Saximaphone's Fluffy RP (Part 12)

Previous: Saximaphone's Fluffy RP (Part 11)

Hmmm maybe he’s warming up more than I thought. He might be mostly acting big in front of the group perhaps. I think he’s a lil softie under there. Still a spoiled brat but maybe at least a little sympathetic.

I explain that the ‘chocolate nummies’ that truffle got (I assume Squishy had told the others about it) was a treat for older foals that can eat solid food. I tell them I can give ‘chocolate milkies’ and they seem very ecstatic about that idea.

Sketti Day comes and I make up a plate for myself and a plate for the alicorns. I personally love pasta myself so this is a bit of a treat for me too. I take them all grocery shopping with me, feeling that it’s not QUITE time to leave them alone for a long time. I keep them all in the back seat of my car in a little box while driving, then let them explore the seats while I’m inside.I don’t take very long at each stop, so there’s not enough time to get into too much trouble while still giving them a little taste of being alone with each other without me. It goes pretty well aside from a few cases of falling off the seat (or being pushed off as I suspect from a very smug-looking Tubby).

I show each of them the boxes and jars as I pick them up, letting them look them over in the back seat. Fluffies, especially babies, are generally really sheltered and naturally curious, so seeing something new is extra exciting to them. They also have little-to-no concept of transformative properties (even as adults), so I was treated to confused and very concerned alicorns when I showed them sketti that was rigid and not “wiggwy”.

The concern completely escapes their minds (as most things do) as I finally deliver their treats.

Spaghetti: $1.97
Sauce: 3.27
Remaining funds: $908.97

Of course, whatever I eat isn’t included in my fluffy funds. The sauce and pasta will also last another two weeks yet considering there’s only two very small fluffies eating it right now.

The smaller babies all get strawberry or chocolate milk. All it really involved was adding syrup to their formula and pouring it into a small bottle for each one. Simple enough and probably not going to cause health problems later on. I hope at least.

Strawberry Syrup: $5.47

Chocolate Syrup: $3.97
Remaining funds: $899.53

I’m not fond of strawberry milk so this cost is 100% for them. But it will last a long time. Same with the chocolate milk mix. I do like chocolate milk myself but keeping this aside just for fluffy use seems like a good idea, especially because I used the cheaper stuff.

For Wimpy I bought a plain burger and mushed the patty up real good so she can kind of eat it with only her milk teeth instead of just suckling the juice from it. She seemed ecstatic! This is definitely healthy and normal for a fluffy to be doing.

Burger: $1.69

Remaining funds: $897.84

Everyone is happily stuffing their faces with many cheers of “Tank ou Daddeh!” and “Bestes nummies ebah!”

Tubby of course gets to eat from the bottle first and lets everyone know it, “TUBBEH GET FIWST! TUBBEH GET FIWST! Tubbeh am bestes babbeh! Bestes babbeh get awwwwww speshul stwabewwy miwkies befowe aww odah dummeh babbehs!”

He latches his face onto it and damn near takes in half his weight in syrup-tainted formula before finally letting go with a sigh and collapsing onto his bloated tummy. “Bestes miwkies… su fuww…” he nearly drifts off to sleep right in the middle of the play area. As I go to try and move his fat ass to the bed, he suddenly perks up as he notices Squishy drinking chocolate milk, “Dummeh toysie fwuffy get choccy miwkies?! Nu faiw! Nu faiw! Tubbeh am s’posed get AWW miwkies! Daddeh! Daddeh gib bestes babbeh choccy miwkies too!”

“You just said you were ‘so full’, do you really need more?” I ask gently.

“NU CAWE! Tubbeh am bestes babbeh an bestes babbeh nee aww bestes miwkies!” he wiggles his stubby legs and bumps them against the floor in an attempt at the most violent tantrum he could muster, “DADDEH GIB MIWKIES! GIB MIWKIES NAO OW GET SOWWY POOPIES!”

As usual, this is pathetic and adorable, but it’s maybe getting worse than last time? Is it REALLY worth it to encourage this behaviour while trying to train the others to be polite? Is it Really worth letting him overfeed himself out of spite?

You’re goddamn right it is.

I pull out a chocolate milk bottle I had made specifically anticipating this, “Here you go, Tubby! More milkies for bestest baby!” Without so much of a ‘tank ou Daddeh’ he pulls the bottle out of my hands with his greedy mouth and begins sucking as hard as he can, chugging as much as possible and not even stopping to breathe. He kept eye contact with everyone possible the entire time, almost like he was trying to intimidate them with his milk intake. Eventually he stops after chugging the whole bottle, panting heavily.

Now for phase two.

“Good job Tubby! You finished TWO bottles! Everyone had such a good treat today, who wants some upsies?” Most of the foals happily peep up at me for upsies. Hastur is still afraid of heights of course so he declines. The older two also decline, being full of sketti and sleepy. Lemon is already asleep (adorably) with the nipple still in her mouth. The others are more than eager for upsies. Tubby massages his swollen tummy and doesn’t respond. I can see him waver a bit.

Each baby waits their turn as I pick them up and gently zoom them around like airplanes, toss them a few inches into the air and tickle their bellies. It wasn’t until I started doing it to Squishy that Tubby yells up at me, “T-Tubbeh wan upsies too! Gib Tubbeh bestes upsies! Beddah den dummeh toysie fwuffy upsies!”

I smile and pick him up. Already the vertigo alone makes him look a little woozy, “Are you okay, Tubby? Do you want me to stop?” As expected, he violently shakes his head. I begin calmly sailing him around me making airplane noises like the others, though a bit slower. He seems to notice.

“Fastew Daddeh! T-Tubbeh nee bestes upsies!” I oblige by speeding up, going higher and doing a few loops. After that he is noticeably fighting off being sick.

“Are you sure you want to keep going? You don’t look so well.”

“Dum-dummeh toysie babbeh get mowe den Tubbeh! T-Tubbeh nee mowe den toysie dummeh! D-do bouncies! Bestes bouncies!”

I put him in my palm, holding him over the litter box because I know what is coming. I start bouncing him up and down on my hand, faster, faster, then finally…

I don’t expect this experience to change his behaviour much. He didn’t ask for anything else for the rest of the day, but was still glaring at Squishy every chance he got, especially if she was getting some form of attention. Fluffies are naturally stubborn and dense, so I don’t think he’d be able to learn his lesson after one incident. HOWEVER it did give him a taste of actions having consequences which is probably good. Or I just made him more spiteful. We’ll see about that later.

Week two of fluffy ownership begins and the original two toys are completely destroyed. Looks like it’s time for my long-awaited thrift store trip and a very special experiment. This will be the first time the babies will be home alone for a few hours. I’m excited to see what happens!

“Okay everyone, you see that both the toys I had are broken and I had to get rid of them, right? Well I’m going to a store right now to get some brand new toys for you! What kinds of toys do you want?”

The room erupts into cheers and babbling about what kind of toys they want:
“Nyu baww? Baww wif wots of cowows?”
“Bwokies! Chee wan bwockies daddeh!”
“Squishy nu can pway wif bwockies!”
“Tubbeh wan nyu nu-weggie fwuffy toysie! Squishy nu am fun toysie nu mowe!”

I make sure to write down a list. It’s all basic fluffy things like stuffy-friends, balls, blocks, and… no-leggie fluffy. What kind of herd was being run over there? Anyway I’ll figure that request out later.

“Okay, okay. The toys will be a surprise! I’ll get some of the toys you asked for, and all kinds of toys you have never seen before too! Once I get them, I will give you a few of them to play with for the week. When the week is over, I will change the toys around so you get to play with different ones! That way you always have different toys to play with!”

All the foals cheer and celebrate, having absolutely no idea what I said other than the fact that they get new toysies. Doesn’t matter to me, I love seeing them happy.

That sounds like a lot of fun! I consider picking Tubby because he poops the most, but I think I’ll pick one of the older two who are more used to using litter boxes. I decide to register Eros as my winning-shitting fluffy. She gives me a little tag with his name on it for the big day.

“Eros eh, why did you decide on that name?” she asks casually.

“Well he was a valentines-specific foal at Fluffy Mart. Decided to give him a fitting name!”

After a bit more talk I continue my shopping, heading to the toys of course.

I look through and find the traditional fluffy toys on my list. Easy enough to find balls and blocks in here, and no end to stuffed animals. I got some interesting ones.

For the extra surprise ones, I pick out some toys and stuff that I personally think is cool and would be excited to get as a kid myself. Hell I’d love to play with some of these now! Hopefully they will be well-received by the fluffies as well.


Not sure they’ll like this one.

I wave back but I don’t want to engage too much with this Derpina character. Not gonna go get involved with curses and shit again. Learned my lesson with that one.

Acting quickly I rush over and scoop up the babies. They chirp and squeal in my hands, “chirp Mummah! Sabe babbeh! Hewp! cheep”, as the mother topples over right where they were standing.

“Wh-whewe babbehs? M-mistah take babbehs! Pwease gib babbehs back tu mummah! Babbeh nee mummah!” she whines, waddling over to me.

“Don’t worry, I just picked up your babies so they wouldn’t get hurt. You can have them back in a safe spot okay?”

An elderly woman walks around the corner at the commotion, “What’s all this noise then? Precious? What’s going on here?”

The little mummah whose babies I just saved pipes up, “M-meanie odah mummah push Pwecious into babbehs! B-bu nice mistah sabe babbehs wif gud upsies!”

The old lady rolls her eyes, “Thank you dear, she gets away from me sometimes. Shame on you, little thing! Very naughty!” she scolds the other mummah, who simply puffs up and pouts at her. How rude! The old lady sets down a basket for Precious to climb into and I set the babies on top of her, still crying and whining about bad upsies and mummah not saving them.

I turn my attention to the fat pink shit sitting there.

“Dummeh owd wady go head an take wowstes mummah! Nu cawe bout dummeh poopie babbehs! Onwy cawe bou bestes mummah babbehs! Nao mummah hab bestes baww fo bestes mummah!”

Her babies are only chirpies, not even with open eyes yet. Must be recently born.

“Where is your owner?” I ask.

She stands up proud and snobby “Pinkie wan babbehs bu Mummah say nu get speshul fwen for Pinkie babbehs! Pinkie fine speshul fwen at daycawe instead! Gabe Pinkie bestes speshul huggies! Mummah saw babbehs an wike babbehs su much she take Pinkie an nyu babbehs tu toysie pwace! Mummah say Pinkie an babbehs am gon be ‘donashun’! Nu kno wat donashun is bu is pwobabwy mean bestes mummah ebah!”

So she got herself knocked-up and her owner dumped her here. Got it. Judging by the ‘We do not accept fluffies’ sign, I guess the owner doesn’t know why she’s here either.

She picks a larger pink baby off the table with her stubby hooves and points it towards the ball as if it could actually see, “Wook bestes babbeh! Mummah got pwetty baww!”

The baby only chirps and drools in response.

I get a rotten idea.

“Is that your bestest baby? Can you show me?”

She proudly lifts the little pink blob up to me, “Yesh! Dis am bestes babbeh ebah!”

I snatch the chirpy from her hooves.

“N-nu! Mistah nu gib bestes babbeh upsies! Upsies bad for babbeh! Babbeh nee mummah!”

I grin and say down to her, “Maybe I’ll just take your bestest baby? How about that?”

“NU! NU TAKE BESTES BABBEH! Am onwy widdew babbeh! Babbeh nee mummah fo huggies an miwkies an wub! Take wowstes poopie dummeh babbeh instead!” she screeches.

I blink a few times, “What do you mean?” I watch her trot over to a basket, probably what she came in, and rolls what looks like a fuzzy brown turd onto the ground. It squeaks faintly. It’s the tiniest foal I’ve ever seen, shit brown and no legs at all. No nubbies and no signs of injury. He was just born without them.

“Hmmmm, sure. I’ll take that baby instead,” I say and pick up the little bean with only two fingers.

“N-nao gib bestes babbeh back tu mummah!” she whines.

“Sure. Here you go,” I place the chirpy on a shelf that is just barely too high for the mother to reach.

“B-babbeh! Babbeh come downsies! Mummah nee gib huggies an miwkies an wub!”

I leave her to her business and cradle the little blob in my hands. He’s making a big squirmy fuss but isn’t shitting out of fear like most foals do. Judging by how thin he is he probably has nothing to shit out in the first place. I put him in my pocket and make my purchases. I make sure to tell the lady of the abandoned mother and foals in the toy section and make my way outside. Looks like Tubby gets his little no-leggie toysie after all.

Toys: $20

Signiup: $5

Remaining Funds: $872.84

[[ Interactive portion! This one took a lot longer than the other ones. Been busy with many other things. I might try and make them smaller and ask for less feedback from everyone. For this one, what happened with the babies while I was away? Did their first time home alone go well? How do all the fluffies react to their new toys? ]]

Next: Saximaphone's Fluffy RP (Part 13)


There was a scuff up between some of the young foals and before any of the older alicorns could come help Tubby actually steps in and breaks up the situation (maybe inadvertently). When you get home and are told about it from the others Tubby gets praised abd rewarded for his actions, to his surprise. He spends the rest of the day pancing around trying to think of other ways to be a “smartie-friend”, with varying success/failure, for mostly the emotional high and reward.


Most of the mobile fluffies love the Nerf gun, they all run around while you try to shoot at them.

Squishy likes the stuffed dinosaur plushie and particularly likes being under it and pretending she is the dinosaur. She has also shown interest in the MtG and Pokémon cards because she can nose through them and look at the cool pictures on them.

The two alicorns and Tubby like playing with the baseball/softball because it is heavier than the rest so as older foals (or fatter in Tubby’s case) only they can really move it well.

Cheese and Wimpy love the big airfilled ball that can easily be moved and bounced by the smaller foals but mostly like the smaller blue and green ball becausenit is easier to control and they can play with it with Squishy.

All the foals, except Squishy and Hastur, love stacking blocks. Lemon like watching and clapping her hooves together.

Hastur actually likes the hat and being under it. Scooting it all around the room. For some reason he has take to cuddling up with the dildo doll.

Eros and Truffle like the dice and have made a game of rolling it and having to give hugs equal to the number on the dice to different fluffies.

Lastly, Tubby love his new no leg fluffy. Because it doesn’t have leg nubs the foal rolls and tumbles really easily and the foal seems to enjoy the attention, contact, and motion. Tubby has noticed the foal rolls easier when it is full so has taken to bringing it to be fed before playing with them. Eros had taken to noticing wheb the foal makes distressed peeps and bring them to the litterbox to help since Tubby has remained obvious so far.


they were fine at first, each keeping to themselves then tubby got into an argument with one of the other fluffies over what toys he wanted to play with. this ended the life of yet another toy. both were arguing as you come in.

(also a cute name for the new brown foal, is hotdog)

I also thought of ‘coffee bean’.
But I think I will just call him ‘lil poopie’ -3-
I think it sounds cute.

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may want to stay away from the whole poopie baby, may see it as bad, cause you know.

It is so tempting tho <w<

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You could call him coprolite. It means fossil poop. That way, it wouldn’t upset Truffle but keep the spirit of the name.

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Think I’ll have Tubby name him because he is bestest baby and it’s his toy after all