Re-learning the lesson (InfraredTurbine)

How u guys doing ? behaving well ?
well this fluffy is not :d

Still in a hectic of a hectic life :d but things have been good, just still barely have time to do shit xD


Last post I mentioned I was finally being able to play zelda BOTW again on a switch I bought.
I finally finished it :d what an amazing game my dudes, amazing! amazing!
In the beggining I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to get used to play that and would get rekt by every single mob, but now I’m rekting everything that comes my path, guardians included xD
Got master sword and was able to get cool nostalgic clothes from amiibos, to look more like the old games xD
Now I’m waiting for 2 things: Zelda TOKT and specially time for playing it xD

Anyway, I hope you guys be having fun with battle fluffs
I haven’t get here much last months, but every chance I have I take a quick look to see what’s going on here xD Hope you all be good!
Love ya’ll!


Be in sorry poopie box for ya.

Congrats on finishing BOTW, well hope you warm up for the sequel :+1:


What an awesome punishment! and this gives me ideas. A stinkie sorry box. Such a genius device!