That's the first time that's ever worked (by recreationalsadist)

Berry was a fluffy.

A purple and red and blue unicorn fluffy.

She was also a mummah.

She had four foals and she loved each of them a different amount.

There was Berry’s bestest babbeh, who was a light blue and yellow pegasus. He got all the milk he wanted and he wanted milk most of the time. He was a complete brat, but Berry spoiled him.

Then there were Berry’s two other good babbehs . They weren’t as good as her bestest babbeh, but she loved them anyway. They were both unicorns like Berry, but not as pretty as her. They got milk whenever Berry’s bestest babbeh was sleeping.

Finally there was Berry’s worstest babbeh. A brown pegasus fluffy. Berry had no love for her since she didn’t love Berry enough to be pretty for her. She got no milk and had to eat poop.

One day Berry was singing to her bestest babbeh as he greedily drank her milk when a human walked into the alley she lived in. He was not a doctor.

Berry brightened. Finally she’d get the warm home and sketties and toys she deserved!

“Hewwo nice mistah! Be nyu daddeh?”

The man shook his head.

“Nope. But I am going to give you a new home.”

He quickly set up a makeshift fence out of the debris in the alley and some materials he’d brought with him. By the time he was done Berry and her foals had about a foot of space to move.

The man dusted off his hands and then set up a camera facing Berry and her foals.

“There you go. Time to see if you’re able to figure out a way to escape or not. Bye!”

He left the alley, heading to check out the sale on hentai at the local foreign porn store.


After an hour of fruitlessly trying to escape Berry was hungry. She had no nummies since the fence separated her from the dumpster. How would she feed herself and her babbehs?

Then Berry had an idea. Her bestest babbeh would save them all!

She lifted her bestest babbeh up in front of her.

“Gu Bestest Babbeh! Use wingies tu fwy and get hewp fow Mummah!”


Berry decided to give her Bestest Babbeh a push and threw him in the air to start him flying.

The morbidly obese pegasus fluffy was flung up a few inches, then plummeted towards the ground. He lands on a conveniently-placed trampoline and violates the law of conservation of matter and energy by somehow ending up flung way higher into the air than he should be.

The bestest babbeh was then snatched out the air by an British Raping Hawk and brought back to it’s nest to be buggered to death and then consumed.

“Come backsies with hewp, Bestest Babbeh!” Berry called obliviously after them.

An hour later Berry had waited too many forevers. She picked up her worstest poopie babbeh.

“Yu gu fwy and find fewp, ow Mummah gibe yu sowwy-hoofies tiww yu am fowebeh-sweepies!”

Berry tossed the brown pegasus. Who somehow managed to fly.

The brown pegasus flapped her wings in confusion in the air, then started flying off.

“Yu come back with hewp!” Berry screamed.

The brown foal turned around in midair and flew back until she was in front of Berry’s face.


The brown foal flew off as Berry sobbed and wondered what she’d done to deserve this.


Josef Mongola stared in shock at the camera feed.

“The FUCK?!”


The light blue pegasus belongs to @FallenAngel007 . Josef Mongola belongs to @BFM101 .


This was just Crimson wearing a hang glider.


What else do you think about this?
I crave audience reactions.


Berry you a fuck up bitch hope you die!

Ohhh blue bestesh became bird food again nice.

Awesome brown foal manage to fly away :joy:


It’s a good twist on expectations, the flying brown babbeh was a solid touch and a nice Fuck You to Berry.


Feel free to depict Josef finishing Berry off.


I may do

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Kinda curious if it’s an invasive species from the elsewhere and it’s just called that colloquially cause it rapes targets of oppurtunity rather then it actually being british. Like grooming gangs.

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