John and Bella part 8 (SubSmoke606)

John and Bella Part 8

Kori had Bella in between his arm and his side. Walking out to the car, he was thinking about John, and the words he said to him before he left.

John had only had Bella for less than a week, and only a couple days ago, Kori had warned John about how much work this was going to be. And the attitude he had just given him? Kori was starting to think this may be taking a pretty hard toll on his friend.

“Huu? Whewe daddeh!? Daddeh nu wub Bewwa… Give Bewwa tu nyu munstah daddeh!!” Bella said, waking up due to the commotion.

“Here, take this.” Kori gave her a sketti flavored sedative, and she was out almost instantly. Kori knew he would have to explain to her what’s going on eventually, but right now it would just be futile. She’s malfunctioning due to all the trauma, and being away from John is just causing more.

Kori buckled Bella up, and started his drive to his house and began to ponder about how he’s even going to fix this damned thing.

On one hand, he was really considering just ending Bella. John may never forgive him, and it would probably cost a friendship. Kori was fine with that risk if that mean John would get his sanity back.

No, that’s not fair. Look, Kori didn’t like the fact that he was being dragged into this mess, but regardless Bella wasn’t his property. It wasn’t his place to judge, he was just there to help out a friend.

Plan B was showing Bella that their are good things in life. Kori had a multitude of fluffies, close to 30. Some, he kept as pets, some were experiments and some were just completely disposable.

He had a couple fluffies in mind that could possibly help rehabilitate Bella. He also was going to do some fluffy therapy. A practice that wasn’t very common, but one that was still proven to be effective. Fluffy therapy was much more mechanical and logical than human therapy. It wasn’t figuring out the deep rooted trauma someone may be having, it was simply manipulating fluffies bio-programming. It would still be a hefty process considering Bella’s state, and he could already tell she’d never be set back to normal, but he wanted to at least get her out of this suicidal loop she was in.

Whatever, the plan wasn’t all the way there yet but it didn’t need to be. This wasn’t for a day job, just for a friend.

After some time, he arrived to his house. His house was odd, just as odd as you would expect from someone like Kori. It was old, Victorian and every room had a complete monochrome color scheme, with every other room having either a neutral theme or a super bright theme. It was usually Disheveled, and he didn’t keep up with maintenance but oh well. Kori wasn’t picky, nor did he care a whole lot about keeping up the place knowing he was going to have 30 plus fluffies run around the house, a lot of which having free reign of the place.

He went to his backyard, and put Bella in a shed he used for some fluffies on occasion. He didn’t have any pillow fluff gear, so he just made her a make shift pillowfluff kit with some blankets and re-adjusting where the liter box and food bowl was.

He sat her down, and looked at his watch. The sedative probably wouldn’t wear off until tomorrow morning, that should give Kori more than enough time to explain to his fluffies what’s going on.

He walked into his house and screamed


Some fluffies cowered in a corner, some ignored him and went back to playing with their blocks or picture books or whatever dumb shit Kori’s fluffies do, I dunno man. However, three particular fluffies ran up to him and immediately positioned themselves in the Hasbio trademarked fluffy pose. Those three were cookie, blueberry, and peanut.

Cookie was a black and white Pegasus mare who absolutely loved babies. Not in the dumb fluffy way of “daddeh! Wan babbehs nao!” And then gets bored of those same babies a week later. No, cookie loved babies simply because she just loved babies! Munstah babbehs, dummeh babbehs, it doesn’t matter. Lots of breeders would kill for a mom like her, even with her bland colors. But Kori has had her for about a year or so now, and actually quite likes the little fuzz ball.

Then there was blueberry, an all lime green unicorn stallion. Why was he named blueberry you ask? Because Kori is fucking retarded. Blueberry wasn’t like other stallions. He was very quiet, calm, gentle and could be very clingy. He absolutely loved Kori, he found him hilarious and sometimes very affectionate (depending on the day).

Next, there’s peanut. Peanut is a orange and blue earthy mare who was spunky, protective but awfully loyal. She’s a lot smaller than the other two because she was a runt. Kori found her as a chirpie, and after yelling several welsh obscenities at her family, took her in. He also killed her families bestest baby, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“Daddeh! Daddeh! Daddeh home!” They all said, in unison almost.

“I fuck ducks and also i cry a lot!” Kori said, giving them all some scratches amidst all the commotion.

“Hehe daddeh! Yu nu supposwed tu sai dem nawty wowds! Yu su siwy doe!” Laughed blueberry.

“Aye that’s a valid fuckin point there dudeski! How about you three follow daddy to his bedroom. We needa talk bout some shit, I tell you what!” Kori said, already walking back towards his room.

On the way there, he had some doubt. Maybe this was all too much, maybe john was even taking advantage of him.

“Fuck it, i can fix her. Fat ole no leggy bitch.” John thought out loud.

“Wuh daddeh talkin bowt?” Asked cookie

“Oh shit” said Kori.

“You’ll find out in a sec.”


I… I didn’t think about using fluffies to help her. That’s much better than whatever I was thinking. Great move


I guess fluffy gotta do what a fluffy gotta do.

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