Soon-Mummah torture part 2 (Guodzilla)

What goes up must (eventually) come down.

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Thank you, o Lord of Spiders, Slayer of Arachnophobes


So happy that was his tongue he was sucking on and not something else.



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Why did I click?? I saw what part 1 had to offer and yet I still clicked!! :dizzy_face:


I don’t need eyes anymore.


Well. Never seen/read a chirpy baby chomp the special lumps of its sibling before.


HER tongue, actually.

That proves you’re definitely one of us!

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There was going to be a third part where one of the chirpies got a lit-match enema, but I couldn’t think of anything novel to do to the last one, so the idea kinda petered out.

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Also, before I forget, I don’t think I’ve seen chirpy babies act like that before. Normally, depending on the writer/artist, they either squirm in place, or weakly drag themselves around aimlessly/to the closest warm thing/the closest not scary sounding thing while chirping and peeping non-stop.

First time I’ve seen them go full stop to intensely sniff the area before chomping on the closest thing, regardless of what it smells like. Do all the chirpy babies you draw do that? Actually, I think these are the only regular fluffy chirpy babies I’ve seen from you.

I’ve seen regular foals, and variant chirpy babies that you have drawn, like plant and bug fluffies, but not regular ones. Then again, my memory has always been pretty bad.

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IIRC l was aiming more towards “baby-bird” behavior, which basically (until the eyes open)
consists of “sense a shadow and open wide because it may be mom with food.”

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Ah, seeing as fluffies can have wings, some bird behavior does make sense. Thanks, I was wondering about that.

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Fantastic drawings

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Thanx! :blush:

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Even with the full size image I can hardly read it