Impending burnie hurties. (by: artist-kun)

Yeah, because buildings are still made of wood, right? Seriously, if you don’t like abuse, don’t comment

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Fires happen all the time. The most common building material is still wood. Low quality wood mind you, but wood.

What do you think is burning in California?

if you don’t like abuse, don’t comment

Human abuse is still abuse.

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Here, have an educational video on the topic.

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Buuuurn baby burn!!! Fluffy Inferno! Burn baby, burn!!


That’s clearily a brick building (so your video is pointless) and that’s clearly a fluffy, bitch is gonna be dead way before she even leaves the alley, at most is gonna burn the trash can, if that.
Also, there’s no human abuse here, the fuck are you talking about. Seriously, your fantasies are getting cringy and annoying as fuck.


What do you think brick gets layered in front of these days?

Brick buildings burn into a hollow shell because its not used as the primary building material anymore.

The main benefit to brick as an exterior isn’t to save a building in the case of a fire, its to reduce your insurance rate and boost your insurance payout when a fire does eventually occur.

The human abuse is the theoretical of Fluffies destroying a residential block. You know, what my joke was about.

Also, do I know you? I don’t think we have interacted before.

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are we talking American housing or all housing in general?


I suppose both?
Most Fluffy stories seem to take place in the States or similar countries.


i need to find some spare time and translate more stories located in Russia


Remember to cripple your fluffies before burning so they don’t run around your property setting things on fire in a panic. A heavy blow to the back with a metal pipe or baseball bat should do the trick.

Also remember to get a permit before burning.

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Oh dear thats scary as fuck whats more scsry if thats in a residencial area :scream:

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I’m dying here! You just made my night with that comment! Well done.


you dont know how fires work do you