New fluffy silky (By fluffymancer inspired by blueconfetycake)

My new fluffy silky, thanks again blue


im sorry but i gotta say it

fwuffie wemmbew, fwuffie wemmbah dah sounds, dah smewws. fwuffie stiww dont know why we whewe theiw, why we whewe fightin’ waw that wasnt ouw own. fwuffie wost many bwothews obah theiw in dah jungwe. fwuffie stiww wemmbews howdin’ on to jimmy as fwuffy bweed to foweba sweepies aftah takin’ biet cong knife. fwuffy hewd him as fwuffy cwied, as fwuffy begged fo’ his mummah. fwuffie wemmbews those jungwes ebewy dawk time when fwuffie go to sweepies. fwuffie was one of dah few of fwuffy’s gwoup to make it home buh fwuffie nebah twuewy weft those jungwes, dey stiww am wiff fwuffie an’ fwuffie nu think dey ebah wiw twuewy weabe


Still In Saigon vibes here.


I take that as high praise

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