Jelly and Snowflake - Part 06 - The Birthday Party

Later, at the weekend, it was Alice’s birthday. Normally Claire would not want to go to a seven year old’s birthday party, but Alice’s friends were all invited, and were bringing their fluffies, so Claire decided to bring hers too.

Alice’s parents had set up a long, low table with a white table cloth and little fluffy sized seats. Alice’s friends had all brought their fluffies with them, and their parents had helped them to make little fluffy costumes. There were princes and princesses, cowboys and spacemen, and all kinds of other costumes. The room was full of parents and seven year old girls and about fifteen dressed up fluffies, of which Jelly and Snowflake were the oldest by a week or so. Then, Alice’s mum brought in a massive pot of SPAGHETTI. Easily enough to feed the fluffies, childen and even their parents.

“Sketties! Sketties!” The fluffies all began to chirp excitedly when they smelled the food and saw the pot.

Jelly and Snowflake were sat on Claire’s lap, and started squirming in her grasp, trying to get to the food. Jelly was dressed as a hula girl, with a hawaiian grass dress, which she had started to nibble on. Snowflake was dressed as a ballerina. When Alice’s mum started to ladle out the spaghetti into little fluffy sized bowls, they reacted very differently.

“Sketties? Fow Snowfwake? Weawy? Snowfwake am gud fwuffy?” Snowflake asked, in disbelief at the enormous treat facing them all. Jelly’s reaction was not the same.

“SKETTIES!!!” She cried and started struggling. When Claire didn’t let go, Jelly bit down hard on her fingers, making Claire wince and let go of her.


Jelly made a bee-line for the Spaghetti bowls, roughly shoving other Fluffies aside and causing little girls to trip over her and fall. The other fluffy keepers took this as a sign that meal time had begun, and let their fluffies go too. In no time at all, the table was swarmed with fluffies, all in their cute little costumes, rushing the spaghetti bowls and filling their faces with pasta, meat and sauce.

“OMMMMM NOM NOM NOM NOM.” Chomped Jelly, stuffing her face like a pig, and finishing her bowl of spaghetti faster than Claire would have thought possible. Snowflake and the other fluffies were eating too, with squeals of delight, and the parents and children passed around bowls and parmesan, including one for Claire. Jelly was not satisfied with just one bowl though, and shoved her nose into the bowl of the fluffy next to her.

“Nuuu!” the baby blue foal cried as the fat red fluffy pushed her out of the way, “Am Tinkabewws Sketties! Nu eat Tinkabewws sketties meany wed fwuffy!”

Jelly simply ignored the crying smaller fluffy and started nomming her way through her second bowl of spaghetti. Tinkerbell’s owner had other ideas though. Seeing her little Tinkerbell being bullied and having her sketties stolen, the little girl grabbed Jelly and lifted her up, pulling her away from the table.

“NUUUU! BAD UPSIES!” Cried Jelly, spewing half eaten spaghetti all over the little blue foal, “NU AM JEWWY’S SKETTIES! WET GO! OR JEWWY GIV WOWSTEST OWWIES!”

The little girl didn’t let go though, and even tried to bob Jelly on the nose. Jelly did not react well to this, and turned around to bite the girl. Realising that she was tangling with a wild and angry fluffy, the little girl dropped Jelly and started to cry. Unperturbed, Jelly ignored the crying little girl and turned her attention to something even better, a bowl of spaghetti, covered in parmesan, that the girls mother had just put down on the floor. A HUMAN SIZED BOWL OF SKETTIES.

Claire looked on in horror as the girl and her fluffy carried on crying. The girls mother shooed Jelly away from her bowl, which caused Jelly to look up and actually GROWL at her. Jelly looked around and ran back to the table, still surrounded by fluffies, including her sister, who were eating their sketties much more politely.

Jelly ran up to the table, and jumped up on to it. Glaring at the fluffies and their owners, she stood up on her hind legs and yelled at them all:


As if this were not enough, she then let out a massive stream of poop, all over the white table cloth, covering several fluffies and another little girl in her foul excrement. Then, she kicked another foal out of the way and started to eat her sketties.

Claire was ashamed.


Link to Index of Hornlarry Stories


I think it was this chapter that made Jelly become one of the most hated Fluffies on the Booru


Peppermint Parchment drew this wonderful picture of the Fluffy Birthday party. I’m not sure if you have any of her stuff archived but she was a fantastic fluffy artist :slight_smile:


I don’t think Claire is ready for this Jelly.

In all seriousness though she’s clearly too far gone. Bash her goddamn face in and be done with hter.


Sheesh. Let’s hope that Jelly can be fixed. Otherwise, I don’t see a good future for her.



If she can be saved, good. But if she is too far gone… it’s better to let her go in her sleep.

Claire and Snow might be devastated at first, but not as much as if they were hurt by Jelly first and had to euthanize her later.

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And here I was worried that Snowflake was going to go up to be a smarty and bully Jelly. Turns out Snowflake is the prime example of well-behaved, or is at least smart enough to act the part, while Jelly is just a spoiled piece of shit.

Jelly is about to catch up on all the punishment she is owed…I hope. I also hope it isn’t too late to correct her behavior.


Uh oh jelly starting to become a smarty

Of course I’m wondering if Snowflake is encouraging the behavior when nobody is around so she looks perfect in comparison.


That last sentence is the understatement of the year

They look so confused im confused what the hell jelly fart fluffy