New Horizons Pt. 1 (Fluffy_consumes_u_2.0)

Fluffies: small, dumb, and cute. These three things made them popular pets, and their adorable little babies made them even more popular! Eventually, a few escaped as expected, and they spread like a disease. Like rabbits, they grew in numbers scarily fast. All plant life was wiped out in their path, shit covered camps ruined hiking trails, even we weren’t free from their wrath! Raids on homes and gardens, pets being trampled, they even killed domestic fluffies for food and water!

A few years after they’d eaten or starved almost all food sources, starving most people, I found my own home. I grew a farm, raised animals, and lived a normal life. I honestly thought i’d be safe from them, but I thought wrong.

“Daddy, daddy!” My sweet little daughter called to me, “Can we get a fluffy?” I eye her, knowing she’s hiding something , the little smile on her face looks too innocent looking… “Are you hiding a fluffy?” Her eyes open in shock, like I solved a riddle that was impossible. “Yes, but look at him, he’s so cute!” Stepping to the side, she reveals a small, orange fluffy. For some reason, just looking at that fluffy’s little face makes me feel like the whole world is caving in, and my vision goes black. I can just barely hear my daughter asking if I’m okay. Then I jolt awake in my own bed. Just a dream, nothing to worry about. I get up, and I hear a voice at the door. “Hewwo? Anywon dewe?” Fuck, some found me! “Ownwy me, speciaw fweind, and babbehs! Pwease!” At least it’s not a herd or smarty… hopefully I walk to the door and open it, expecting some brown or green “poopie” fluffies that are half starved or covered in botfly holes. Instead, I’m met with two healthy and bulky fluffies with 4 or so babies. The largest, seemingly the father, is a large yellow flufy with orange polka-dots donning a long, luscious blue mane and blue eyes. The mother is blue, purple striped mare with a red mane and hazel eyes. The smallest baby is dark green, with lighter green spots and lime eyes With those colors, he could probably live the longest out of all of them! Two appear to be twins, each with purple fur and green manes. The only difference between them it their eyes, one with blue eyes while the other has chocolate eyes. The oldest, and the only one that isn’t small enough to ride in the mothers back, is yellow with purple spots, green accents, a red mane, and green eyes.

I’m thinking about it, but one makes the decision for me, “Famiwy wiww hewp fo’ nummies an’ housie!” I have been needing some help on the farm, and if they form a herd, the could protect the farm from other fluffies… “Sure, why not!”


Sorry if this is bad, but its my first post after losing my account a while back, so I hope i’ve improved at least a little bit over time.


I put the merge of your new and old accounts on our to do list. You will get your old stories back as soon as one of the admins find the time.
Also put your name in the title

Sorry, will do!