Mi amigo baño (Artist: Osaka [me])

Oh God, that’s why I don’t trust google translator xD
No problem, tho!



Where did I mess up?.. Auto-correct is more my enemy than anything… Sorry, I haven’t used Spanish since highschool pretty much… But at least I’m trying… Rather than demanding a translation…


Lol this definitely fills in the gaps that Google translate had issues with. It works fine for normal speaking, but since fluffies butcher any language it can be a puzzle. Thank you kindly!

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El lenguaje fluffy está más curseado que escuchar un brasileño hablar ruso


Se mamó xD ste man :v

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It basically goes like this:
“Lots of thank you! This very easy for me! Mine head is nothing at the momment… But, the comedian is very beautiful”

It’s quite understandable tho, specially since you ain’t get spanish in years. Nice! :3



Por supesto. Es imposible leer << fluffspeak >> en español si no es hablante nativa. Favor de no usar << fluffspeak >> si quiere hacer arte o escribir una cuenta en español.

Of course. Its impossible to read “fluffspeak” in Spanish if you are not a native speaker. Please do not use “fluffspeak” if you want to make art or write a story in Spanish.

PS. Spanish speakers please reply with corrections! Always willing to learn :slight_smile:

Chop off the little fuckers legs, and transplant them on the poor little shiteater to do a place swap… Smarties becomes “people babbeh”

Thats an awfully large sweeping generalization you just made there… I, for one am taking classes in Spanish and use Duolingo everyday


Let’s be real more than half of the english speaking people go that way

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I’d argue the older ones do (I speak from experience). Depends on the area really, where I live theres alot of Spanish speakers so you only see a particular type of person doing that sort of thing. Still funny though.

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And then there’s the people who demands people outside an english speaking country, to speak english

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And that’s called a douche.

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Imagine if I went to someone’s post like “haz las cosas en español”



The last panel was depressing to the thing, it bassically asked to just eat shit in peace

If people still want a translation I can do it and post it, only if it has not been done yet, PM me. Fluffpanish is really weird, even though I’m a native spanish speaker.


Don’t stress yourself trying to translate it, one can reasonably understand the comic though context.

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Intenta no darles tanto en el gusto con las traducciones. Nosotros ya sufrimos mucho aprendiendo inglés y pero aún con las faltas ortografícas de los Fluffys

supongo es recíproco de como aprendí inglés xd igual preguntaba a otros de habla hispana en grupos de interés si me podían traducir y me lo ponían al español y pues poco a poco fuí aprendiendo xD