping him.

The old uncle was now sitting in his kitchen with a bag of frozen peas placed against the black-eye Alpha gave him, luckily he hadn’t broken any bones when he fell although the bruise on his back made it difficult to move properly. Unluckily however, despite three showers and countless times brushing his teeth he still couldn’t rid himself of the smell or the taste of Fluffy shit.

Herman looked up at Jonathan, the old man was tired and annoyed but Jonathan kept asking him about his encounter with Alpha and what happened.

“Yes. The little green prick threatened me. So what? I thought Fluffies threatened people all the time.”

Josef shook his head. “Not like this, Fluffies stick to their own territory and admonish people for crossing into their boundaries. It’s why lawn invasions are so common, Smarty sees an empty piece of land and claims it as their own, doesn’t matter if the human comes out afterwards, they weren’t there before to protect it. This is different though, Alpha not only attacked you directly, but he set up a suicide squad to distract me and John and take us away from the farmhouse, we might have underestimated this guy.”

Jonathan scoffed. “Even the smartest Fluffy is a fucking idiot, I’m not gonna start worrying about a shitrat just cause he understands distraction tactics.”

“John, a Fluffy knowing ANY tactics is bad, it means Alpha’s smart, actually smart. We need to rethink our strategy with this herd after last night.”

“Yeah, you two have fun with that, I’m gonna see to our new guest.”

Jonathan turned and left the farmhouse, heading for the barn. Josef thought about going after him, but decided to let Jonathan have his moment alone and turned back to his Uncle.

“You gonna be ok Uncle HAM?”

“I’ll be alright, my ego’s hurt more than anything. Besides, this use to be a Dairy farm before my back went, this ain’t the first time I’ve ate shit.”

“Well, so long as you’re ok. Let’s have a look at your eye.”

Herman removed the ice-pack from his right eye, letting Josef get a better look at it. It was still red and swollen, having taken the full weight of Alpha’s kick, with some purple discolouration around the parts which were starting to heal, but there were no open wounds or anything worse than a bad punch.

“Looks rough, but you’ll survive, no need to start calling you Captin HAM just yet.”

“Shame, I was looking forward to having a gnarly scar and a good story.”

“The story being you lost your eye to a Fluffy?”

“Good point.”

The two men laughed, which caused the bruise on Herman’s back to start hurting again.

“Christ, I just hope this heals in time for the harvest, I’m not the young man I used to be.”

“If you need the help, I could drop by, I’ve got nothing else going on at the moment. And I’m sure John would join in as well.”

Herman chuckled. “No offence Josef, but by the time I taught you how to harvest properly, the harvest would be over. Besides I got a couple Romanian boys that come by and help out, they know what they’re doing. Hopefully this fucking herd will be gone by then.”

“Well the way John’s going through them, it’s likely not to be too much longer.”

“Yeah, but I’m worried he’ll burn himself out long before then, he’s not in the right headspace Josef.”

“You don’t know the half of it, you know that pistol he said he’s got? It’s a Luger.”

“Christ, I thought he was past this shit.”

“So did I, but John says he’s got his reasons and he’s not telling us what. I think whatever he’s going through is being exacerbated by this herd.”

“Jonathan’s family Josef, and unlike most of the family I’m not giving up on him.”

“Me neither Uncle HAM, but from what he said last night, I think John’s given up on himself.”

On the other side of the farm, inside Herman’s barn, Jonathan hammered another nail into Papa’s leg, pinning all four of them to the wall.

“AHHH! Weggie huwties, Fwuffy hatchu meanie hoomin.”

“The feeling’s mutual you little cunt, now start talking. Why the hell did you attack my Uncle?”

“Meanie hoomin gib brudda foweba sweepies.”

“Really? Which one was your brother cause I’ve killed so many of your friends I’ve forgotten.”

“Yu big dummeh.”

Jonathan slapped Papa in the face.

“Watch your fucking tongue. Now that explains why YOU attacked me, but tell me about your leader, what’s Smarty’s plan in all of this.”

“Smawty am bestesh Fwuffy, gun teach dummeh hoomin wessons.”

Jonathan smirked as he picked up a sickle and flashed in front of a shivering Papa.

“He can try. But I think I’m gonna teach you a few lessons first.”

The screech of pain as Jonathan used the rusty tool to hack off one of Papa’s legs was so loud that it was almost heard by Alpha in his nest.

The mood in the herd is mixed following the night before, some of them are celebrating their perceived victory, some of them are mourning the loss of Papa, Quebec and Victor, and some of them are too hungry to think about anything else.

The Toughie Foxtrot finds his mate Sierra in her usual place with the chirpies, feeding them all and singing to them, she smiles when she sees him.

“Speciaw-fwiend, hab biggehs heawt happiest u see yu.”

The two Fluffies nuzzle together, Foxtrot looks down and smiles at the chirpies, they weren’t his but he likes playing with them all the same.

“How babbehs du?”

“Babbehs gud, git wots of gud miwkies, doh Fwuffies hab tu wowk hawda nyo.”

Sierra motioned over to where Tango was laying, crying her eyes out since learning about Quebec’s death, if not for Uniform happily feeding any foals she came across, it was likely Tango’s newborns would’ve starved.

“Owange fwiend hab heawt-huwties, Udda mawe an Fwuffy can feed babbehs, bu gun take wong time tu feed dem aww.”

Foxtrot pondered for a moment. “How speciaw-fwiend hab enuff nummies tu hab miwies fow aww babbehs?”

“Smawty say tu make suwe babbehs am fed pwopewy, nu knyo wen nummie pwace git mowe, need tu pwotect babbehs.”

“Dewe sum nummies fow speciaw-fwiend.”

Sierra shook her head. “Sowwy, babbehs come fiwst, if any weft afta babbehs hab miwkies den speciaw-fwiend can hab sum.”

Foxtrot was disappointed but understood, he curled up beside Sierra and relaxed himself after a long night’s work.

Most of the other Toughies did the same thing, taking a nap in the shade of the trees. Except for Indigo though, he went straight for his favourite place in the nest. Right behind Kilo.

“Hewwo enfie-fwiend, Fwuffy hab wowstesh wump huwties. Wan hewp?”

Kilo immediately beamed at the sight of Indigo. “Puwpew fwiend, am weady fow gud-feews gain.”

Indigo took a deep inhale of Kilo’s scent and mounted her, the familiar warmth washing away his stress from the night before, Kilo mewed to herself at the feeling, she knew she wasn’t Indigo’s special-friend but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy his company.

Beside them, the other enfie-mares ignored the humping, well Lima tried to anyway, Juliet didn’t even seem to notice it. At that point November came by with a small amount of food, he was the only food keeper left and he wasn’t happy about the extra work, he dropped the food in front of them both, Lima noted that it was less than usual.

“Bu, Fwuffies hungwy.”

“Aww Fwuffies am hungwy, dat aww Fwuffies git tiww Smawty say so.”

November left without another word, Lima knew there was no point in arguing and started digging into her food, only to notice that once again, Juliet wasn’t even looking at her food.

“Fwiend? Wai nu hab nummies? Fwiend am soon-mummah, need nummies fow tummeh-babbehs.”

Juliet ignored her, her mind too broken from months of miscarriages and rapes, even with Romeo dead she still prepared herself to lose her young, even if it was by her own hand.

Lima was instantly worried at her friend’s lack of response, she spotted Alpha and shouted him over.


Alpha and Beta wandered over to the enfie-area to see what the issue was, Alpha took one look at the broken Juliet and shrugged his soldiers, recognising the trauma that Romeo put her through.

“Dummeh mawe nu wan eat, wha Smawtie sup-post tu du?”

“Fwiend am soon-mummah, need nummies.”

“If mawe nu wan eat dat hew choose, Smawty nu can make hew. Wet dummeh mawe stawve.”

Lima flared up. “Yu wowstesh Smawty, wet tummeh-babbehs gu foweba sweepies, wet Fwuffy fwiend gu foweba sweepies, cos yu nu wan gib up dummeh wand. Aww da nummies in da wowld nu matta if Fwuffies nu can eat.”

Alpha stared at Lima, his eyes glaring red at her, how dare a fucking enfie-mare talk back at him.

“Bestesh Tuffie, deaw wiv dis dummeh. If she wan soon-mummah tu eat, den soon-mummah git dummeh’s nummies”

Lima barely had time to react before Beta lifted his massive hoof and crush Lima’s skull in one stomp. Neither Juliet nor Kilo paid any attention to the violent death, both too caught up in their own pain and pleasure respectively to care, Beta left Lima’s bloodied corpse where it lay and returned to his training area to toughen up his hoofs some more.

While Alpha was distracted, Charlie took the opportunity to try and talk to Delta, the pretty pink bitch was grooming herself, now visibly pregnant. She scoffed when she saw Charlie draggin his legless torso over to her.

“Weave bestesh mummah awone, nu wan poopie gewms neaw tummeh-babbehs.”

“Soon-mummah nu fink Fwuffy poopie befow, awmos hab Fwuffy tummeh-babbehs.”

Delta turned and smacked Charlie on the nose.

“Poopie Fwuffy gib wowstesh bad-huggies, bestesh mummah neba wub yu, nu wan yu neaw tummeh babbehs.”

Charlie started crying. “Nu wan gib bad-huggies, brudda pwan, den brudda take speciaw-fwiend an…

“An nuttin. Yu just meanie poopie, bestesh Smawty du wight fing takin meanie poopie weggies, nu can huwt Fwuffies nu mowe.”

“Bu Fwuffy nu wan huwt Fwuffies.”

“Nu cawe, weave ow mummah gib sowwy-poopies tu dummeh.”

Charlie hung his head in depressive shame and dragged himself away, ignoring the look Alpha gave him as he past.

“Wha poopie brudda wan?” He asked Delta, nuzzling into her side.

“Jus be dummeh, nu need Smawty tu wowwy.”

“Hmm, Smawty wumps am sowe, wan speciaw-huggies?”

Delta playfully swatted him away. “Nu dummeh. Speciaw-huggies am bad fow tummeh babbehs.”

“Bu wumps hab wowstesh huwties, wan gib bestesh speciaw-fwiend gud-feews.”

“Fwuffy nu need gud-feews, need babbehs be safe. Hab huggies wiv udda mawe, Fwuffy nu be angwy.”

Alpha shook his head. “Dummeh mawes am nu speciaw-fwiend, nu gib dummehs huggies.”

Delta smiled, Alpha was devoted to her, she’d never met a Fluffy like him, but she also knew his sore lumps would be a problem later on. That’s when she spotted Zulu off to the sidelines talking to Yankee.

“Wai nu gub poopie mawe huggies? She bawewy count as Fwuffy, nu wowwy bout making Fwuffy angwy.”

Alpha looked over at Zulu, her back was to him so he could make out her special-place from the distance, he wouldn’t normally consider a brown mare, but his lumps were sore.

“Speciaw-fwiend suwe?” He asked her.

“Poopie mawe am nu twue Fwuffy, speciaw-fwiend Smawty stiww woyaw tu soon-mummah. Wet Smawty wumps weawase.”

Alpha nuzzled with his mate one more time before jogging on towards Zulu, his no-no stick already hardening in anticipation.

Unaware of the danger she was in, Zulu shared what little nummies she had with Yankee, her poor mate was getting weaker from the shit he had to eat, but she still loved him all the same.

“How babbeh du?” Yankee asked, having barely seen his only remaining daughter since they were brought in.

“Babbeh gud, miss bruddas an sistahs bu mummah nu bwame hew. Miss dem tuu.”

“Daddeh knyo mummah make hawd choose, stiww wub mummah nu matta wha.”

“Mummah knyo, but stiww hab wowstesh heawt-huwties.”

“Fwuffy wowking on escape, need speciaw-fwiend an babbeh weady, nu can stay hewe, nu wiv Fwuffies guin foweba-sweepies.”

Zulu looked at her mate worried. “Dat gud pwan? Nu wan make Samwty angwy, he am pointy-wingie, stwonga dan nowmaw Fwuffies.”

“Hab tu twy, nu can stay hewe whiwe…”

Yankee stopped when he saw Alpha coming towards them, his eyes widened at the sight of Alpha’s hard phallus coming right for Zulu.


Zulu froze for a second processing what Yankee was saying, and that second was all Alpha needed to push her to the ground and thrust himself into her.

She screeched in agony. “NUUUUU! Nu gib bad huggies, Fwuffy nu wan.”

Alpha smacked her in the face as he began fucking her. “Enf. Smawty nu cawe. Enf. Wumps hab huwties. Enf. Poopie mawe am enfie mawe nyo. Enf.”

Yankee felt his blood boiling. “YU WEAVE SPECIAW FWIEND AWONE!”

With what little strength he had, Yankee charged at Alpha, ready to kill the smarty or die trying…

Only to get knocked down by Beta who was instantly there to protect his master.

“Dummeh poopie nu huwt Smawty.” Beta growled in his ear, holding Yankee to the ground, making sure he was looking straight at Alpha raping his mate.

“Enf, enf, enf.”

“Nuuhuuhuu, pwease wet Fwuffy gu, nu wan.”

The sounds of Alpha’s grunting and Zulu’s pained crying infested Yankee’s ears, he was her mate and powerless to help her.

“Am su sowwy speciaw-fwiend, am wowstesh Fwuffy eba.” He confessed through his own tears.

Zulu didn’t hear him, she was still trying to fight Alpha off her. “WAI? Wai huwt Fwuffy, am nu enfie-mawe.”

“Enf. Yu dummeh poopie. Enf. Onwy gud fow numming poopies. Enf. An enfies. Enf. Yu wan babbehs gain? Enf. Smawty gib yu. Enf. Bestesh. Enf. Babbehs. Enf. Enfenfenfenfenf.”



Zulu felt Alpha finish inside her and knew it was too late, she was going to have his foals whether she wanted it or not. Alpha climbed off her and walked over to Yankee, still stuck under Beta’s massive body.

“Mawe gib gud enfies, Smawty be bak if wumps huwt gain.”

With that, Beta let Yankee go, chuckling away with Alpha as the two of them returned to Alpha’s stump-throne. Yankee instanty ran over and wrapped his hoofs around Zulu, trying to calm her down.

She barely seemed to notice him.

Back at the farm, Josef and Herman hadn’t seen Jonathan in a while but given his declining mental state, both of them felt it good to give him some space.

By the time he returned from the barn, Herman was on the drone again, Jonathan didn’t say a word as he entered, shocking both Josef and Herman with his sudden appearance, and the copious amount of blood on his shirt, the entire front was stained dark-red to the point where it was impossible to tell what the original colour was.

“Jesus.” Josef was speechless at the sight.

“Don’t worry, not my blood.”

“I know, that’s why I’m worried.”

Jonathan scoffed and looked over at Herman manning the drone. “Any updates?”

“None good, I can’t tell the full story, but I think Alpha just raped Zulu.”

Josef felt a tinge of disgust. “Christ, you still set on saving those two?”

“If I can, but now I’m afraid what their mindset is gonna be, I still don’t fully understand these Fluffies but I have to imagine…”

Herman was cut off by Jonathan stomping upstairs, a look of absolute fury on his face. Josef went to follow him only to be stopped by Herman grabbing his arm, whatever was on Jonathan’s mind wasn’t worth Josef’s interference.

Jonathan slammed the bathroom door and started washing Papa’s blood off his hands, but there was so much, the sink was staining red and his hands were still bloodied and messy and sore and…


Jonathan had to fight himself to keep from punching the mirror, he hated these fucking creatures and every day he was given yet another excuse to want them dead.

His breathing returned to normal but his heart still raced on, and Jonathan thought for a moment. Maybe Josef was right, maybe he was taking too long with these Fluffies, maybe he needed to unleash a little on them. But to do that he needed to tap into a part of himself he was trying to avoid, and these fucking Fluffies were making it harder and harder to ignore.

He needed the reason he brought the Luger.

Jonathan left the bathroom and went straight for his room, pulling out a black rucksack from under the bed. He quickly got changed out of his bloodstained clothes and into the uniform he’d hidden inside, a plain black shirt, black combat trousers, a long black leather trench-coat, thick black leather gloves and a black gas mask to complete the hellish-imagery, with tinted eye-holes and two filters on either side of his mouth.

Jonathan pocketed his Luger and looked at himself in the mirror, he looked like the devil.

And he was going to do the devil’s business.

“Auf auf zur Vernichtung, so lasst uns nun die Hunde des Krieges entfesseln.”

Jonathan grabbed his rucksack and went back downstairs, immediately Herman and Josef were shocked at the appearance in front of them.

Josef was the first to break out of his shock. “John, what the fuck are you…?”

“Stell keine fragen.”

“Questions? Yeah I’ll ask some fucking questions, what the fuck is with the get-up.”

“Angst Taktiken.”

Jonathan picked up a belt of gas-grenades, the handheld flamethrower, a few packs of pistol bullets and a large machete and the grenade launcher, flinging the first three into his rucksack, the machete into his belt loop and holstering the launcher onto his back. With his equipment set he stood up and looked at his brother.

“Folge mir nicht.”

And with that, Jonathan left before his brother or his uncle could stop him, he had a couple things to pick up in the barn.

Then it was time to kill some Fluffies.

My apologies for the bad German, Google translate can only do so much.

Chapter 6


insert Doom music


Das einzige was sie fürchten, bist du.

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I hope the Smarty goes first.


no lets leave him for last so he sees the last person die being his special friend and then his brother fitted with prosthetic’s gets up and kills his brother


Please make sure Delta’s suffering lasts as much as possible, bitch doesn’t deserve a quick death.

Also Charlie’s a rapist? interesting so there really are no good fluffies in that family.


There’s more to Charlie’s story, he’s not totally innocent but he’s not the villain Delta thinks he is.


The audacity of this bitch - Side-Eyes Chloe | Make a Meme



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Hope the two feral and their daughter survived. Even if zulu have to bare alphas brood

I would have alpha be the last to die. See all his empire down the drain and see delta dies infront as he do to other fluffies.

Its hurtful most foals and surviving mares will die as well after this.

Damn toughie beta hopes he gets to lost those hoofs he so much proud about.

And then Jonathan, guess he lost it already.


Shows you what a bitch she was


When Delta’s foals are all poopeh colored alicorn runts and Sierra murderes them right in front of her.


If only Jonathan has some sanity left in him on his killin spree that will or not happen next chapter. :thinking:


Killing spree? Yes

Sanity? Debatable

There is an end goal in mind for Jonathan that will explain why he’s not in the main timeline. I won’t say what happens but it is a bittersweet reveal


Well will wait and see on the next chapter then.


@BFM101 Hey if you need Help with the Translation please send me your english original and i Translate it for you in to German. Im German Native Speaker and Exept

I couldnt Understand a word, i mean its not even German.
Like How this is going so far and i can see how Jonathans road ends sad but it is a good story.


I might do that in future, but I think I’m done with the German for now.

For reference it’s supposed to say; “Cry havoc. And let slip the dogs of war” Clearly I messed that up


This would be the closest German Translation i can gife you. We dont hafe the saying to Cry Havoc there is no translation that would make sens so i had to improvise. Hope it Helps. Love your wrighting even if the Hole Nazi stick makes me a littel uncomftebel.
“Auf auf zur Vernichtung, so lasst uns nun die Hunde des Krieges entfesseln!!”