My final bread time stories by GJack

I have failed to make these drawings several times so I’m reduced to painting with less than 1000 words.

I had an idea for a sequence of these bread fluffies. I’m a piss poor baker, so I drew a bread fluffy where I forgot to add yeast and it was cooking the oven like a pan cake, having trouble speaking and almost stuck to the pan. Upset that it could barely move and not lift it’s head, almost a ginger break fluff.

So in my second I did the opposite problem and added too much yeast. So as the oven heats up the fluffy was distressed as he expanded, and expanded, and his head and body bubbled up, and popped and bubbled. Almost something out of a troma film.


People rarely imagine all the knicked heads of the barbers clients or the damaged product spilled by the stock worker etc during the 10,000 hours needed to gain proper proficiency in a skill.

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