The bravest fluffy (drawn by Man-Bat-Person-thing)

Here’s a brave boi for y’all! I hope you enjoy :slight_smile:

(I’m going on vacation for the next week or so there won’t be any updates for a while :slight_smile: )


Parcel tongue is an acquired taste.


Well that’s just Prime.


Snek just wants a friend.


Awww poor snakey pet head lightly*


Here’s where I got my inspiration for this comic…

I’m not apologizing :slight_smile:


He’s a brave boi


Aw, poor dorky lil socially awkward snek xD


Gotta be honest
I’m a grown ass man and snakes still terrify the shit out of me


Have snek and monke meet.


JonTron is a goldmine of memes and inspiration at this point

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hey he didn’t shit everywere

Foal’s got the right idea. A “yawning” snake is usually a hungry snake warming up their jaw for mealtime.

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I mean, I’m better at answering questions. But I was briefly a breeder of ball pythons and keeper of sand boas and carpet pythons, and I still enjoy keeping up with the herpers on YouTube.

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That is so cool, I’d love to have a pet snake, but my family has a cat so I can’t

Snakes are generally not free-roaming pets, they do better in an enclosure that meets their specific needs (humidity, hides, enrichment, etc), so having a family cat shouldn’t be an issue.

To keep it on brand: just like fluffies CAN roam your house, there’s a lot more for them to get in trouble with outside of a safe-room, which is designed to the requirements of the pet. Snakes are the same way. It’s better all around, for the keeper and the animal, for them to have a dedicated living space. That doesn’t mean they have to be a hands-off pet, just that they’ll be happier, healthier, and safer if you keep them in a locked enclosure.

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Well, it’s more of my parents choice, I’m just paying rent in their house, I may get one when I get my own apartment

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Understandable. A lot of people just aren’t down with snakes. It can be a great learning and bonding experience to go to an exotic pet store together and check them out (some will let you hold the animals under supervision), but just like not everyone wants to have a litter box stinking up the place, some people just aren’t gonna want a snake in the house.

If you’re into derpy noodles, I highly suggest checking out sand boas (Kenyan or Rosy varieties). They are diggers and get their name from the fact that they like to bury themselves in sand (or other suitable substrate), and can be kept in something as simple as a plastic storage container (larger than a shoebox, but smaller than a tote bin). Imagine you wanted to keep micro-fluffs, but didn’t want to set up a whole terrarium. Same thing. But much less poop, and no backtalk.

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I went to a pet store once that let you hold the pet. The biggest parrot there, shimmied up my arm and gave me an affectionate ear nibble and lick, it was weird lol


I’d honestly be more willing to hold a sassy bitey baby snake than a bird with a break bigger than my first pinky knuckle lol. I had a couple of cockatiels as a child, and holy shit birds can really fuck you up. But I suppose that’s true of any animal, if it decides to try. My partner is horrified of horses, but I grew up with them so it’s NBD to me. I’m really mostly a cat person, which solidifies to me that I could also never keep fluffies - just so fucking NEEDY.