John and Bella #9
You hung up the phone on Kori. You considered calling him back to make sure you heard him right.
Your fluffy has been under his care for like what? A little over a day now? And she’s already fucking pregnant. How did he even know?
You turn off your genesis mid fight between blanka and M. Bison (you were just getting ready to finish your first 1cc, too) and slip your tattered shoes on and head to Kori’s.
On one hand, you were livid with him. He can’t ever take shit seriously, he never has, not even in grade school when you first met. Doesn’t he realize how fucking serious this is to you? Fluffies may be experiments to him, but not your fluffy. How could he be so irresponsible?
And on another hand, you were livid at Bella. Kori’s responsibility aside, Bella knew the god damn rules. You told her, her very first day that there was ABSOLUTELY going to be no god damn babies living under your roof. This is just like the incident that led her to Kori’s in the first place. She listens to rules when it gets her affection, ignores them when she doesn’t get the reward she wants. Typical fluffy behavior.
You catch yourself having second thoughts about being Bella’s owner, and really thought about Kori’s advice the day you brought her home.
You know… maybe she really is just… Better off dead?
Not in a hateful way. But you couldn’t imagine how scared she is right now. Poor thing was probably raped, how else would something ugly as her get pregnant? Her life, her entire life has been one tragedy and trauma right after another.
No, no hush. Look, this was all getting to your head, sure. It’s definitely more than you’ve bargained for, but you still felt something deep down, despite the chaos, telling you not to give up.
Maybe it was her empathy, her gratefulness, her pure endurance despite a life of nothing but hardship, whatever it was: you didn’t wanna give up on this fluffy.
Wait, no. Not “this” fluffy.
YOUR fluffy.
You didn’t know how you were gonna handle this. You didn’t wanna give up on her but… let’s not think too far ahead. You’ll get to Kori’s and you’ll ask him where to go from here. Despite all of this, you still trust his judgement. Irresponsible? Absolutely. Dumb as hell? Maybe the dumbest you’ve ever met. But like you’ve said before, he knows how fluffies tick.
You pull up and stay in your car for a second. You take a deep breath and begin rubbing your eyes, when you look up and see Kori rubbing his tongue on your car window.
His inability to be serious snaps you out of your train of thought. You shove the door open without warning and causes him to lose his footing and fall down. You jump on top of him and starting punching his face, staring right at him.
“Are you fucking serious dude?!” You say, getting off of him.
“Never.” Says Kori, wiping blood from his lip.
“Where the fuck is she?! What happened?!” Screamed John.
“I don’t fucking know yet, dick head. If you’d calm the fuck down I’d tell you what I do know.” Said Kori, lighting up a spliff for them to share.
“Jesus christ…” coughed John.
“Look!” Inhaled Kori.
“I can tell you who the father is, and I can tell you that it was consensual. I can’t tell you why it happened, or even if she really truly is pregnant. But i can say, her attitude has changed quicker than I’ve ever seen, and I believe it’s because being next to a nice stallion triggered the reproductive cycle, causing a change of personality. I can’t say for certain, but my best guess is she sees “hope” now because she could potentially have children.”
“Potentially?” Asked John, perking up.
“Well, I say that. If my hypothesis is true, which I do think it is, then she would have to be pregnant. And to be fair, fluffies have a pretty lax gestation period and reproductive cycle. If they had “special huggies”, which Bella told me she did, then she’s definetly pregnant. I just can’t say for certain until a couple more days when she starts getting bigger.”
“Fuck me… So who is the father?”
“That would be Blueberry, one of my pets.”
“How the fuck did they even get the time to fuck?”
“Well, that’s my bad. I left blueberry and her alone in the shed for a night. Blueberry hadn’t ever mentioned wanting to be a dad before, he felt like he was already apart of a herd. And Bella hadn’t even mentioned babies or even seemed interested in the idea, right?”
“No, she didn’t.”
“Yeah, exactly. So yeah, I screwed up pretty bad but… cmon, you can’t say you say this coming.”
“Yeah, I definitely cannot… where do we go from here?”
“Well, that is entirely up to you, my dear white knighting friend. You have several options, but the most prominent are:
Let her have the foals. You don’t have to keep them. I have a shed I can keep them in, or you could sell them. Or, I mean you could keep them. Bella is… absolutely thrilled to be a mother, to have a family. Especially because she thinks it’ll make you proud. She’s a different fluffy now, john. She just needed more time with some caring fluffies and I really could see this working out for her, given the right set up with her being a pillowfluff and all.
The most logical, I buy you some foal-be-gone, you tell her she was a bad fluffy and can’t have babies, I kill blueberry and you have your broken fluffy again.”
“Those? That’s it?”
“Well, there’s other options but I think those two are your best bet for sure.”
“I don’t even know, Kori. I can’t deal with her being like she used to be, and I can’t deal with foals in my house. She’s a sack of fluff, she can’t even shit or… fuck, do anything without me.”
“She can get knocked up without you!”
“Fuck off… what would happen if I sold the babies?”
“If you told her they were going to good homes, she may handle it… okay, I guess? Their will be tears, for sure. My biggest concern is that may be traumatic enough to case another slide, it may revert the progress we’ve made.”
“Fuck me…”
“You know, fluffy mares were literally designed for this… they need to have foals, to have a fluffy family. It’s in their programming just as much as human love.”
John was quiet, staring at the ground.
“This may be her only shot at being happy, John.” Said Kori, making a rare attempt to be empathetic.
“Can I see her?” Asked john.
“Yes but I need to warn you… she’s acting like a soon momma. Meaning she’s being quite entitled and again, such a sudden shift in mental state has her acting… fuck, she really is a different fluffy now John.” Said Kori, shaking his head.
“She’s my fluffy, I want to see her.” Affirmed John.
“Sure… follow me.” Said Kori.
They made their way to the shed. Life was getting hard for everyone, and something in the pit of of both of their stomachs was telling them it was just going to get worse.
You made your way to the shed, and opened up the door excitedly.
You saw Bella, your sweet little caramel Bella, laying so neatly on the floor, big eyes beaming up on the FluffTV, and a resting smile on her face, one so natural you swear you’ve never seen it before.
Then, she notices you.
“DADDEH!” She shrieks, wiggling with excitement.
“Bella! It’s your da-“
“Daddeh! Bewwa nee fwuffshed fo babbehs an special fwen bwuebewwy! Take famiwy tu housie nao pweese!” Said Bella, closing her eyes and smiling a smug little grin. Not intentionally smug, but boy it pissed John off.
He looked over at Kori.
“Told ya!” He said, walking away.