Matt rushed over to the closet where he’d been storing the foaling mat. He gently lifted Almond onto the soft side, and aimed her so her rear was facing the silicone birthing area.
“Almond, I’ll be right back. I’m going to get some warm water.”
“O-otay daddeh…” She whined. “Pwease huwwy…”
Matt hurried to the kitchen and filled a small Tupperware container with some lukewarm water; warm enough to help clean the foals, but not so warm that it would hurt them. He also grabbed a few kitchen towels; there was a much better blanket for the foals in the safe room, but it would do well to have something to dry them off with.
He hurried back into the safe room just in time. Almond was whining as the head of her first foal was peeking out of her. The amniotic fluid has spilled onto the mat, thankfully, and she was gently trembling as she tried to push her baby out. Arion, thankfully, was near her head, licking her face fluff and whispering into her ears.
“Daddy’s back, Almond.” Matt said, gently stroking her back. “Just push, okay? The baby will come.”
“Daddeh!” Almond cried out. “Hab huwties! Pwease babbeh… cum out o’ mummah!”
“Shh,” Matt said. “It’s okay, just breathe.”
“Make bweathies, Awmon’” Arion said softly, “Awion an’ daddeh am hewe. Babbehs be outies soon.”
“Fank yu.” Almond said, tears forming in her eyes. “Am hab bigges’ heawt hapPIES!”
She squealed out the last bit as the first baby was finally expelled from her with a gross pop. The foal slid into Matt’s waiting hands. It was warm and slimy, and Matt quickly dabbed it clean with a wet towel and inspected it.
The foal was brown; no shock there, and was a little filly. There was no trace of a mane yet, but she was adorable. She wiggled and peeped, nuzzling into the warmth of Matt’s hands and wobbled her little head around, sniffing for her mother.
“Here,” Matt said quietly, handing the filly to Arion and Almond.
They immediately focused on the little baby. Arion began to sniff and lick her, getting the rest of the amniotic fluid off her fur.
“Babbeh am so pwetty…” He said, staring at the small brown mass that wiggled and peeped, clearly looking for milk.
“Babbeh nee’ miwkiIES!” Almond said, squealing as another contraction ripped through her.
“Shh, don’t worry.” Matt said, stroking her rump and getting ready for the next foal. “Arion will keep her warm and safe until you’re ready to feed her.”
“Babbeh am fiwwy!?” Almond said, straining as her next child began to come out. “Am su happies!”
“I know girl!” Matt said, laughing. “Now push, okay? The next baby is coming!”
Almond did as she was told and pushed. The next baby came out more slowly, and Matt was worried for a moment that it was stuck.
It wasn’t, and the little lavender foal plopped gently into Matt’s waiting hands. He took the time to gently clean it and inspect the baby. It was a deep lavender, the same color as Arion’s mane. There were little wisps of brown hair along its back and rump – a brown mane’s first start. This one was also a colt, Matt saw. After the foal was cleaned, he placed him with his sister in Arion’s lap.
The foals immediately cuddled into each other’s warmth and curled further into their father’s fluff; their hunger temporarily forgotten as they fell asleep in the comfort of each other.
Almond was staring at them both with happy tears in her eyes. They were so beautiful, so happy. It was everything that she had ever wanted.
The next few babies came easily: a blue filly; another brown foal, a colt this time; and a bright yellow filly. Matt was briefly surprised by the color, since neither Arion nor Almond had yellow fluff, but the grab-bag that was fluffy genetics meant it was probably more impressive that any of the foals had their parent’s coloring.
There was just one thing left; the last baby. Matt shuddered, thinking back to his dream.
“Okay Almond, there’s just one baby left.” Matt said.
Almond looked over at her babies, all snuggled peacefully into Arion’s tummy fluff.
“Awmon’ hab two an’ two an’ one babbehs… onwy wittew sicky babbeh am weft…” She said, sadly.
“That’s right. Are you ready?”
“Yush daddeh.”
She pushed for the final time, and an under-developed little light pink colt slid out. He was moving, barely. His head was too large for his small body and tiny wings that were malformed.
“Daddeh… can Awmon’ pwease see wittew sicky babbeh?”
“Of course. I want to warn you though, he’s going forever-sleepies soon.”
“Awmon’ knu.” She said.
Matt very carefully cleaned the foal with warm water, hoping to make his very short life as comfortable as possible.
He handed the small foal off to Almond. She had rolled over onto her back, and gently held the foal to her chest, letting the baby feel her heartbeat.
“Sowwy babbeh, nu wan babbeh tu hab sickies o’ gu fowevah-sweepies… mummah am awways wuv yu’ an’ nebah fo’get babbeh… Daddeh?”
“Yes, Almond?”
“Can daddeh gib babbeh namsies?”
“I think that’s a great idea. Hmm…” Matt thought about the name. He didn’t want to blow one of the good names he’d been thinking of on a baby that wouldn’t live, but something appropriate and sweet was a good idea.
“How about we name him Orchid.”
“Ow’kid…” Almond said softly, whispering to her baby. She held him for a while as his little wiggles slowed and his breathing became shallow. “Mummah wuv yu, Ow’kid. Yu am vewwy gud babbeh. Hab gud fowevah-sweepies, an’ wots of gud fowevah-dweams.”
She kissed the now-still foal quietly on the head and gently handed him to Arion, who also kissed him.
“Daddeh wuv yu Ow’kid. Gu’bye.”
Matt gently took the dead foal from Almond and wrapped him in the towel he’d been cleaning the foals with.
Almond had moved to her side now, wincing slightly as the pain in her lower region limited her movement. She lifted her leg aside and Matt watched as Arion gently placed two foals on her teats.
Unlike what he’d seen with other fluffy parents, Arion grabbed the most economical foals instead of the ‘prettiest’ ones; the babies that had been born first were the hungriest, having been deprived of fluid the longest. They drank greedily but were pulled off once their little tummies were nice and round.
“Nao nao babbehs,” Almond said as the foals peeped in annoyance at having their meal interrupted. “Bwudduh an sisseh nee’ miwkies tu! Nu can num aww miwkies! Mummah hab wots, so nu nee’ be wowwy.”
Arion took the first foals from Almond and handed her the next two, repeating the process with them and allowing the final baby, the yellow one, to drink.
Fat with milk and curled up in a little fluff pile, Almond and Arion wrapped themselves around their children as the foals fell fast asleep.
“Awmon’ am su sweepy…” Almond said, her eyes heavy.
“Awmon’ gu sweepies.” Arion said, dragging a pillow under her head and pulling a blanket over her and the babies. “Awion hewp daddeh cwean, den cum tu beddies.”
“Okay.” Almond said, smiling. She fell asleep quickly as Arion watched, and when he was sure she was asleep he trotted over to Matt.
“Daddeh, nee’ tawk.”
“What’s up bud?” Matt asked. He was gathering the birthing mat and the other supplies. He’d wrapped the dead foal in a paper towel and put it aside – he was going to put it in the freezer until tomorrow so they could bury it proper.
“Nu tawkies hewe. Tawk in ki’chen.”
“Uh, okay? Let me grab all this and follow me.”
Matt grabbed everything and headed out of the saferoom with Arion trotting behind. Once they got into the kitchen, Matt put the dead foal into the freezer, still wrapped in the paper towel, and wiped the birthing mat off into the trash before throwing it in the dishwasher.
“What did you want to talk about, Arion?”
“Daddeh, Awion nu wan tug u tu base’men anymoaw.” Arion said.
“What?” Matt said. “Why not? Don’t you want to play with Bubblegum anymore?”
“Awioun… knu kno. Wan big huwties – wike tu gib huwties tu fwuffies… buh wan be gud daddeh. Awion nu fink dat can be gud daddeh fo’ babbehs if gib huwties wike meanie.”
“Arion, you can be a good father to your babies and do the things you enjoy.” Matt said.
He’d never really thought about the effect the abuse would have on Arion’s foals. He figured that they would just do what they did now: abuse in the basement and then leave it behind when they went upstairs. Fluffies, however, were empathetic creatures. Arion naturally would worry.
“Daddeh… Awion wike gib huwties but kno dat am bad fing. Nu shud wan gib huwties. Nu wan babbehs wike gib huwties. Am otay if Awion nu gu tu basemen’ anymoaw?”
“Yeah of course… If you ever want to go back you can always let me know, okay?”
“Otay! Buh wan babbehs be big babbehs fiwst; wakie-tawkie babbehs. Den Awmon’ nu nee’ dat much hewp.”
“That’s really sweet.” Matt said, smiling. He gently stroked Arion’s back and grinned as the fluffy leaned into Matt’s hand, yawning. “Someone’s tired.”
“Yesh daddeh. Dis bwite-tiem was suuu wong!” Arion said, arching his back a bit like a cat.
“I know bud. Why don’t we get you to sleep?”
“Daddeh?” Arion asked, looking up at the freezer. “Wittew sicky babbeh am in nummie-boxie?”
“That’s right. I put him in the freezer so that way we can bury him tomorrow.”
“Otay… Awion hab… wots o’ heawt-huwties. Nu wan babbeh be fowevah-sweepies babbeh…” He looked down for a moment. “Daddeh? Babbeh gu fowevah-sweepies becuz Awion am munstah?”
“What? No!” Matt said, kneeling down to Arion’s level and pulling the fluffy close. “No. What happened is very sad; I’m sad too. But it’s not because you’re an Alicorn.” Matt said, stressing the word. “It’s a tragedy, and sometimes bad things happen with no real reason. Neither you or Almond are to blame at all.”
Arion looked up at Matt, and rushed into his arms. Finally, exhausted from the stress of worrying, the long day, and the internal fears and struggles, he broke down.
Big tears ran from his eyes and snot dripped from his snout. Arion let out a long, deep, good cry. And Matt held him.
Once he’d calmed down, he yawned again. Fully wiped out. Matt carried him to the sink and gently brushed away the tears and snot with a warm paper towel and carried him to the safe-room.
By the time Matt placed Arion down next to Almond, who was curled protectively around her new brood, he’d fallen fast asleep. The foals would be fine now, with Almond being available for milk when they inevitably woke them up in a few hours, and Arion could always press the alarm button in case anything went wrong.
He took a quick look over at Violet and Licorice, curled together on one of the small beds by the blocks. He was still unsure what to do about them. It was probably time to let them go off to new families; Tiffany had said she could help find them a home and maybe he’d take her up on that offer.
For now, though, he turned the lights off and let his little herd sleep peacefully in the warmth and safety of his home.
It was time to go to the basement.
Bubblegum was ecstatic. She’d woken up quite early yesterday with a new sensation in her tummy – something she’d never felt before but something that she instinctually knew.
She had tummy-babies.
It was an incredible moment. Something she’d desperately wanted her whole life. Babies made EVERYTHING better, and she would finally make her daddy happy. He told her that deep down there was a good fluffy inside her, and now that she had babies, she would be a good fluffy!
If only her monster-mummah and monster-sissie could see her now! She hoped all her babies were monsters!
Bubblegum sized up, trembling and quickly bit the inside of her cheek, eliciting a sharp pain. Not monsters, she reminded herself, SPECIAL babies. Special not monster.
Maybe once she had all her babies her thinkie-place would stop being so stupid and calling them monsters. Every time she dwelled on that her not-leggie places gave her little hurties. They reminded her what a stupid fluffy she was and all the mistakes she’d made.
She perked up the minute she heard the tell-tale steps of Matt coming down the stairs. She immediately started to bounce in excitement. It was all she could do.
“Daddeh! Daddeh!” She said as soon as she saw him. “Bubbewgum hab bestest ting tu teww yu!”
“Oh? What’s going on Bubblegum?”
“Daddeh! Bubbewgum hab TUMMEH BABBEHS!” She said, squealing in joy.
Matt grinned. The hormones were working; tricking her body and brain into thinking she was pregnant. A malformed womb meant she was unable to get pregnant, but the rest of her reproductive system was there, working as usual. She would develop milk, cramps, and even an amniotic sac – but no babies.
“That’s amazing news!” Matt said, kneeling down and stroking her mane. “I think this is cause for a celebration!”
He went to the small ice box that he’d been keeping fruits and other foods for Bubblegum in and grabbed one of the premade fruit salads he’d bought from a corner store and drizzled the honey all over it. The honey contained a generous dose of the hormones that he’d been using to cause the false pregnancy.
“Moaw sweetie-nummies!?” Bubblegum said, eyes wide with glee. “Fank yu daddeh! Su nummy!”
She dug in as soon as the bowl was put down in front of her, loudly chewing the apple bits and grapes. The honey got all stuck to her fur and Matt grinned realizing it would be necessary to give her a bath. A perfect transition.
Once she’d finished, she cooed and breathed a hefty sigh.
“Dat am suuuuu gud daddeh. Am bestest daddeh evah! Fank yu!”
“You’re very welcome! But it looks like you got some honey all over your mouth. How about we give you a bath?”
“Bubbewgum wuv baff! Wawm wa-wa an’ nicey smewws!”
Matt smiled. She really was adorable.
“Okay! Wait here while I get the bath ready. Try not to get honey on anything, okay?”
Matt filled the work sink with a nice amount of warm water, ensuring that Bubblegum would be comfortable. He put some lavender scented fluffy-safe soap in and made some decent suds.
He gently picked Bubblegum up, who relaxed into his grip and wiggled happily at the touch. He carefully lowered her into the basin and let the warm water soak into her fluff.
Being a pillowfluff was inherently messy. With no legs to move around, the underside of Bubblegum’s fluff had gathered matting and dust. Her rear was obviously the worst. Shit and dried urine were caught in her matted fluff, and Matt could see that her teats, which were getting larger due to the hormones, had some light rashes from the irritation.
Matt pulled the faucet, extending it into its hose and gently began to wet Bubblegum down fully, starting at her rear. She gasped in surprise as the warm water flowed over her teats and privates, washing away dried on muck and soothing the dried skin.
“Wawm wawa few su nicey…” She cooed, closing her eyes, and enjoyed the sensation.
A sudden rage gripped Matt and he wanted to shove the entire faucet right inside her and turning the water to near-boiling; searing her insides.
He calmed himself; gently combing her hair out and washing her with some lavender shampoo. The warm water caused her previously curly fluff to straighten out and hang loose, showing off how small Bubblegum really was. She had all the normal fluffy fat; a chubby stomach and chest, stocky legs, and puffy cheeks. Still, the fluff added quite a bit of volume.
“Okay Bubblegum, daddy’s gonna clean your face off. Close your eyes and hold your breath.” Matt said.
“Otay!” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
Matt sprayed the water on her neck, then head, soaking her mane through and watching as the water cascaded down her face and over her nose. He grinned, and held the spout there for a while, adjusting the spout from a shower-like spray to a hose-like torrent.
Bubblegum started to wiggle and made small noises as she ran out of air; the water flowing over her nose made it clear she couldn’t breathe in, and she was clearly struggling to obey Matt’s request.
Her bouncing and wiggling became more desperate and she moved her head to try and get her nose out of the water so she could breathe in. She opened her mouth to breathe in, but it quickly filled with water and she closed it again to prevent herself from swallowing the sink water.
Finally, Matt pulled the water away from her face and returned to her rump.
Bubblegum gasped and heaved, shaking as she finally took in precious air.
“D-daddeh!” She coughed out, panting. “Bubbewgum nu couwd bweathie!”
“Really?” Matt said, feigning concern. “It wasn’t that long at all! Are you okay?”
“Yus… am otay nao… dat feww wike weawwy wong tiem…” She murmured.
“Well, the bath is almost over!” Matt said, finishing up with the warm water.
He looked over briefly behind him, to the cages where he’d stored so many victims. Right now, unbeknownst to Bubblegum, were a few foals he’d hidden inside the soundproofed cage that he’d once stored Keylime in.
Today’s lesson was going to be fun, but not nearly as gory as previous. He hoped this one would really stress Bubblegum, especially with her heightened state of emotions due to the hormones.
He picked her up out of the sink and placed her on a warm work towel, swaddling her like a baby and holding her closely. She closed her eyes and smiled contently, nuzzling into Matt’s chest.
These tender moments that hinted at a good life upstairs with a loving daddy and Arion as her special friend were important to destroy her fragile psyche. As long as she had something to hope for, it would be possible to destroy her; once she lost all hope then Matt would be done with her, most likely because she’d go catatonic.
“Okay Bubblegum!” Matt said, once she was dried off. “Back into the pen!”
“C-can hab upsies fo’ wittew wongew daddeh?” She asked meekly.
“Sorry girl, but we have to have a little lesson today, in preparation for your babies!”
Bubblegum let out a happy squeal. “Gon’ hab babbeh wesson!? Wub weawn ‘bout babbehs!”
“Good!” Matt said, trying to keep the growing sadism out of his smile. “Now, let me just clean up your litter box and we can get started!”
Matt finished the cleanup of the pen, making sure to put a fresh towel down before placing Bubblegum back down, who was already happily bouncing. Matt grinned as he approached the cages and pulled out the foals. Bubblegum immediately saw them, and her eyes went wide.
“Big babbehs!” She squealed.
Matt had found three wonderful little foals, eyes open and already talking, but not quite weaned, and all siblings. They’d been the product of a dead mare, found with her babies all still alive, and picked up by a shelter. Matt had bought them all on the spot, telling a sap story that his mare had miscarried, and he still wanted a family.
The foals were all decent colors; a blue pegasus, a bright green unicorn, and a teal unicorn.
Matt gently placed the foals in front of Bubblegum, who immediately began sniffing them. The foals, clearly still shy and scared of their new surroundings, were huddled together and gently peeped.
Meanwhile, Matt got a clear bucket that was filled with water and a few mason jars. He placed them down just outside the pen, in full view of Bubblegum.
“Daddeh gon’ gib babbehs baff? Babbehs nu wike baff…” Bubblegum said, eyeing the bucket warily.
“No this isn’t for a bath. This is for the lesson!” Matt said, grinning. Carefully he picked up the little teal unicorn, gently stroking its belly. “Bubblegum, what can you tell me about these foals?”
The foals, having recognized Bubblegum as no threat, had begun to gently play with the toys that were in her pen that she couldn’t use. They were playing a strange game consisting of rolling a small ball to each other and occasionally hugging one another.
The unicorn peeped in comfort and gave a little stretch in Matt’s hand, happily smiling up at him.
“Daddeh!” It said, happily.
Matt grinned.
“W-wat daddeh mean?” Bubblegum asked nervously.
“What do you notice about these foals?”
“Weww… babbehs am bag babbehs! Stiww nee’ miwkies. Hab see-pwaces open, an’ am tawkie babbehs!”
“Those are all good observations, Bubblegum.” Matt said. He was gently stroking the tummy of the teal foal, eliciting giggles from the tickling sensation while the other foals watched, some says “Wan upsies tu!”
“Fank yu daddeh.”
“But that’s not what I meant. What else do you notice?”
“Uhh… babbehs am aww pwetty cowows! Nu poopie ow yickie babbehs at aww.”
“That’s right! What else?” Matt smiled at her.
She didn’t meet his eyes. She knew where this was going.
“B-babbehs am aww nu-speshuw babbehs…” She said softly.
“Babbeh nu-speshuw? Huu… wai meany?” The little blue pegasus said, crying a bit while its siblings hugged.
“That’s right! Good girl!” Matt said, giving Bubblegum some chin scratches to emphasize his joy.
“F-fank yu daddeh.” She said.
“And what happens to not-special babies?”
“B-babbehs gu…f-fowevah sweepies…” She said, very softly.
“SCREE! NU WAN!” The green unicorn said, leaping up and running away. The other began to cry, staying still but sobbing and hiding behind its forehooves.
“That’s right.” Matt said. The little teal foal was also hiding behind its hooves.
“Daddeh, sabe babbeh fwom nu-weggie munstah!” It begged, a little trickle of piss running from its dick as it wet itself in fear.
“Uh oh, the baby made some bad pee-pees.” Matt said. “Better wash this off.”
Matt gripped the baby in his hand and plunged it quickly into the bucket of cold water. The foal’s eyes opened wide; it’d had no time to take a breath and it flailed wildly in the water, trying to break free of Matt’s grip to swim to the surface.
Bubblegum knew the rules by now; she watched intently, not wanting to be a bad fluffy and look away. Still, it hurt her heart so much. The little baby was drowning; water filling its tiny lungs as it flailed, quickly slowing as it ran out of air and energy.
Before the foal could give up completely, however, Matt pulled his hand from the bucket. The foal hacked and gasped, taking in as much air as it could. It hacked up water, spit and snot dribbling from its mouth and nose as its body struggled for air.
“Wawa am bad fo’ babbeh.” Bubblegum said quietly. She knew better than to beg for the babies to live.
“It is. Babbies need a good mummah and a good daddy to make sure they are safe during bath time.” Matt said.
He plunged the foal back into the water. The foal flailed again, not expecting to be submerged again and hadn’t taken a breath. In fact, it had still been recovering and hadn’t been able to take in much air at all.
Matt watched the foal this time, smiling as it thrashed around. A small air bubble rose to the surface as whatever small amount of air the foal had taken it was finally relinquished and water rushed into the foal’s lungs.
Not wanting the foal to die quite yet, Matt quickly pulled him out and tossed him into the pen. The foal hacked again, this time vomiting as he tried to get the water out of his lungs and air in.
“Now, which baby is next, Bubblegum? You choose.” Matt said.
The foals were hiding behind the blocks now, hoping to avoid notice. Bubblegum sadly looked at them, trying to decide how to choose a victim.
“P-pwease pwetty mummah… nu wet babbehs gu fowevah-sweepies… pwease?” The little blue pegasus said, peeking his head from outside the blocks.
“Nu! Dummeh nu weggie fwuffy caww babbehs nu-speshuw! Am bad fwuffy! Wan babbehs gu fowevah-sweepies!” The green unicorn said, stomping out from behind the blocks and puffing his cheeks at Bubblegum.
Well, Matt thought, a little asshole has appeared.
“N-nu! Nu wan babbehs gu fowevah-sweepies! Bu’… babbehs am nu-speshuw… dat mean babbehs nu am gud babbehs.”
“Am gud babbeh!” The green unicorn said. “Yu bad fwuffy! Stoopi nu weggie fwuffy am bad!”
Bubblegum gasped. “Nu say dat! Nu am bad fwuffy! Am gud fwuffy! Am soon-mummah!”
“Den yu am bad soon-mummah!” The green fluffy blew a raspberry at Bubblegum. “YU babbehs am bad babbehs!”
Bubblegum went very quiet. Matt watched her intently.
“Daddeh. Gween babbeh am nu-gud babbeh. Am next.”
“With pleasure.” Matt said, grabbing the green foal before it could react.
“NU! NU WAN BAD WAWA! NU WAN!” He shouted, shitting and pissing as he was carried to the bucket.
Matt hovered him above the water as he struggled, pawing pathetically at Matt’s hand as he tried to escape.
“I’ll give you a kindness I didn’t give your brother,” Matt said. “Take a deep breath.”
The green foal looked up at Matt with overwhelming fear and impotent rage.
He blew a raspberry at Matt.
“Well, that’s your air to waste.” Matt said. Then he dunked the foal.
Almost immediately, the green idiot realized his mistake as he threw his head around wildly, gasping openly into the water as he paddled with his stubby legs. The water stained brown as he shat, either as a useless attack against Matt or out of fear.
The shit in the water turned out to be even worse for the foal; his eyes were opened as the dirty water flowed around him and immediately got in his eyes, stinging them and turning them red. He also swallowed a great deal of the shit-filled water.
Satisfied, Matt pulled the foal out, who immediately started to cough and scream.
“Poopie wawa nu taste pwetty! See-pwaces gib huwties! Huu! Am gud babbeh! Wai!”
Matt scowled. He needed to change the water now. He tossed the green foal into the pen, a bit harder than the teal foal, and there was an audible crack as the foal landed on its hind leg.
“SCREEE! WEGGIE HUWT! NUU!” The foal screamed, trying to stand. He placed pressure on his hind leg, which was bent at a strange angle, and it bent further, revealing a break in his upper bone. “OWIES! Nu!”
He fell over, crying impotently as he lay there, eyes red and burning, and gasping as he alternated between screaming and coughing water up.
The last foal, the blue pegasus, was crying in the corner. The teal foal had recovered mostly and had run over to the green foal, giving him huggies.
“Bwudduh! Huggies hewp! Pwease weggie huwties, gu ‘way fwom bwuddah!”
Bubblegum, however, was watching the foals. She was shocked at herself more than anything. The foal had been upset about dying – obviously that was fair. But he’d insulted her tummy-babies. She had never been so angry before! She… she had WANTED that baby to die! That was a bad thing!
Even if daddy said that these were all bad babies, she couldn’t get over the fact that babies were still, well, babies. They needed love and milkies and huggies… and yet, really all she cared about where HER babies, not ALL babies.
Maybe that’s what daddy had meant? That her babies were the only babies that mattered? That a good mummah didn’t care about babies, they cared about THEIR babies.
It was like an epiphany; she’d been spending so much time and energy fearing about being a bad fluffy that she hadn’t been spending time and energy on having good babies! And why did she care about these foals anyway? Only her babies mattered. Only Arion’s babies mattered.
Matt returned, the bucket clean and full of fresh ice-cold water. Matt looked at the green bastard, and reached into the pen to grab him by the tail.
“Owies! Taiw huwties! Nu moaw wawa!” He begged, crying now.
“Well Bubblegum, ready?” Matt asked.
“Yesh daddeh!” She said, far more enthusiastically than before. “Den bwue pointy babbeh, den bwue wingie babbeh.”
“Uh, you alright Bubblegum?”
“Yesh daddeh! Bubbewgum undastan’ daddeh wesson nao! Onwy Bubbewgum gud babbehs mattew! Dese am nu Bubbewgum babbehs, su nu cawe.” She said.
Matt blinked. Bubblegum had rationalized herself out of the psychological torment of the foal death. Damn. He’d need to figure out something new.
“Bubblegum! Daddy is very proud of you!” He said, smiling. “Let’s get rid of these babies and then you can have a treat for being such a good girl!”
“Fank yu daddeh!” She said, smiling. “Bye-bye gween babbeh.”
Matt lifted up one of the mason jars and filled it to the brim with water.
“This time,” Matt said to the green foal as he picked him up. “Take a deep breath.”
The foal looked at Matt with desperate tears in his eyes, but listened. He took a huge breath.
Matt shoved him quickly into the mason jar and quickly screwed it shut, turning it upside down and placing it in front of Bubblegum and the other foals.
Unfortunately for the green foal, the large breath had been a mistake – he was going to die in the jar and the breath had only prolonged his suffering.
He flailed, swimming as best as his fat little body could with its broken leg and tapped his hooves desperately at the glass, but obviously unable to break it.
“Bwudduh!” The other foals cried out in unison, tapping on the glass themselves.
They also were unable to affect the jar, and the green foal finally let out the breath he’d been holding.
The air bubble rushed to the top of the jar. He swam a bit, before he started to visibly gasp, air rushing into his lungs. He lasted a few more moments, gasping and thrashing, until finally he fell unconscious and rose gently to the top of the jar, like a macabre lava lamp.
One foal down.