Looking for Playtesters

Hey all!

I’m working on a one-page Fluffy tabletop RPG, and I’m looking for suggestions and play testers. I’ve also reached out to a pillar of the community who has agreed to add some art for the project.

Once this is complete, I’m going to make a friend run this at an MLP convention.

Here’s the current in-progress draft rules:

Fluffy RPG

Rules/Character sheet
Two 6-sided dice per player
A box of adhesive bandages to share with the group


Assign a value to each stat from the following: 0, 1, 2


Stwong - Physical tasks, fighting
Smawt - Problem solving, reading
Chawm - Appeal, persuade, begging

Pick your Breed

+2 Owwies
+1 Stwong

+1 Smawt
Horn can glow in the dark

+1 Owwies
+1 Charm

+1 Smawt
+1 Charm
Some other fluffies will react violently upon seeing you.

Pick your Role

Can roll twice and pick highest for Stwong checks.

Can roll twice and pick highest for Smawt checks.

Nummie Finder
Can roll twice and pick the highest for Chawm checks.

Herd Member
You may assist another fluffy with a task. When you roll to assist, that fluffy may use your roll instead of any of their own.

Determine Owwies
Each fluffy starts with six owwies. Breed can increase this total. If a fluffie has no owwies left, it dies. Before the game begins, each player applies a number of adhesive bandages to their forearm equal to their fluffy’s owwie total. When a fluffy loses an owwie, the player rips one of the adhesive bandages from their arm.

A fluffy that is able to get a full day of rest and food, or actual medical attention, may recover lost owwies at GM discretion.

If a fluffy loses a limb, then the fluffy’s owwie total is permanently reduced by 1 for each limb lost.

If a fluffy is decapitated, it simply dies. Other actions may kill a fluffy outright. If a fluffy is killed instantly, rip off all adhesive strips and create a new fluffy.

Playing the Game
Fluffies are bad at most things beyond basic biological functions. And even then. As the fluffy herd wanders the world, they may encounter situations with a risk of failure. If a fluffy wants to attempt something where the risk of failure could have consequences, the fluffy will roll to see if they successfully complete the task. The fluffy declares what stat they with to use to accomplish a task (stwong, smawt, chawm), explains the action they wish to take based on that stat, and then rolls to see if they succeed.

If the die roll + stat is equal to or greater than five, the roll succeeds. If it is less, the roll fails and the GM determines if something bad happens to the fluffy.

The GM may decide that a specific action will fail regardless of die roll, such as a fluffy trying to break down the door of a house, or trying to charm a dedicated abuser.

If a fluffy has a tool, knowledge, or comes up with a narrative reason why they should be better prepared for a specific task, at GM discretion, the fluffy may apply a +1 bonus to the respective roll.

If a fluffy gets in to a fight with another fluffy, each fluffy rolls Stwong, and the higher total wins. The defeated party loses an owwie. Combat continues until a fluffy surrenders or is killed.

If a fluffy gets in to a fight with something bigger than another fluffy, it may simply be killed outright. Fluffies will generally need to run away, hide, or beg their way out of being slain by any creature more dangerous than another fluffy.


I will play your fluffy rpg

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oh im so in. let me set this up with my wife and ill get back to you.

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Can I play too?
Is this a discord call type of thing?
I’m a little worried about taking lol, not as extroverted as some people on here

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I’d have no problem attempting to run a session on Discord or something. Otherwise, I’d encourage people to play with friends in the area. I’ll expand the rules with some randomly generated settings. I think the core mechanics are complete, but I’ve got no real story hooks. Let me work on that for everybody and I’ll see about hosting something.


Fucking saaaaaaaaaame. :T
Also find that trying to differentiate between IC voice and OC voice was not a thing I could do and I hated it and things went wildly off the rails with no GM control.

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If I run something, it’s going to be very loose, mostly improvised, involve a lot of profanity, and will not require anything resembling serious role play.


FOR REAL!!! Some people have that nice role playing voice and I’m monotone and embarrassed that I’m even here :frowning:
Not sure if I could even do that fluffy voice properly lmfao
Me, flat an monotone: “I’m gonna give ou wostest stompies”
And some players would just take control of the whole session just to show off how cool or how murderous their character is :upside_down_face:


Helium might help.


Lol. I can do that voice, I just feel like a fucking jackass doing it. Lol. I really do not want to explain to anyone I live with wtf I’m doing.

Ah well. Alas and alack. Lol

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Pfft. Profanity is fine but like. Yeah. Make it clear that there’s no expectation of seriousness I guess. Lol. Mostly I just want to know wtf is happening fr IC and what is bs OOC side talk, y’know?

If I run a game, I’m not really going to ask or demand a specific IC or OoC performance. If people want to RP in the third person describing what their character wants to do, that’s fine with me. If anybody wants to take the rules and try to actually RP this mess, feel free.

This is meant to be very tongue-in-cheek like Honey Heist or Lasers & Feelings. I will encourage NOT overthinking this.