John and Bella Part 8.2
“Alright you chub balls!” Kori said to his three fluffies, peanut, cookie and blueberry, all sitting in front of him in attention.
“There’s a fluffy in the FluffShed in the backyard that REALLY needs some good fluffies help.”
“Uh nu!!” Said the fluffies.
“Whu am wong daddeh?!” Said cookie, getting nervous and eager to help.
“This fluffy has had a very, very hard time. She had her WEGGIES taken!” Kori said
“NU!” The fluffies gasped .
“That’s not all! She also had a MUNSTAH human daddy AND a meanie fluffy momma who said she was a poopie, dummie, too small, monster baby!”
“NUUUUUU!!! Huuuhuu!!” The fluffies let out. This was almost too much for them to hear.
“Pweese daddeh! Pweese take bwuebewwy tu fwuffshewd! Nee gib huggies tu nyu fwend!!” Said blueberry.
“Okay guys, but a couple more things. She’s going to be very sleepy for a while, so you’ll have to spend the night in there and be very, very nice to her when she wakes up. Can you guys do that?”
The fluffies nodded without thinking. They really wanted to help Bella, they felt so, so sorry for her.
“Alright, I’ll explain more once we get to the shed.” Said Kori.
He stood up, and they made their way to the backyard, ignoring the other rampant fluffies. The three fluffs didn’t really seem to mind the other fluffies. They were all kinda raised in this environment, had seen lots of fluffies come and go. Some they bonded with and others they just didn’t really mind or know.
“Dew am wike mowe den fwee fwuffies in daddeh’s hewd” peanut would always say as a little baby.
They made their way to the shed, and all the fluffies gasped quietly seeing Bella.
They had seen many fluffies, but none quite as beat up as Bella. Not physically, but even in her sleep she looked uneasy, scared, confused and still so defeated.
“Am a powe wittwe babbeh…” said cookie, tears welling up.
“She’s not quite a baby anymore. She’s actually basically a big fluffy now. She just didn’t get enough milkies as a baby.” Said Kori. Even he felt bad for Bella.
“Bwuebewwy fink mawe am vewy nice. Wiww be vewy gud tu nyu fwuffy fwend.” Said blueberry.
“Good boy” said Kori, scratching behind his ears.
“Alright, guys. You know how to use the litter box, you know how to watch FluffTV and you know to click the red button if anything goes wrong, right?” Asked Kori.
“Yus daddeh…” they all said, rolling their eyes.
“Okay, good. Daddy’s gonna go inside, you guys just do your thing. I’ll come see you and your new friend bella tomorrow.” He said as he shut the door.
He went to his back patio, sparked a joint and called John.
“Hello?” Said john, still kinda shaken up.
“Wussuh fucker.” Said Kori.
“How is she?”
“Asleep. Gave her some meds. She’ll be out till late night/early morning. She’ll still be groggy so it’ll ease her into real life, it’ll be less of a shock.”
“So… what’re you gonna do with her?”
“My fluffies will keep her happy while I’m busy. When I get time I’ll ask her some questions that will trigger certain responses and try and verbally rewire her to the best of my abilities. She’ll still be fucked, but not suicidal for at least a little while.”
“Hey… thank you.”
“Yeah, whatever, we need to talk after this shits done. Nos da, yfed cwrw.” Said Kori, while getting up to put out his joint and grab a beer.
“Let’s hope this goes well.” Kori thought.
Hey, she’s in good… hooves?