the fate of this stallion (by Ms_Random)

you found a strange very fat stallion show up at your door. his hoof was raise to knock but stop as your door open. and he just looked up to his mouth already in a mouth as he looked to up to you blanky.


I would crouch down in front of him and say ā€œHey little guy, what are you doing here?ā€


he doesnā€™t speak as he sits down and pointed to a faint missing patched of hair, showing he once had a collar on, along with the faint scaring, showing that he had surgery on his neck at some point


ā€œAw, you must be lost. Iā€™ll take you inside and we can find your mommy or daddy.ā€

Iā€™d bring him inside, make him some food, call around the neighborhood until I found his owner. Since he probably canā€™t speak, Iā€™d ask him some basic yes or no questions to get to know him better while we waited to find his family.


no one in the neighborhood seem to know who his owner could be

he ate the food slowly, any ask about what his family would make him tear up then shake his head no over and over.


Well, if no one else can take him in, and nobody knows anything about him, I guess Iā€™ll have to adopt him. Clearly he had a rough life and deserves a little joy, so Iā€™d do what I can to make him happy.

Iā€™ll name him Storm.





he got uses to his new life and name, and it took a while but he last all the weight, when he did, he begin talking, d-daddy, fank ā€˜ou foā€™ adoptinā€™ stowm, stowm owd mummah got sickie anā€™ went ā€˜way, den meanie mistah show up anā€™ fwew stowm out."


Stay standing. Make sure he canā€™t escape. Ask him questions, tell him if he doesnā€™t, iā€™d think he is a bad fluffy and a smarty, the worst kind of fluffy in the world, bad things will happen to him. If he answer, then heā€™s good fluffy and good things happen to him.

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He wi11 make a fine addition to the 1emon farm. :slight_smile:
~uses face for product branding~

Shattered spine, total paralysis, and litterpalā€™d.

I barely manage to think ā€œbloody Hasbio Canadaā€ before his paradimensional mouth-within-a-mouth swallows me to an unholy doll kingdom.

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Anyone e1se notice that their snout is a1so a fu11 head/face?


I admit that a fat stallion with puffed cheeks and a surly expression like that gives him a definite smarty fluffy look. Not a good first impression.

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Put a funnel in his mouth and fill him with mentos.
Then give him diet coke.

Of course, I would invite him in, rehabilitate him in quarantine, add him to my herd for a life of friends and play. If heā€™s of good and docile temperament I will breed him. Chances are he will be on the menu sometime in the next few months, but he doesnā€™t need to know that.

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Stare at him a moment then shut the door again.

If he knocks, ignore him


Iā€™d share him with my tapeworm.


shhhh you see nothing

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Heā€™s got poo brain.

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